O/S Daily Monday 11 September 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Getting light but warm already - forecast is for another warm day. Had a short thunder and lightening storm with rain yesterday evening but didn't amount to much. Still…
Batch cooking and storage containers
Hello, having several food issues I make a lot of my food from scratch and batch cook (other problems). I have been using plastic containers that are cheap to freeze the food in but even after washing they can still smell of onions etc (am veggie) and I am not very organised to keep separate for fruity things and get…
Weekly Flylady Thread 04th September 2023
What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady
idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can
be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here
on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole task
easier and quicker. We also…
O/S Daily Sunday 10th September 2023
Good morning, it's just about full daylight here, and a fine morning. No plans for today, yesterday we went to Ds's for tea, got home about 8pm. It was extremely warm, hope it doesn't get as warm today for the sake of the Great North Runners. My Ds is not doing it this year as he has had a lot of back trouble, and hasn't…
Old Style Daily Sunday 10 September 2023
Good morning folks.
Old Style Daily Saturday 09 September 2023
Good morning folks.
O/S Daily Friday 8 September 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Getting light but warm already - forecast is for another warm day. Wash load in WM hope to peg out before shopping. Dinner last night wash fish, chips, beans/veg. Busy…
August 2023 Grocery Challenge
Welcome to the eighth Grocery Challenge of 2023! ******** Please post your budget in BOLD and HEADING 2 ******** If your new month starts early feel free to join this thread, or if you're still working on your July Budget then keep on posting in the July Challenge. As always this challenge is to reduce your own grocery…
O/S Daily Thursday 7 September 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Still dark but warm already - forecast is for another warm day. Wash load in WM hope to peg out before work. Dinner last night spag bol. Tonight I'm not sure - possibly…
Ice Lolly Ideas
we've decided that we're going to stop eating sweets in our house except on the weekends as my 3 year old dd has become very greedy and sometimes rather agressive about sweets. we've also decided to stop buying her ice lollies which she loved, i think the colourings are affecting her. so i'm going to buy some ice lolly…
O/S Daily Wednesday 6 September 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Still dark but warm already - forecast is for another warm day. Wash load in WM hope to peg out before work. Misty start to the day here but warm already. Dinner last…
What I had for free 2023
As it says on the tin really...I'm a bit of a womble and I love love love a bargain, and free is best of all. So far this year [well, the last month or so really, I can't remember the previous six months] I've had a free green bin for the garden, currently being used as a water but collecting the water off the greenhouse,…
New blog post: 55 ways to ‘DIY it’ according to the MSE Forum
On the back of some of the do-it-yourself tips on this board and elsewhere in the Forum, we've published a blog post: 70(ish) ways to ‘DIY it’ according to the MSE Forum (It was originally '50 ways' but we've added lots more tips since its first iteration.) Many of the posts we reference go back years, but are still…
Vinegar - 1001 uses!
If anyone is stuck for ideas for an OS Pressie then I have discovered "Vinegar - 1001 Practical Uses" :D By Margaret Briggs available from The Works Bookshops for £2.99 and its not a bad read either. I hope this helps someone
Do you mix condiments to make even better ones?
Following the news that Heinz is launching ketchup filled hash browns, I'd like to hear about the cross-item sauces you make yourself (and therefore don't need to buy). For me it's pickle and mayo. I was given a jar of 'Branstonnaise' recently and since then have been doing my own much more cheaply with the own-brand mayo…
O/S Daily Tuesday 5 September 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Still dark but warm already - forecast is for another warm day. Wash load ready to peg out. Dinner last night was sausages, mash, lo yorkshires, veg and gravy. Work was…
O/S Daily Monday 4 September 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Still dark but warm already - forecast is for another warm day. Wash load ready to peg out. Lunch yesterday was roast chicken etc, only small amount of LO's. Sausage…
Weekly Flylady Thread 28August 2023
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole…
I fancy something sweet - share your recipes?
As per the title, I fancy something sweet. I'm not too fussed if it's cake or biscuit, but I'm not in the mood for any of my normal go to recipes and I don't want to go to the shops. Do you have a quick and easy recipes that you really rate that I can try? My normal staples would be: Flapjacks: 2:1:1 (by weight) oats,…
Old Style Daily Sunday 3rd September 2023
Good morning. I'm just going to make a drink. Back soon.