Mazzas £1 a day challenge for 2009
Like I did this year, as from the 1st January I am going to put a £1 a day in a sealed pot/jar/can and not touch it until 30th November, I did it this year and ended up with £335! :j So anyone who wishes to join in, please do. Have a great new year everyone :beer:
who finds sealed money boxes helpful in saving money?
I had a tom and jerry one and before i knew it had saved £7.50 in under two weeks by throwing loose change in it.. You can get these from asda/pound shops for a pound! Anyone else want to share their opininions? Jess x
tennant in common
i wonder if any one can give me some advice regarding tennants in common. i, inherited a piece of land with a tennant in common, who i have never met,i wanted to seperate the land into equal halves and give my partner first choice of any half, he said no. but to put the land up for auction i do not want to do this as ,i…
**Big thank you to Martin and MSE**
Hi I just wanted to say thank you for saving me approx £40. Was my son's birthday and he wanted to go to pizza hut with a load of friends. I had remembered seeing half price voucher for pizza hut on here and I printed it off. In total bill came to just over £80 but I presented the half price voucher and bill was halved…
Softstuffs thousand day challenge
Id been thinking about doing this for a while, and last week was the crunch, when the idea of a thousand day challenge came to mind. I'm not loving my job at the moment (trying not to sound too ungrateful, since at least I have one), and am tired of being yelled at by people, but have no prospect of other work in the…
My Free iPod
Due in no small part to MSE, yesterday I got an iPod Touch 32Gb; by following links to surveys and signing up with reward schemes posted here I was able to built up enough points to get £290 of Argos Gift vouchers - so many thanks to any and all who posted anything that pointed me in the right direction. And apologies to…
Has a winner been chosen for April post of the month yet? Just wondering as no announcement has been made :)
A little nerdy....my 1st year of MSE....
Not sure if this is the best place to post this but I have (very sadly...as in nerd sad not boo hoo sad) been keeping a spreadsheet of all the times I've saved money, got freebies, got money for nothing (cashback + vouchers etc) over the last year and have been quite astounded by the totals. I started using MSE regularly…
Visitors Book: 5th. Birthday Celebrations for MoneySavingExpert.com
MoneySavingExpert.com is Five on the 22 February 2008 Staggeringly MSE is nearly five years old. It was set up for £100 (see the About Us section for details) and has grown at a staggering rate. THE VISITORS BOOK If you want to say something about MSE, what you've saved, what its done for you, or what you think about it -…
Nominate POST OF THE YEAR for 2008
Update 7 Jan: This thread is now closed. Well done to iwannabeonthebeach for the Advent Competitions 2008 post/thread. Please send me a PM with your name and address so I can get your winnings to you. Update 5 Dec: As suggestions for Post of the Month have become quite scarce over the last year, we've decided this will be…
I love MSE!
I rang o2 threatened to leave and now only pay £5per mnth for my contract! :money:<--- he rules :)
My mobile phone bargain
My son wanted this mobile phone for Christmas: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5181728/Trail/searchtext>SONY+ERICSSON.htm My other half wanted to buy it straight away but I wanted to make sure we got the best deal, so I used Martin's shop-bots and found it at £99.99 (BNIB) on ebay, then went via Pigsback…
Fun Ways to encourage saving
Hi Just wondering if any of you have any fun/clever ideas for saving small regular amounts of cash? We are planning a trip to Canada in Feb 2011 and this is our dream family holiday with friends. We are afamily of 4 on a tight budget and our son who is 11 is almost beside himself already with the thought of visiting Canada…
I just kept saving money!!
Yesterday I bought a Tom Tom one Sat Nav as a Christmas present a Tescos. It was reduced to £99.97, I used the £5 off coupon from News of the world and a £4.50 club voucher. I paid using a 1% cash back credit card and got clubcard points. There was a special offer for buying the sat nav of a £10 Tesco grocery voucher so i…
Save Money After Xmas
Save Money after Christmas, i was looking around and found this link u tehy send you money off vouchers for tesco every week and extra club card points too. They include money off vouchers for other companies too like currys and woolworts, its worth a look http://www.geocities.com/tesco_vouchers/index.html
Mini_money_savers Big Adventure
Well, where to start? Firstly I’ll explain a little about myself and why I’m doing this Diary! I’m afraid to say I’m an extremely long time lurker and very recently a first time poster (this diary is probably my 3rd post…so please be gentle with me!) After avidly reading other peoples posts (in particular “Mooloos…
I saved £50 on car insurance
My car insurance was coming up for renewal, my quote from Maks and spencers had gone upto £350. I went onto moneysavingexpert website and found a comparison compay called moneyexpert and got a quote for £296 and with casback of £20
Saving is great fun
I saved when I contacted Bristish Gas to take out their Home Care service and haggled over the price, I ended up with £13 pcm with the first 3 months free, I have also saved by not ringing 0845 numbers, I was surprised at how many I was calling over a month, saved at least £6 this week. Best of all I have saved a fortune…
Tour companies - haggling help
Anyone here successfully haggled/negotiated a deal with Archers Direct? If so please can you tell your story and offer some tips. Also, as a rough guide, when do tour companies drop their prices (besides late availability) - is there a good time of the year (especially in the credit crunch) when they'll be desperate for…
Nominate Post of the Month for November '08
This thread is now closed. Well done to lilmiss1982 for the £50 amazon voucher from Qype post. Please send me a PM with your name and address so I can get your winnings to you. Please nominate your most useful/helpful Post of the Month £50 Award by replying in this thread. Remember, you're nominating, NOT voting - there is…