Making me come into work
Hi Hope someone could help. I wondered what rights I have if my employer is making me come into work, literally just for a chat. Something that I could on the phone or on a zoom call no problem. With the national lockdown going on, should they even be asking me and is it within my right to say no. Hopefully someone could…
Caring for grandchild
My son & daughter in law are due to give birth to their 2nd child mid February, 1st child is 2 years old. Are my wife & I allowed to go and care for the child while dad (my son) is @ the hospital during this period? Thanks in advance, be safe.
Guarantor for family member’s flat rental
My relative’s workplace is closed due to lockdown. He is a hairdresser and self employed. He didn’t qualify for SEISS as too newly qualified. He will not receive any income so won’t have enough to cover all his bills. He does get a small amount of UC. If he can’t pay all his rent can the landlord legitimately ask me to…
Tesco taking payment for a transaction 'that did not process' correctly.. in October!
I had an email from Tesco today to say they are taking money from a transaction that did not process correctly in October (identified from my clubcard) I rang them to confirm.. it is correct and they have already requested the money via my debit card... (£68) which might not seem a lot but my husband and I are self…
Dammed if you do
Like so many people I was made redundant at the end of October. However I was over the moon to find work again in November only to find that with the new lockdown started this month I couldn’t be furloughed!!! I would of been better off claiming benefits. Dammed if you do, Dammed if you don’t!
Self employed bounce back loan
Hi I really need advice, I’m self employed and have been a sole trader since 2015 I submit my yearly tax returns through my accountant and have around 60,000 a year turnover, I also have a new limited company which I started in Sept 2020 with a business account. My sole trading earnings go through my personal account and I…
Underpaid furlough
My old employer paid me £715.20 each month for 5 months but when I got my wage slips (after I left the company) they stated net pay £913.60. Now HMRC have informed me I have underpaid tax my old employer has stated I have earned more than I have received HMRC have informed my my old employer paid me 100% wage which is not…
No childcare
My daughter cannot do her job from home, and her boss won't furlough her, yet schools are shut and she's a single parent with no childcare. She's at her wits end, and as the only bill payer cannot take unpaid leave. I can't help as I am shielding with high risk, plus live an hour away. What can she do? How can the…
Are off-licences to close ?
According to https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9113833/Michael-Gove-warns-March-EARLIEST-lockdown-start-eased.html they are "Takeaway alcohol sales will not be permitted in a bid to stop people congregating in the streets with drinks"No mention of this elsewhere And from March - offlicences were added to the list of…
Exhausted and concerned. Office return.
I know my colleagues are all concerned but they are scared to lose their jobs, most are only paid by ’retainer’ even though worked at the place for years. No written contract or terms. Anyway.. we can *all* work from home. This has been proven when a lady had an ill partner from something else and stayed home and worked…
Redundancy pay
Hi! My company went into administration in March. I have been paid my salary through the administrators and they advised our contracts would not change. I was made redundant with immediate effect on Friday and have been told I will only get two weeks salary and any owed holiday. I was with my company for under two years.…
Furlough question
Morning! Husband was furloughed last April. He seems to think that anyone furloughed first time, could be furloughed this time. Is convinced that those NOT furloughed before, won't be this time. Anyone know the answer to this please?
SEISS 4 - 19/20 tax year included?
I wanted to put the question out regarding whether the SEISS 4th grant might include trading profits from tax year 19/20, since by January 31, all tax forms for that year should be in theory submitted and the application for it should be after that. For me personally this would be a good thing as 2019 was a good trading…
Furlough payments
My employer will not pay wages into my bank even though wage slip says bacs transfer and I have to wait till wages are dropped off at another employers house for them to get it to me. Wages should be done on a Monday but having to wait till Tuesday sometimes like today its Wednesday and still nothing. He refuses to pay…
Self employed this year
Hi, am hoping someone will be able to advise. I became self employed in March 2020. All government grants appear to say that you have to have been self employed since 2018 in order to recieve grants due to covid. Is there anything else I can do??
Cancelled wedding Caterers/decorators won’t refund.
Hi There, My daughters wedding was planned for 20/03/20. We booked a catering company and paid £2000.00 as advance. We also paid £3000.00 to decorators. Our local town hall was booked for wedding and all money paid for the booking. Our wedding was planned for 300 people. But due to COVID-19 we reduced the guests to almost…
Furlough Dilemma
Hello I am hoping someone can give me an answer to my furlough dilemma. I am a director of my own company and the sole employee of this company. I am both the employer and employee of this company and provide HMRC with the RTI (real time information) each and every month as required. I furloughed myself between March and…
BBLS Top-Up Application with HSBC
Thought i would start off a thread on this matter. So we can see how long it takes people to get this like the orgnal nightmare thread lol at 11 i applied for £1500 topup (just a small one (compared to most) to keep me "topped up"). clearly havent heard nothing yet, but would like to know other peoples…
COVID HELP - Flat share insists her partner still comes round.
Hi all. Please bare with me. My flat mate still has her boyfriend around and her sister round previously. Now her boyfriend does not live alone and neither does her sister. She’s told me her partner loves alone - however, I’ve been told otherwise. After showing symptoms myself of the virus at a previous stance, I am…
Golf club membership
Apologies, as this is almost certainly in the wrong forum. What is your golf club doing regarding membership fees when the course is closed due to covid? When I started back playing in May 2020, they extended my membership by two months, which I thought was very fair of them. Just wondering what others experiences are?