Bulk LPG - Cheapest suppliers / supply route?
Hi all, Moved into a house in Jan that has a bulk LPG tank, which was previously supplied (and the tank is owned by) Calor. The contract they were really keen for me to sign was quite a restrictive lock in one and after speaking and a bit of negotiating they dropped the standing charge and discounted the pence per litre by…
thermostat question
Recently had new combi boiler installed with ESI thermostat controlling the system. I find when the boiler reaches the desired temperature it can take quite awhile before it shuts off and by the same token when the temperature drops, it can take a long time before the boiler kicks in. Is this normal?
Thermostat swap danfoss
I have danfoss tpone-m two zone thermostats in my home but they do not have access to the Mobile app. I want to get access to the app and wondered if it’s as simple as swapping out the old thermostats for newer. Danfoss tpone-s thermostats for example. Or do I need additional changes to make the app available (receivers)?…
Logburner noob q please about log deals
Hi Just bought a log burner and trying to source cheap logs. I found homebargains deliver a pallet of 64 x 7kg kiln dried birch for £310. I have also found a local place that offers this: 1m³ Delivered in 4 x ¼m³ Barrowbag £180.00 (bag not included) 1.5m³ £180.00 or 3.0m³ £350.00. This wood is mixture of ash, beech, birch…
Calor gas storage
I purchased a property last year that has underground 4 gas tanks supplying 4 apartments facing me. The tanks are clearly marked on my land in the deeds but calor gas are saying that in order to remove them the apartments would have to agree to get another gas supplier fitting directly. During the purchase of the property…
Propane gas home delivery.
I have had an underground lpg tank for 28 years. The current supplier is Flogas with a now out of contract supply agreement. I still get tank standing charges, but the consumption of gas is now only about 200litres a year. They refuse to supply less than 900 litres per delivery. To get out of the contract they require the…
LPG local buying groups
Hi Am new to the LPG market but appears the majors have it pretty well sown up, 2 year contracts, first year good, second not. I am considering establishing a community buying group for the surrounding villages here in Mid Suffolk. Anyone able to help or advise? Currently paying flogas 48p increasing shortly to 58p for…
Calor refuse to fill tank
This discussion was created from comments split from: Home LPG tank price comparison.
Oil Combi Boilers?
Hi, Anyone offer any advice on how good oil combi boilers are? We have a standard Grant oil boiler with a vented tank. It works well but there quite a few downsides I would love to get rid of: > The cyclinder takes up a lot of room in the bathroom. > The loft space is too small to house cold water header tanks so they are…
Ideal Logic Combi boiler 9 years old - 1 year service or full strip down service
Hi, my Ideal Logic E530 combi boiler is due its annual service. It is 9 years old and is serviced yearly. One company has suggested that as it is over 6 years old if it has a full strip down service (costing £150) it will mean the boiler lasts longer. I wondered whether it would be advisable please to have this done, or…
Remote gauge for bulk 2200lt tank ??
Hi, anyone seen a remote gauge for a bulk tank 2200lt LPG tank. I am very surprised they are not available. I believe you can get a signal sender that works via the suppliers but you cant access the data. Any ideas.
I have recently been offered a financial settlement from Barclays finance for a mis sold loan on a RHI biomass heating system. This system has been deemed inappropriate for my house so the loan by Barclays is classed as mis sold . Should I except their first offer or could I, should I ask for more ? Be interesting to see…
Be Careful of out of contract LPG charges at AVANTI
I have been an Avanti Gas customer for a while. So I needed a bulk tank top up and ordered more gas. Then when I got the invoice was shocked to be charged 77p a litre. Now I am out of contract and they did contact me some months back and I never got round to sorting it. But when current contract price is around 49p, how…
Home LPG tank price comparison
Hi all – In August, I moved to a house with LPG fuel for heating and cooker hob. In early October we signed up with a company to supply the LPG. It's a smaller company and was the existing supplier to the property. We were also restricted in moving to another (larger) supplier due to the position of the tank. Something…
Flogas charge but no delivery
Hi all having some issues with Flogas at the moment. Our tank was at about 25% so ordered a delivery. Flogas say they delivered 700l last Tue but my husband and I were both at home and didn’t see/hear anything and the usual delivery note through the door wasn’t left. Our tank is now showing 20% so they clearly didn’t…
Do oil additives work?
Oil companies often try to sell additives, which they say helps keep your boiler clean, and helps the oil to burn more effectively thus generating more heat. This could be (and sounds like) a complete scam, but I suppose it might be true. Does anyone have any concrete evidence on whether these products actually work, and…
LPG on metered estates..what are people paying?
Hi, It seems like some of the people on bulk LPG deliveries have seen lower prices over the last year. No reductions on our metered estate LPG rate yet....£0.57 ppl net in Aberdeenshire. Anyone paying much less than this? Thanks
Domestic Wind Turbine
Hello, I wonder if anyone has positive experience with using small wind turbine for domestic purposes. My home has got flat roof above the garage located in the way that I can feel the wind is blowing there almost constantly. I also got batteries installed to collect energy from my solar panels. Wind turbine which will…
Need to have kerosene filtered - any advice?
Hi all, Short story - we've been advised that there's most likely sludge in the oil tank & we should get it filtered - does anyone have any advice / recommendations for getting this done please? We're in the Midlands. Edited to add - we also need the oil tank cleaned to remove any sludge in it Longer story below for…
Calor Gas LPG, minimum order?
Hello everyone, I have an underground tank that is 25% full. I would like to order some more gas from Calor, but because of costs I would only like to order say 600L. Is this possible, can I specify how much gas I would like, or will they just fill it up? Many thanks!
Heating Oil 24/25
Just took the plunge and order heating oil for the up coming season as got tempted as was under 50p PL (before VAT). I haven't kept track over summer so don't know if I missed the best prices.