Does £269k mean min £269k or £249k?
Just wondering what you guys think, especially at the moment, and with the stupid stamp duty rules around this level, for properties on at £269k, does this mean they will want £269k minimum or that they will want a minimum of £249k (clearly a perverbial penny more is £7.5k more to the buyer). Or a case of stick an offer in…
Property prices ‘near standstill’ as home deals get tougher By Sharlene Goff Published: April 4 2008 17:33 | Last updated: April 4 2008 17:33 Homebuyers are negotiating large discounts on properties around the country as fears grow that prices will drop below last year’s levels. .... Miles Shipside at Rightmove.co.uk, the…
How will a house price crash affect us renters?
OK I keep seeing house price crash headlines etc which are making me nervous, but I rent (us 20 somethings generally have to choose between having baby and single income/buying a house). I can't help thinking it could result in a rent hike, despite the fact my landlord owns outright. What do you think? Is being a single…
Free Land registry website
I remember stumbling across a free search engine showing previous sale prices per postcodes. Anyone have the linky? Thanks.
New (Maybe) Tactic from Housing Developers
I don't know if someone posted this already, but I just noticed that Housing Developers have come up with another "scheme" to pull a fast one over people's eyes: They are now allowing buyers to buy their property at 75% of the value, and the other 25% is on an interest free loan from the developer for 10 years! :rolleyes:…
Sunday Media
Independent - Wealth Check - How can she buy a home when saving seem impossible Independent - Mortgage lenders prepare for the worst in housing market And as pointed out on HPC and then Guido Fawkes; Dec 2003 IMF gives Brown borrowing warning Sep 2005 IMF report Warning over £1 trillion mountain of debt Sep 2005 Brown…
Blimey, just looked on Rightmove
It took 6 months to sell my place finally in August 2006, in those months I looked for houses with 2 bedrooms or more and up to a value of 200k For 6 months the average number of properties was 200 (lowest I saw 196 highest 220) Looked today - 498 Blimey - Ashford, Kent
Times very down on house prices - lates in a long string of the end is nigh articles
http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/columnists/article3678353.ece Acacia Avenue could catch Commercial Street chill Where commercial property goes, so goes housing. If that old relationship holds true in this cycle, house prices could be in for a very nasty fall indeed.
What to do if it goes belly up?
What to do? If you have a house that you can afford and that meets your long term needs, you have nothing to worry about (except what to talk about over dinner). If you have huge debts, you can be declared bankrupt and start again. An option not to be taken lightly but the sooner you start, the sooner you can get on with…
New Rightmove Feature?
Just spotted something I'd not seen before (not that I really ever look outside of the square inch I am heading for on any website). Top right - new video link to "Selling Tips"
Excellent Daily Mail front headline today
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=555149&in_page_id=1770&ct=5 Saw it at lunchtime whilst getting milk for work... Sorry if already posted, couldn't see it anywhere.
House Prices vs Interest rates
Happy to be proven wrong but if £100,000k costs the following over 25 years:- 7%, £212,034(£18,744 more than at 6%) 6%, £193,290 (£17,913 more than at 5%) 5%, £175,377 then £100, 000 @ 5% costs £175, 377 (£1.75377 * £100,000) £90,732 @ 6% costs £175,377 (£1.9329 * £90,732) £82,713 @ 7% costs £175,377 (£1.75377 * £82,713)…
Dresdner Kleinwort: "Sell Everything"
I'm glad I am not a client of theirs, the advice is about 12 months late... http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2008/04/04/12080/uk-housing-sell-everything/
"Interest rates are low"
FT - New consensus on market slowdown No comment needed...
Halifax rejig their mortgage offerings.....
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7330207.stm The UK's largest mortgage lender, the Halifax, is targeting buyers who can pay larger deposits. It said new deals would see borrowers who put down a 25% deposit getting a deal with a lower rate than those with less money to put down. Hmmm, if you read the article sounds more…
3pm dead line, buying into a hs - good/bad idea?
I will try to give topline. 30 yr old sold hs in leeds to buy out potential father in law in South (owns half girlfreinds hs). Leeds hs: Took offer for £113,000, fell through. Rock hit headlines eventually sold for £100,000. Made £30,000. South hs: Valued at £210,000, 2 mths ago, shook hands at £208,000 nothing signed yet.…
S'Not All Good News
Turns out that was all nonsense; neighbour has now delivered my post and we are very much back on track.