Weekly Flylady Thread 7th November 2022
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole…
Old Style Daily Sunday 13 November 2022
Morning folks.
next up.....tumble drier balls
do they work?
Old Style Daily Saturday 12 November 2022
Good morning folks. BRB.
O/S Daily Friday 11 November 2022
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Very dark start to the day. DH and DS1 getting ready for work, I'm showered, dressed and enjoying my first cuppa and my porridge whilst on here. DS2 settled and happy..…
Budget Advice
Hi, I'm looking for some advice in regards to my budget and I'm hoping someone can help. I am doing ok financially at the moment but I feel quite worried in relation to rising costs (as everyone is) so I'm looking to make changes where I can. I do a budget on an Excel spreadsheet once a month and try to be fairly careful…
O/S Daily Thursday 10 November 2022
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Very dark start to the day. DH and DS1 getting ready for work, I'm showered, dressed and enjoying my first cuppa and my porridge whilst on here. DS2 settled and happy..…
Recycling work uniform
Hope it’s ok to post here. DS spent about 4 months this summer working for a well known coffee shop chain. He has now moved on and says he wouldn’t want to work there again. He has 5 or 6 branded tee shirts all in good condition which I don’t want to put in landfill but don’t imagine charity shops will be able to sell. Any…
O/S Daily Wednesday 9 November 2022
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Very dark start to the day. DH and DS1 getting ready for work, I'm showered, dressed and enjoying my first cuppa and my porridge whilst on here. DS2 settled and happy..…
Rice and peas recipe
Anyone got a brilliant tried and tested recipe for this please?
Leftover pumpkin after Halloween - any ideas?
Those of you who'll be carving pumpkins this Halloween - what will you be doing with the insides/leftovers, including the seeds? 🎃
O/S Daily Tuesday 8/11/22
Good morning - I'll pop back in a minute.
3 meals a night for 3 different people!
Hi, wondering if anyone can help with cutting down my food costs? In my house there is me (vegan due to allergies) my husband and my son (11). My husband and I are trying to lose weight and we do so by watching what we eat and counting calories, portion control. - we don’t over eat. Our son on the other hand, needs to eat…
A few things I’m doing to save money
Will list and anyone else can join in with their suggestions and tips.. Here goes: - stopped buying takeaway coffees and invested in a nespresso machine. Have one each morning to start the day. Costs approximately 50p per pod and really decent coffee - cut out takeaways completely - was doing this a couple of times a week.…
O/S Daily Tuesday 8 November 2022
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Very dark start to the day. DH and DS1 getting ready for work, I'm showered, dressed and enjoying my first cuppa and my porridge whilst on here. DS2 settled and happy..…
O/S Daily Monday 7 November 2022
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Very dark start to the day. DH and DS1 getting ready for work, I'm showered, dressed and enjoying my first cuppa and my porridge whilst on here. DS2 settled and happy..…
I will rarely vacuum ever again and save the electricity
I have used a long handled squeegee on my carpets together with a dustpan and brush for ages. Recently I added a long handled lint roller I can wash between cleans to the entourage. These are better than my ever failing expensive vacuum cleaner of reputable brand. It is too heavy with a bad back anyway. I use a cheap,…
Weekly Flylady Thread 31st October 2022
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on
the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is
often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to
provide the support we all need and to make the whole…
Cider Making
This year my Bramley apple tree has produced over twice its normal crop and I am wanting to make cider with the left over apples. I have made a homemade apple press, which seems to produce apple juice quite well. I have brewed beer, but hve never made cider before. Has anybody here tried to make cider with Bramleys? Are…
Old Style Daily Sunday 06 November 2022
Morning folks- only me awake?