Paid Some
Paid today: NW loan: £88.80. Catalogue: £46.24. £135.04/ £8700.
NST June Challenge JOYFUL JUNE As we clear out debts, we clear our lives. Of things that tie us down, make us unhappy, look untidy, feel wrong and don't fit our lives any more. The idea of clearing our debts is to improve our life - right?!? Well we need to be healthy in order to enjoy this debt free life don't we? (Ninja…
Jubilant June's NSD challenge!
This challenge is about setting yourself a weekly/monthly target of how many No Spend Days you would like to achieve during June. To join, just post your personal target and you are on your way! Tips for the challenge:
1. Decide on a clear goal weekly or m
onthly of how many No Spend days you'd like to try and achieve. If…
Housing benefit debt after death
Hi, my father passed away last month and he had some debts. He owes money to housing benefit as he never declared a private pension he had (he don’t realise he needed to). It’s quite a lot of money so just want to see where we stand. Is there we any way we could get these debts written off. My dad was disabled and had…
NST May Challenge (Short Version with the list of Contenders) MISCHIEF AND MAYHEM A Little Neglect May Breed Great Mischief - this is the title of the poem we all know 'For want of a Nail' MISCHIEF Definitions - playful 'troublemaking', playful misbehaviour. Reckless or malicious behaviour that causes discomfort or…
Challenge to make an extra £10 a day May 2022 ~ all welcome
Hello everyone and welcome to the challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to try and make an extra £10 a day on top of your normal income to help things along eg paying off debt, making savings, paying for holidays, overpaying mortgages. If you feel £10 is too much why not start at £5 (or less if you want) or if you're…
Magnificent May's NSD Challenge!
This challenge is about setting yourself a weekly/monthly target of how many No Spend Days you would like to achieve during May. To join, just post your personal target and you are on your way! Tips for the challenge:
1. Decide on a clear goal weekly or monthly of how many No Spend days you'd like to try and achieve. If…
NST April 2022: April opportunities
NST April 2022: April opportunities Welcome to the new NST (Ninja Saving Turtles) challenge! NSTs
are a group of Money Saving challengers from across the UK and beyond, who are
always up for new money saving challenges, fighting our way to debt freedom,
sharing tips and new money saving discoveries, general chat, support…
Challenge to make an extra £10 a day April 2022 ~ all welcome
Hello everyone and welcome to the challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to try and make an extra £10 a day on top of your normal income to help things along eg paying off debt, making savings, paying for holidays, overpaying mortgages. If you feel £10 is too much why not start at £5 (or less if you want) or if you're…
Amazing April's NSD challenge!
This challenge is about setting yourself a weekly/monthly target of how many No Spend Days you would like to achieve during April. To join, just post your personal target and you are on your way! Tips for the challenge:
1. Decide on a clear goal weekly or monthly of how many No Spend days you'd like to try and achieve. If…
Lose pounds, save pounds challenge
For everyone that needs to lose weight and save money I thought it would be a good idea to mesh the both and double the motivation? I need to lose nearly 30 kg and I thought, wouldn’t it be a great idea to save money for each kg I lose? I can celebrate like that and get more cash in my savings! So, my personal goal is save…
NST March 2022: March movement
NST March 2022: March movement Welcome to March. To a new month, to a fresh look at what we
can control and change. Welcome
to the turtle gang. We are flexible. We are creative. We do not lie down (for too
long, anyway) and give up. We have flippers! We have turtle power! We sometimes
wear capes. Or even lycra… And we have…
Challenge to make an extra £10 a day March 2022 ~ all welcome
Hello everyone and welcome to the challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to try and make an extra £10 a day on top of your normal income to help things along eg paying off debt, making savings, paying for holidays, overpaying mortgages. If you feel £10 is too much why not start at £5 (or less if you want) or if you're…
Marvellous March's NSD Challenge!
This challenge is about setting yourself a weekly/monthly target of how many No Spend Days you would like to achieve during March. To join, just post your personal target and you are on your way! Tips for the challenge:
1. Decide on a clear goal weekly or monthly of how many No Spend days you'd like to try and achieve. If…
Debt free at last
2years ago I got myself into a hole with payday loans, credit cards and loans. It all fell apart when I had to go onto the sick at work and I couldn’t keep up payments etc. fast forward a year and I had defaults, debt letters and phone calls chasing money which is just as stressful as you all well know. By this point most…
NST February 2022: a month of fives
NST February 2022: a month of fives February. The days become noticeably longer. Some people
have the urge to ‘spring clean’ their house (an urge which I manage to quash
rather successfully every year). Some spring flowers start to poke through and
bring a bit of colour. Some hardy shrubs start to produce leaves. Yet…
Challenge to make an extra £10 a day in February 2022 ~ all welcome
Hello everyone. Happy Chinese New Year and welcome to the year of the tiger. The purpose of this challenge is to try and make an extra £10 a day on top of your normal income to help things along eg paying off debt, making savings, paying for holidays, overpaying mortgages. If you feel £10 is too much why not start at £5…
Joyous January's NSD Challenge!
This challenge is about setting yourself a weekly/monthly target of how many No Spend Days you would like to achieve during January. To join, just post your personal target and you are on your way! Tips for the challenge:
1. Decide on a clear goal weekly or monthly of how many No Spend days you'd like to try and achieve.…
NST January 2022: Janus
NST January 2022: Janus A new month. A new year. A fresh start. The turtle gang are
together again for another month of money saving, thriftiness, making every
penny do its job, recognising wants v needs, having fun and being grateful
together. We swim against the tide of consumerism and find our own current.
Challenge to make an extra £10 a day January 2022 ~ all welcome
Hello everyone. Happy New Year and welcome to the first challenge of 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to try and make an extra £10 a day on top of your normal income to help things along eg paying off debt, making savings, paying for holidays, overpaying mortgages. If you feel £10 is too much why not start at £5 (or…