Solar Panels - Guidance needed on installed system.
First post, so be gentle with me – I have no knowledge or experience with Solar Panels. I hope this might be a good place to get some advice. I have inherited the management of my mother’s Solar Panels
with the death of my father. I am not sure what I have inherited! After reading through several online websites and posts…
British Gas New Meter in Jan 2023 and bills increasing ever since
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I am trying to support a friend with an issue with the Gas part of her british gas bill. Since she had a new meter in Jan 2023 the bill has been getting crazier and crazier. It is now saying that in the period Nov 22 to April 23 she used 11473 Kwh of Gas. She is a single mum with electric…
Need Solar Panel advice/ help
Hi, About 18 months ago, we had solar panels and batteries installed in our house. Unfortunately, between the installation and the point where all the certificates were issued, the company went bust. (We were fortunate, at least we got our stuff installed and working) This means that we can't be paid for exporting…
Misleading Cheap Energy Club savings
Unit rates for current tariff (E.ON Next Pledge Tracker 12m) are still showing June's rates. Comparisons have July rates. Consequently, the savings shown are way out...In my case the E.ON Next Pledge is showing as the 3rd cheapest with a saving of £83/year but has exactly the same unit rates as my current tariff so the…
New house - bills
I am moving into a my new house on my own at 56. I have been divorced after 26 years of marriage the completion is upon me but last night I couldn't sleep worrying about bills! The house is a 1990s build and is 4 bedroom detached, it doesn't need much work at all, I will need a new washing machine, dryer, bed and should be…
British Gas Lite - Charging Business Rates on a Residential Property
Hi all, will try to keep this as brief as possible. Moved into my home (mortgages) and was contacted by current supplier - British Gas Lite. They provide Gas & Elec to business customers so I assume previous owner put their energy through their business. I explained the property was my residential home so I shouldn't pay…
Monthly 'boost' of energy bills.
This is about something that I have experienced. I do not know if others are experiencing similar, but I am posting this in order to raise awareness. It is my habit to go onto my energy supplier's (OVO) website on a daily basis and to record their readings from my smart meter. Following a chat with a neighbour about…
Gas meter error
I went to submit my gas meter reading this morning on the Octopus app. I have a first generation smart meter which isn’t connected, so I have to submit readings monthly. It warned me that the reading seemed high and asked me to check it again. It seemed correct, so I submitted it. However, Now I’ve looked at all the…
Energy Direct Debits: Get money back & your payments lowered Discussion
This thread is specifically to discuss the content of the Energy Direct Debits: Get money back & your payments lowered Alternatively go to the report energy overcharging successes thread To discuss or ask a question about this article: click reply
British Gas changing fixed tarriff without notice
hello, wondering if anyone is having problems with British Gas regarding their account migration which has resulted in them switching me from a fixed two rate tarriff as I’m in economy 7 to a single rate tarriff without telling me and which means I pay more. they did this in the 8th June and still haven’t rectified my…
British Gas Rip off
I had an email from British Gas in March asking me to submit my 1st Quarter meter readings on April 1st. I did exactly as requested and the readings were uploaded and visible in the 'my account' section when i logged on to their website. This morning I got a bill from them using an 'estimated' reading which was for nearly…
Octopus taken me of variable DD?
This shows for my payments, a little confusing. You are paying a variable amount depending on your usage From 22/07/2023, you'll be paying £12.18 on the 15th of each month
Electricity meter showing 3 readings
I hope this is the right board, if not, feel free to redirect me. My property has only electricity and no gas, I would like to know what the 3 readings are on the electric meter. As the third reading has been increasing even though there is no night storage heaters as they have been replaced with electric heaters. I cannot…
Scottish Power Smart Meter Tariff Costs Exclude VAT
In case it helps anyone, I'll mention that I've just switched to Scottish Power and checking the standing charge and unit rates on my IHD I found they both exclude VAT. I was previously with Shell where VAT was included which is far more sensible. I don't recall checking with my previous suppliers. I'm sure there are other…
Energy prices - will they go up in winter as per some scare stories?
I got an email the other day from U-switch I think. They were banging on about a fixed-priced deal with BG I've just looked up Google and some stories about possible rises by some, so-called " energy intelligence.." company. Yes, I'm aware that not even I can predict the future but why would prices go back up in winter as…
Changing my meter, economy 7
I'm currently with British Gas for my electric and the bills are huge for a one bedroom flat (£200 a month) so I've had my storage heating removed and am looking at a mostly solar instilation in the future. For now, I just want to go onto a single rate, but British Gas will only change me to a smart meter, which will…
Loyal Octopus Exit Fees!
Unfrotyunately there are exit fees for the Loyal Octopus - I can't find a contact anywhere on the site to email so hoping someone will pick this up and correct it. I've had it confirmed by Octopus this evening - £75 each for Gas and Electric, so might not be such a good deal......
No notification from EDF on 1st July price changes.
Out of interest, has anyone who is with EDF received any notification of the new prices from 1st July? I looked back at my old emails and for the Oct 23, Jan 24 and March 24 changes, in each case I received emails a few weeks before advising me what my new rates were. But radio silence for the changes that come into effect…
EON Monthly payment incorrect
I've been looking at the Next Pledge Tracker 12m V5 and considering whether it's worth moving from V2. I noticed that Eon think my monthly payment is £133 whereas I actually pay £110. They then calculate my monthly payment for V5 to be £128. I don't know why their figures are incorrect and whether my actual payment on V5…
What happens to my credit if I change Energy suppliers?
Do I get a refund or is it ported across to my new supplier? I’m over £200 in credit, my monthly DD is currently £98/month for Duel Fuel with British Gas & I’m able to reduce my tariff by £30/month, switching to a two-year fixed with EDF.