Transfer in to Zopa
Hi, Anyone done a transfer into Zopa yet, any issues? I already have a Zopa ISA funded from this years allowance. Elsewhere I've two Virgin (exclusive) accounts which together now exceed the FSCS limit, so am considering transfering the smaller one into Zopa.
Lifetime ISA Cash or stocks
I'm 22 and will graduate this year. I recently have downloaded the moneybox app and looking into putting some money into a LISA. I was thinking of putting it into cash because I wasn't sure about risking it, however, I had a think about it it and I think I don't mind losing a bit of money as long as it isn't over a £1000.…
Can a cash ISA only be funded in the year of opening?
Hello ISA experts I would like to know if I open an ISA now for the 23/24 year can I still pay into it in 24/25 and open another ISA in 24/25 and fund that also? Many thanks.
New employer but same WPP?
Just wondering what happens when you leave one employer who go with one workplace pension provider & you go to a new employer who also uses the exact same pension provider? Do you contributions go in to the same pot or is it like a second account?
Which S&S ISA (or SIPP) providers have Crypto ETFs available ?
I'm about to sell my profitable crypto coin for £6k profit to avoid future CGT (and keep the losing coin for a while). But I don't want to get out of crypto now that I am finally in profit! My current ISA is with ii and I can't find any crypto ETFs there to make a quick swap easy. So looking to move £20k into a new S&S ISA…
Does HTB ISA prevent opening another ISA?
Hello everyone. While I am aware that you can only open one cash ISA each tax year (assumption that the full 20k allowance is utilised) and/or contribute to one, I just want to double check something. My partner opened HTB ISA few years ago and has been putting in max.£200 each month. This account will soon reach the…
Matured ISA Transfer
Hi All. Can i ask for advice please on the below scenario, I'm a bit confused and unsure if this is possible. Feb 2023 i opened a Barclays 1 year fixed ISA which matured Feb 2024. This ISA was funded with the full £20K of my 2022/2023 allowance, and then in June 2023 i added another £2000 from my 2023/2024 allowance. When…
Matured fixed ISA bond
I wanted to move some of my money out from my matured fixed rate ISA bond, which consists of a few years, to another bank and was told I can only do the full amount. Is this correct?
Best ISA’s for people on benefits
Wondering which ISA’s are best for people on Universal Credit and PIP? (For those who are unable to work).
Is the LISA going towards a dead end?
Following the budget news neglecting the Lifetime ISAs but at the same time unveiling a new problem thats about as niche, its starting to lead me down a road to think of them as heading into a sort of government sanctioned con. Aside from what the government is (or isnt doing) about them, Im more focused on what the…
I am trying to deposit some money into an Isa in Moneybox but what site is the legit site there loads comming up help please
Moneysaving expert list of best ISA accounts seems not updated
For years I use the MSE list of "best accounts" to find the best interest rates. Checking today, I noted that all ISAs listed have a significantly lower interest rate than those recommended by WHICH? For example best 5 year fixed ISA interest in WHICH is 4.54%, however in MSE 4.16%. Applies to all listed ISAs and MSE does…
H2B and LISA
My son has £2100 in his H2B and £7000 is a regular savings acc. Yesterday he opened a LISA with Moneybox with £1000 from the savings with the intention of transferring all from his H2B but once opened they stated they had paused transfers until 6th April so he cannot transfer - wondering what he can do to get the best…
LISA bonus not added before account closed
Hi, I've made a deposit to my LISA in February. As I'm buying a house, the solicitor requested a withdrawal of all funds (and the account to be closed). The bank's website says it will take up to 7 weeks to add the bonus but by then, the account will be closed. What will happen to the bonus? Thanks!
ISA maturing
Hi my fixed term ISA is about to mature and will change to easy access with low interest rate. I have had chat with bank n I'm considering opening with another bank (offers higher interest rate) n transferring ISA. As I max the ISA limit the new balance is over 20k. Can I simply transfer the full amount, ISA +interest, to…
Help to buy ISA dilemma
My son and his wife have had these ISA for several years and finally are looking at buying a house. We are providing a private mortgage to them. Two questions 1. Does this funding qualify ( will be set up by solicitor) 2. The purchase limit is £250k.....pretty unachievable in our area (SE.) Is there a way to get over this…
How to open and move money into a junior cash ISA
Potential stupid question incoming.... A few years ago I opened a Santander 123 Mini (In Trust) account for both of my kids. The interest offered on the account isn't great, so I'm looking to move the money into a Junior cash ISA so it can earn more interest, and so I don't have to worry about paying tax on the savings.…
Who can pay into H2B ISAs and LISAs?
Am I right that anyone can pay into a H2B ISA - i.e. parents can pay into their children's H2B ISAs, but only the account holder can pay into a LISA? I've seen conflicting information online - the Hargreaves Lansdown site says "Under HMRC rules, a Lifetime ISA can only be opened and topped up by the account holder." In…
Transferring into a YBS Loyalty Six ISA
Has anyone managed to transfer from a non-YBS cash ISA into the YBS Loyalty Six online? I have completed the online application process and the account is showing in my dashboard, but there's no button that allows me to transfer in, only transfer out. I would love to avoid having to fill in and send back a paper form if…
Virgin one year fixed- when is the interest paid?
I opened a one year fixed rate. It says maturity 23 Dec 2023 but under interest will be paid annually it says 5th August (it doesn't say year) I'm confused, I thought the would pay interest at maturity, not 8 months later????