saved £242 on home & building insurance :)
:j Hi In July I had my insurance renewal invite in come through with Halifax for £42 per month, this was an increase of £4.00 per month as we were paying £38.00 last year. This was for the following cover: Building with accidential damage contents with accidential damage Home emrgency cover Personal Belongings Took my time…
Nominate Post of the Month July 2008
This thread is now closed. Well done to VelvetGlove for her Comping Guide thread. Please can you send me a PM with your name and address. Please nominate your most useful/helpful Post of the Month £50 Award by replying in this thread. Remember, you're nominating, NOT voting - there is a difference! :smiley: Also, please…
Mumknowsbest.co.uk & Money saving expert
Incredible...whilst on holiday in Anglesey I was listening to radio 2 and heard some fab advice from Martin Lewis re: capping energy bills to save money over the next year. I went to my computer and couldnt remember which sites to use however, a day later I received an email from Mumknowsbest.co.uk on exactly the same…
I am trying very hard...
I have a goal to save £8,000 in 2 years and I want to help everyone else who is trying to save too. I hope that I can give tips on making extra cash and others can help me too. I have had to start to prepare to start saving, I am starting to save in September because I don't start my new job until then. I have had to save…
My 2008 Savings Diary
I managed to keep a record of my savings pretty much weekly on here last year and I'm now about to add up the totals!! :j I'll be keeping a record again this year and plan to do better as we have even less money to play with this year! :o Today's target is to hit the free bingo sites. I've just done closerbingo for the…
Car Insurance saving - thanks MSE
just managed to knock £150 off my car insurance:j and get my no claims protected, :cool: so thanks for the advice - I will never ever again renew with my existing insurer :o without checking the comparison sites first. Now going to go through it again to see if I can get myhusband's ridiculous £600 quote :mad:down to a…
email savings
I have just saved on the high spec laptop Martin included in the email. This was from Play and had free delivery and an excellent service. THANK YOU SO MUCH.:j :T :beer:
What I have saved and a thank you
My 10000th post, thought I'd do something a little different and post in here. A thank you to Martin for creating the site and the BGs/Staff who help run it so the friends I have made can be part of it. A thank you to those on many boards especially the DFW and OS ones. A special than you to the OS Flyladies without them I…
Home insurance, thanks Martin and CIS!
I had the renewal for my home insurance - £100 for contents only with Direct Line (i paid £90 last year) :eek: I haven't claimed. I followed Martin's advice to shop around and use Quidco. Now i have a better policy for £4 a year! Yes, four pounds! I used CIS for my car insurance too and using Martin's comparison…
ask for a discount
I thought I would try martin's cheekiness, my son loves geox trainers (red) but they are £39 a go... called my catalogue and ordered then asked if I could have a discount as I had thrown out any promotional stuff they may have sent - nice kind lady tried several codes and settled on one that brought the trainers down to…
Saved £150:00 on sky
Thanks to the site, I have today reclaimed £150:00. It is from the offer that sky was running a few months ago.:j Many thanks
Saved £40 on boiler service!
thanks to Martin's newsletter I have just saved myself £40 on getting my boiler serviced with npower! i am so impressed! it badly needs a service and i had tried to get a local company in weeks ago but they kept messing me about and not turning up when they said they would. looks like they did me a favour…
Saved £40 at La Tasca last week, thanks Martin
Following the info a couple of weeks ago about money off vouchers for La Tasca (Tapas bar), I printed off 8 vouchers and all 8 of us were given £5 each off our meal. Made quite dent off the beer bill and we drank to your health Martin. :beer:
Nominate Post of the Month for June 2008
This thread is now closed. June's post of the month winner is weezl's Old Style Vs USDA Challenge. Weezl, could you send me a private message? Please nominate your most useful/helpful Post of the Month £50 Award by replying in this thread. Remember, you're nominating, NOT voting - there is a difference! :smiley: Also,…
£1235 council tax reclaimed!
:money:Hi everyone, I just had to post on here because I'm so ecstatic! After watching the It Pays To Watch episode where Martin and Ruth talked about reclaiming council tax due to incorrect bandings, my wife and I set to work as we have always believed that our property (a two bedroom bungalow) was inccorectly rated as a…
Thanks for the flight checker Martin
Thanks for the new flight checker. My ds who lives in Denmark is getting married in August and the flight checker saved me lots of time and money. This site in general has saved me loads. I would never have known about quidco apart from anything else. Or LOB credit cards. The only thing that makes me spend too much is the…
Thanks to this site I saved loads!
My mum has saved over £200 on her house insurance, I got the railcard for £12 I also save every time I do a tesco shop thanks to the voucher thread, about £7-£10 each time. I also got a 1p flight to Amsterdam, fantastic!
i saved £423 on insurance
2 car policys +building and contents, i used all martins tips went via quidco and have saved £423 this year !:j :j :j :j :j :j
Thanks to MSE we have....
....got our life in better order! I started listening to Martin regularly on Radio Two - thought he seemed like a sensible type but basically ended each time thinking "I can't do that sort of thing though - I'm not organised enough". Ity's amazing how long you can put off getting something done with an argument like that!…
Top articles viewed so far this month 6/2/2006
Top articles viewed so far this month 6/2/2006 1 Instant access Savings: Maximise your interest = 25073 views 2 Petrol/Diesel Cost Cutting = 24595 views 3 The Best Balance Transfers: cut the cost of existing credit card debts = 19219 views 4 Broadband: Who's cheapest = 16363 views 5 Jan 31 2006: Martin's Money Tips = 14738…