Change Microsoft password
I'm considering passing on one of my laptops to my son, however, how do you change the password to get into it. It's running Win10. TIA
Scam- thought I was getting refund from lastminute.com
I was scammed into believing I was receiving refund from lastminite.com after they charged me twice. I tweeted them after getting nowhere on their chat service and email chasing a refund. The scammer then contacted me on twitter saying if they give my mobile they will contact to resolve. Then the scam started, contacted…
HDMI chromebook to TV
My wife’s
deteriorating vision means that she can no longer see the TV. I have bought a 14” one that sits on a small
table beside a chair. I used an HDMI cable to link it to my chromebook so that
she could use Amazon and other websites. However
although the home page appears on the TV it remains there when I move to…
ScreenShot on Motor
Hi I have a Motorola moto g13. When I try to take a screen shot (holding 3 fingers on the screen) the image comes out as a black page. I try unblurring but the screen still remains black. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks
Get my Apple calendar on my android phone?
I keep my calendar on my iPad using the native Apple calendar app. When I go out, I leave the iPad at home and use my android phone. I occasionally need to use my calendar when I’m out, so what’s a sensible way to do that? I have tried viewing iCloud.com on the phone’s browser, but the calendar is so tiny that I can’t see…
Mobility Scooter 24V Battery Charger annoyance...
The good news is that I worked out why mil's 'kooter wouldn't hold a charge, and the power bars would drop like the flies in her 8mph wake - the 12V charger was wired across one of the two 12V batteries, and the batteries were in series. It was a 24V system.So, we need a 24V charger. You'd think this would be simple... The…
How do i connect phone to a hotel TV
My wife and I have stayed at several Premier Inn hotels over
the past couple of years and we have never been able to watch anything from our
phones on the TV. My wife had a iPhone 12 and me, an old Nokia 7+ so wireless
mirroring never worked. Now my wife has an iPhone 16, I think we'll try buying a
cable before our next…
Am Jazeera on tv
Hi guys, appreciate a bit of help please. a J has changed from 234, to 251, but I cannot get it. Retuned tv , got York freeview, but all I get is, 'plug in freeview device '! It,s inbuilt ? Tried all roads to get English channel but stuck. Appreciate any advice or help please. Cheers.
Mobile heart monitor app
Can anyone lead me to a reliable free heart rate monitor app for android? Tia
Need a spread sheet showing a debt with repayments and interest please.
Hope someone can help me with this please. I loaned my grandson some money to help him buy a house. To do this I had to cash in my bonds and empty my savings account. He hasn't made much attempt to pay me back. I have now put my foot down and he has set up a standing order to pay me monthly. I want to charge a small…
Recommendations for a good health watch type monitor?
I'm looking for recommendations from members for a watch which gives health tracking options such as sleep, pulse etc etc
Worth £75?
I need a laptop on which to browse the web, do emails, and create and edit documents. Not particularly bothered about speed. I have the opportunity to buy an HP one for £75 which has the following spec. I'm not up to speed with Windows machines, so - are there any obvious snags with that spec for what I want? Does it…
A few incoming emails are not appearing on my mobile phone.
I have a curious situation. Laptop running Windows
10 and Oppo Android 13 mobile phone. My email is an
@hotmail.com address. At home I use both my
laptop and my mobile phone (both using my home broadband and not
mobile data) to read and write emails. Normally they are in complete
sync. If I send or delete an email on one…
Printer with Photo Scanning
Hi all, I'm looking for a new printer that that I can also use to scan some old photos ( b&w and colour ). My old printer has scan resolution of "Up to 1200 dpi (optical)" But it was quite old - should I be looking for something that has a higher or lower dpi? Thanks
Could this possibly be genuine?
I followed someone on Twitter/X because they reacted to something I posted and I received a message saying 'Congratulations 🎉 you have been picked among my followers that will be getting $5000 from me for the ongoing giveaway program this is my way of thanking you for following me and participating in my promotion! Are you…
Smart watch help
I want to get a cellular Apple Watch 12 month contact and pay it upfront what happens if the watch is stolen how would I continue the contracts there is no SIM card? I assume the watch is mine to keep and if I pay upfront and I could sell my current SE non cellular?
Should I turn off my Sky router when on holiday?
Sky have said a few times to me to leave my router plugged in and on whilst on holiday. So will this cause any problems on my return? Or is it safer and cause no problems on my return to turn off and unplug?
Windows 10 Home license
Where can I obtain a genuine Windows 10 Home license at a reasonable cost? There are quite a few websites offering these as well as on auction sites. All claiming to be 'genuine'!
Disaster Recovery Plan - Personal/Family
Hey everyone, With all the stuff in the news recently about the increases in mobile phone theft, and other factors, I've decided it's high time to evaluate my security posture. I've done this stuff from a corporate perspective, probably about 15 years ago, so I think my thought process isn't too far off, but I've probably…
MS Defender offlne scan
Hi , Ive just fallen for an Amazon scan on my mobile , I was expecting a parcel , but had to nip out to leave my car to be serviced. About an hour. Got back and a text saying Id been out and they couldnt deliver, please reschedule . Seemed sods law, but not odd. Anyway the link they gave to reschedule had the word evri in…