Great Night Out Thanks to MSE
Prior to the credit crunch :o I had been reading around the site and getting all fired up about the stuff I could be doing far more sensibly, so I decided to start small - although I will get involved in some of the challenges soon. Anyway, kids off for half-term and they wanted to go to see "Wicked" at the Apollo Theatre.…
thanks to mse
thanks to the sealed pot challenge i have saved £250 towards my holiday spends. also warm front have agreed to replace our heating. :j
How do i save?
Which websites can i go on so that i get money in my account?
Savings Record 2008
Inspired by Jo_b from last year I'm going to have a pop at recording all my savings and occasionally updating this thread to keep me focused. I've got a nice spreadsheet which should keep track of all my savings. Up to now:* Printer Ink Cartridge reduced from £26.99 to £1.00 = £25.99 savings * 30 free photos from snapfish…
Just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you!
Really, thank you to the site and all of you who post your invaluable money saving tips on here. Newbie here who is absolutely astonished by the amount of money I've saved recently. I've spent some time over the last few weeks (although I'm not finished yet!) reviewing all of our finances for 2 reasons really - firstly to…
Nominate Post of the Month September '08
This thread is now closed. Well done to lilmiss1982 for her free iPod shuffle for writing reviews post. Please send me a PM with your name and address so I can get your winnings to you. Please nominate your most useful/helpful Post of the Month £50 Award by replying in this thread. Remember, you're nominating, NOT voting -…
Thanks MSE for my Energenie energy saver
I won one of the energenie standby shutdown thingies. Ive plugged it into my boyfriends xbox 360 as he always leaves it on standby. It works! thanks a lot xxx
£160 a month saved... without leaving the house!
Followed MSE's advice and changed fuel provider - £23.83 a month saved Followed MSE's advice and changed home insurance provider - £31 a month saved Switched to MSE's recommended 0% balance transfer credit card - £ 53 a month in interest saved Transferred 5K credit card debt to existing (unused) card with 0% balance…
Have you given up smoking?
I enjoyed a cigarette, but knew I had to give up. I decided to stop back in March, on the 14th in fact, I only remember as it was my sons Birthday the week before. In my usual Tesco delivery on the Tuesday night instead of ordering the cigs, I ordered patches, 6 boxes, 2 of each strength. I saw this thread and wondered how…
The MOCs from March this year
I,ve managed to save £114.62 just from march this year on groceries. This is not huge but a significant amount for me, not pushing it either.:D
refund from the bank £1972
thanks to this forum and the templates i got just under 2k back of those greasy scumbags at hsbc. nice one
Cheap day out tomorrow in Edinburgh courtesy of this site!
Tomorrow me and my dd are going up town for a cheap day out in Edinburgh courtesy of all the stuff I have gleaned from this site! First we are going in my dds car as she has recently passed her test - not moneysaving you think? but no! - she is disabled and I found out from here that as she was under 25 she was entitled to…
Success Story - Martins tips on comparing insurance prices!
Deleted. User left Forum
Nominate Post of the Month August '08
This thread is now closed. Well done to rainmac for her beautiful MoneySaving DIY Craft Presents posts. Please send me a PM with your name and address so I can get your winnings to you. Please nominate your most useful/helpful Post of the Month £50 Award by replying in this thread. Remember, you're nominating, NOT voting -…
I think that I've understood Martin's stoozing method involving the Egg card - is it really worth considering if I'm in the higher rate tax band?
Daily Top Topics (Forum)
[size=+2]This page is no longer Updated[/size] [size=+2]Friday 14th August 2009[/size] [highlight]Popular daily topics:-[/highlight] Today's newspaper summary can be found by clicking here Competitions ending soon can be found by clicking here Regularly recurring competitions can be found by clicking here All time Top…
The most popular chat topics ever (4/1/2007)
Tesco misprices thread thread 6 - please only post misprices here = 583,225 views Tesco misprices thread II - please only post misprices here = 451,276 views GREAT 'WHAT SHOPS DON'T WANT US TO KNOW" HUNT = 449,742 views :money: Pigsback - Free Gifts for Clicks - Newbies Please Read the First Post!!(29/10/2006) = 442,580…
how do you keep track of all your money saving
I try to save money and cut back etc but feel demotivated when I cant see exactly what I am saving...what ways do you use to keep track of all your sucesses?
tv free!!!
got rid of sky...30 per month got rid of t.v. licence 11.00 is it per month i discovered that since i mis most of the programs i like, i can catch up on i player i thought incorrectly that i still needed tv licence, but its only for live tv on pc not i player or old ones on utube etc, kids so far have not noticed, they…
Extreme Money Saving things you have done!
Has anyone done any extreme money saving things such as haggeled for goods in Tesco, look out for pennies on the floor in the street or in the workplace or what about even checking the local phone box on the way to the shop to see if anyone forgot their change???