Help reclaiming council tax on new build
I moved in to my house in November 2019, the house was built in 2005. I’ve looked at what council tax bands my neighbours are in and we’re all in different bands due to our houses being different e.g some with more rooms than others. All the houses in the same housing estate which are the same as mine are paying the same…
Council Tax Band challenge question
Hi All, Just been watching the MLMS about challenging council tax bands. I figured we'd be on the right band, but would investigate anyway - and sure enough, it seems we are in a band E property that should be band D! Our property was build 2005. Using the Nationwide band calculator, I put in what I bought it for (Apr…
Liability Order - council issues
Hi guys, In 2008-2013 I lived in a flat with my friend and the council tax was in his name.I am not sure if the was paying it. He had a tenancy agreement (F301E) date 01.02.2008, but I am not sure for how long. I will find out. In 2009 or 2010( can not remember the exact period) he has moved. The landlord came to me and…
reclaiming scammed money.
I am stupid and fell for many online scams working from home. an american company falsely said they can reclaim the money going after payment processors. BUT its another scam with upfront fees. On facebook one girl said there are genuine UK companies that offer no win no fee but I have no idea how to find them. Has anyone…
council tax single person discount living in two properties
Me and my wife bought a new house but have not been able to sell the current one yet. both properties are within the same borough. The new house is closer to where I work, while the old house is closer to where my wife works. We are not comfortable to leave any property unoccupied, so I have changed all my address (e.g.…
Other incurred charges?
Hi Please let me know if I need to redirect my question to another area of the forum I believe I am owed a refund of redemption fees I paid, however, as well as the redemption fee I also incurred additional charges to change my mortgage (rather than port it) should I be allowed to claim these back too? Thank you
Lost money on expired gift card!!
Hello, I am really quite cross as I have a gift card for House of Fraser. I just rang up to check the balance, I knew there was a problem as it was not acknowleding my card online. Only to be told that my card has expired!! Thankfully it only had about £6 on it - (but £6 is £6!!) I asked if i could still get the money and…
Council not giving me back an over payment saying it was used to pay a debt from 2002
Hello and thank you for any help you may be able to provide. I moved home two months ago after living in Edinburgh for 6 and a half years. I moved out of The City of Edinburgh Council authority and told them of the date I moved out and where I moved to. One month later I had not received any rebate for overpaying my…
Tax refund confusion....
Hello, can you help a layman?! I applied for the marriage tax allowance, sorted the years I was eligible for refund so awaiting that cheque for my husband. Lovely. So my issue is this; I’ve just recieved a cheque for £238 as an PAYE income tax refund for the year 16/17. This isn’t part of the refund I’m awaiting is it??…
Rights for Compensation
Hi there, looking for some advice. The property we rent for LL has a 2 year tenancy agreement 2018-2020. The boiler broke down Apr 2019 (boiler over 20yo and parts obsolete) her boiler cover wrote off the boiler and advised it needed to be replaced, in the mean time we had a temporary fix in order to give us hot water and…
Council Tax Registration
I bought a new build in November, completed 29th. I filled out my council tax registration online with my council first week of December. I put down that I'd be moving in 15th January as it was unoccupied until I could furnish it, which it now is. I haven't received a bill yet. Could I potentially get a bill in February…
Not on electoral roll - Foreigner
Hi, someone told me that not being in the electoral roll will lead from our mortgage application being denied? How true is that, we have lived in the UK for 4 years . Will this be a factor for a rejected mortgage? Thanks
Ultimate white collar boxing
Evening all, hope someone can help. I have, for the last 4 weeks, been training to take part in a charity boxing match. We've been told if we don't sell 10 tickets each we can't compete. However, the website also states tickets are non transferable and non refundable. My question is, if I'm not boxing surley my guests who…
Marriage tax refund misled
Anyone else applied for marriage tax refund through marriage tax refund and were not aware of 30% charge. Has anyone had luck in cancelling with them. I didnt realise at time and owed by hmrc by around 1400 for previous tax years and I am not happy because I have gone through a 3rd party.. Thanks
Random £900 tax underpayment
I recently started a new job 8 weeks ago, I couldn’t provide a p45 so I filled a starter checklist, I was on emergency tax for 7 weeks over paying tax by £235, I was eventually put on the right tax code and was taxed correctly and was told several times by HMRC I would get the over paid tax back in the next couple of…
HELP, Friend lent me money and now wants to take my house.
Hi Sorry if this is the wrong thread, im new to this forum. In Aug 2019 a "Friend" offered me a loan, 30K for 3 months in return for 40K return by the 3 month date. At the time of taking the loan i was 100% confident of being able to meet the deadline, He made me Whatsapp him that i would put my house up for collateral, I…
Mis-sold Wonga customers to receive just 4.3% of claims - MSE News
Those who were mis-sold payday loans from Wonga before it collapsed will receive just 4.3% of the compensation they're owed, according to the firm's administrators...Read the full story: 'Mis-sold Wonga customers to receive just 4.3% of claims' Click reply below to discuss. If you haven’t already, join the forum to reply.
Had multiple reclaim successes? MSE needs YOU
Hello there Forumites, Martin is looking for success stories from people who have got money back from reclaiming for several different things, eg, packaged bank account fees, council tax, flight delays, parking tickets etc. If that sounds like you, please let us know what you claimed for and how much cash you got back.…
Court summons for owing council £6
Hi All, A little advice if possible. Here's the story; 1. I Took over paying council tax feb 19. £105 a month.. It would appear I set up a Standing order instead of a direct debit. This is the key issue 2. Council tax went up April 19 to £111 a month. Thinking it was a direct debit, I left things as they were. I didn't…
Challenge my tax band or not?
Hi all. I keep seeing and hearing about challenging counsel tax banding due to how they were initially put together. I currently rent a small 3 bed detached house in the Warwickshire area. I’ve checked online and realised that all our neighbours are band C but we however are band D. A lot of the surrounding properties are…