O/S Daily Wednesday 15 November 2023
Morning Hugs to those that want/need them, those who are poorly and those who are looking after a poorly person x Happy birthday to those with a birthday x Still dark, showers forecast for the day. It's turned cold also. Dinner last night was fish, chips and beans. Half day at work today. Keep safe and well x nmlc x
Batch Cooking 1.8kg Stewing Beef
Hi, I have 1.8kg of stewing beef (Costco) in the freezer. Rookie mistake instead of portioning the meat I froze the whole tray. So I'm going to defrost it and have a batch cooking session on Thursday. I've got an online shop coming tomorrow so can add any ingredients I need. Looking for idea's of what I should make and how…
Old Style Daily Tuesday 14 November 2023
Yep, still snug.
How many cupcakes to make the shape of the number 40
It's my son's 40th birthday next month and I'm making him a birthday cake with cupcakes in the shape of the number 40. Has anyone done something similar and can tell me how big a cake board I would need and how many cupcakes I should make to make the shape of the number 40 please? Thanks in advance
Old Style Daily Monday 13th November 2023
Good morning, seems to be dry here for a change, though so was yesterday until the evening. Everyone seems to be cracking on with their Christmas shopping, the days slip away so quickly the big day will soon be here. Had a quiet day yesterday, Dh went through all of our Australia documents, all seems to be in order. Wicked…
Weekly Flylady Thread 6 November 2023
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole…
Old Style Daily Sunday 12th November 2023
Good morning, dark and quiet outside, no rain! and not windy. It doesn't seem as cold as yesterday. We go to Australia in a few weeks, mid December, and we're now starting to prepare as much as we can. I'm only buying Christmas presents for the two youngest grandchildren, the rest of the family can have money. That's all…
O/S Daily Saturday 11th November 2023
Good morning, I'm just starting off, be back soon.
O/S Daily Friday 10th November 2023
Good morning, still dark , not raining though. I wasn't out yesterday apart from collecting dg s from school, just did housework. Going out today for shopping, I might go to Sains for a change, there's a large one not far away. You'll never guess, the cystocopy I had to see why I had so many hard to get rid of bladder…
50s question
Firstly apologies for posting here as it is not on topic (delete if necessary), but thought it might be a good place and I've no knowledge of this type of thing at all. I'm doing some research for a friend abroad, I'll try to be brief. I realize people here are not of such an age but there seems a wealth of knowledge from…
Old Style Daily Thursday 09 November 2023
Another lazy start from me. I'll be back.
Rescuing a 100% wool sweater, has anyone tried it?
I bought a 100% wool jumper off vinted, online it looked amazing but when it arrived it seems like it's been washed in hot water or on wrong cycle. It's not completely shrunk and felted, just stiff and scratchy. Has anyone tried following goggle'd instructions to revive badly handled wool?
Making your own pizzas
I bought some bases today. Do anyone make their own and what toppings do you use?
Making yoghurt in a slow cooker
Honestly, it works, but you need a little bit of technology ... We've had a basic electric yoghurt maker for 20+ years (it was a wedding present) but a week or two ago it stopped getting hot. It's not designed to be fixed by the user (I think the casing is glued together) and I was more likely to destroy it than fix it, so…
October 2023 Grocery Challenge
Welcome to the tenth Grocery Challenge of 2023! ******** Please post your budget in BOLD and HEADING 2 ******** If your new month starts early feel free to join this thread, or if you're still working on your September Budget then keep on posting in the September Challenge. As always this challenge is to reduce your own…
Old Style Daily Wednesday 8th November 2023
Good morning, it's raining again, would you believe it! Yesterday was a lovely day.I Thank you for the good wishes everyone , my procedure was so quick and I never felt a thing. It didn't reveal anything untoward, nether did the CT scan I had last week, so the Dr has discharged me. I can stop going on about it now. Sorry…
Can I cook at very low heat in my oven using a slow cooker recipe?
I've just had a pacemaker fitted and I'm still getting my head round how it's going to affect me. I was/am a keen cook, and I've used all the combinations of hob and oven over the years. I now have a conventional fan oven and an induction hob - which I love and would be loathe to change. 'They' tell me induction hobs are…
O/S Daily Tuesday 7 th November 2023
Good morning, just starting off, I'll come back in a bit.
O/S Daily Monday 6th November 2023
Good morning, just starting off, back soon.
Advice on detergents for whites and colours - what's best?
I'm not
sure if this thread is served best in this category as it's not really about
saving money although that would be nice but more about advice on washing
clothes. I've
always used Aerial Original Gel because it still comes out top in the Which?
Best Buy. That
said, I'm becoming more aware of reducing the fading of…