Zoopla has just increased price estimates
By quite a bit in the south east. Check your place out, it's suddenly worth quite a bit more according to them. Anyone know why they re-estimated so high ?
Redfern Housing Review
http://www.redfernreview.org/?page_id=18 Have not read it will do later. My guess, housing ownership down, this is bad, how do we build more. With no further digging into local/regional trends and demographic changes
This is Boris
I had little opinion about this man prior to the referendum but he has since become someone I actively dislike. I mean, all politicians are snakes but this man is just an out-and-out liar. A few days after the referendum, Boris writes: In the words of one of the most prominent leave campaigners, immigration was apparently…
Marmite Watch
Marmite was £2.27 for 250g pre-'marmitegate' in Tesco. Then the day Tesco went back into stock it was £2.35 in the main grocers (including Aldi) except Sainsburys £2.50 and Asda who ran an offer at £2.00. Morrisons have broken ranks today and pushed the price to £2.64. It's all happening!
Tim Farron
This just sums up this jumped up little twerp and what his partys about .They cant let the country get on with leaving the EU, now they cant leave people alone on remembrance day. Lib Dems asked to apologise for ‘sickening’ Remembrance Day campaigning…
Is Hilary to blame or the Democrats for choosing her
So Trump won and Hilary lost. As the winner we have to say that the Republicans chose a winning candidate who ran a winning campaign.. The Democrats chose a loosing candidate who ran a loosing campaign. So who should we blame for Trump winning?
Free Trade and Globalization failing the working (80%?) class
Lots of talk in the media of how Free trade and globalization is/has failed the domestic working class and the Trump/Brexit is a backlash to it. What is the view on this subsection of the forum? Is the working class worse off now vs the past? Really think hard are they? If yes why? Are/were manufacturing jobs that great?…
Rightmove September house price report
Seems like the Indians only want Brexit for one reason
So it seems that after years of the U.K. stopping the Indian EU trade treaty ( as well as a few matters of mass murder a while ago) the Indians (who the Brexiteers are partly holding high hopes for a good deal) , are itching to give us a kick in the balls and can't wait for us to leave so they can sign up a decent deal…
If "It's the economy, stupid"....Trump wins?
Interesting stuff from this CNN poll yesterday: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/06/_politics-zone-injection/trump-vs-clinton-presidential-polls-election-2016/ Some of those figures really jumped out to me, particularly: Enthusiastic/Very Enthusiastic about voting: Trump 58% Clinton 46% Who would better handle the economy:…
Predictions: pound vs dollar if Trump wins
Asking because it strikes me that a lot of assumptions that have been made, on both sides of the Brexit debate, that the US economy will behave in an expectable way and therefore that the direction of the currency and the knock-on effects, while not fully predictable, can be reasonably anticipated (pound devalues to a…
The Mad World of Donald Trump
Understanding business is often touted as being a key measure for political success since those skills could be used to make the country wealthier. I was watching the Mad World of Donald Trump last night. Since the guy is a billionaire and appears on the US version of The Apprentice, most people assume one of his…
Nissan to build a new plant.
As a remainer I'll get in first. This is excellent news and hopefully it'll be the start of many good news items.
If Brexit needs house of commons and Lords backing ...
I can't see it happening can you ? Half the tories are pro EU, most labour MP's are pro EU and the scots are wildly pro EU and UKIP dead in the water. Even the prime minister is secret remainer and now the country has felt the early cost of Brexit , they are more pro remain than ever, surely ? I think it's game over for…
Another naive call for 5-year tenancies
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/property/renting/these-charts-show-just-how-tough-it-is-being-a-member-of-generat/ Shelter is campaigning for five-year tenancies to be the norm - much like in Europe. Of course in Europe you can depreciate the property against tax and fully offset the mortgage interest against tax as well, which…
UK government suffers Brexit court blow
Good news for remainers and bregretters, Turns out parliament is sovereign after all. The ruling is based on the fact that, exiting from the EU, changes existing treaties that will directly affect the human rights of residents. Therefore there must be a parliamentary vote before such decisions are made. It is expected that…
I want people who are leaving to one day unfortunately have a child who needs that
........ treatment. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3904526/Sack-Outrage-Great-Ormond-Street-hospital-worker-wishes-illness-Brexiteers-children-BBC-Question-Time-revenge-vote-leave-EU.html Should she be sacked ? Surely saying something like that and disclosing where she is employed is seriously unprofessional and…
Bank of England gone mad.
Bank of England gone mad. Carney must go now. There is a huge problem at the BoE as the it (he) is setting policy based on what he expects to happen in the future. This a bad idea, a massively bad idea. :money: Apart from anything else he has got his forecasts massively wrong. But the real problem is what is called in…
Olympic sized promises, Olympic sized lies
http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37842354 Does anyone else remember how we were all told that 2012 Olympics would not only be a sporting success, but a financial success as well? The 10 billion costs would be an investment. They even had a well paid Legacy team to ensure that maximum profit would be extracted from the…
Waltham Forest, Newham and Haringey predicted to double by 2030