2024 Cash Envelope (or online) Saving Challenge
Save £1378 in 2024! Welcome to the 2024 weekly cash envelope (or online) savings challenge! This challenge ran in 2023 and I have been asked to set it up again for 2024. It can really boost your savings pots and help with paying for Christmas, or a family holiday...anything you like really! Last year we set it up for…
Payment a Day - Chapter 2024
Small Payments. BIG Impact. Making a small (or large) Payment a Day (PAD) - or whenever your budget allows - towards debts or savings all adds up really quickly! And can change your financial future... Hey everyone, Welcome to the Payment A Day - Chapter 2024 challenge! (this will start from 1 January 2024) We've decided…
The 365 Day 1p Challenge 2024
This challenge has been running for a number of years and is so popular I have agreed to run it again in 2024. Feel free to join in by posting on the thread. The aim is to save £667.95 by the end of 2024 by saving 1p on 1st January, 2p on 2nd January and so on all the way up to £3.65 on 31 December. As 2024 is a leap year…
Pay All Your Debt Off By Christmas 2024
Welcome to Pay ALL Your Debt Off By Xmas 2024 Firstly I would like to welcome all new and existing members from last years thread (New numbers will be allocated for 2024). I will be taking over the thread this year from @shell16. Thank you for last year! Anyone is welcome to join this challenge and it is NEVER too late.…
Tilly Tidy 2024
Hi All, this is a small start to getting savings together. It's that simple. We all have varying reasons of doing a Tilly Tidy (TT) some of us have not got a lot to play with i.e spare change to start saving with. Some are on a more advanced way of getting there. There is no judgement - it's just about starting that ball…
Outstanding October's No-Spend Days Challenge!
Welcome to Outstanding October's No-Spend Days Challenge! This challenge is all about helping people to save money by setting aside days every month where you deliberately don't spend unnecessary cash. Over the short term, it can help you have a more frugal month. Over the long term, if you stick with it, it can help…
1% challenge 2023
Welcome to the new home for the 2023 1% Challenge - 100 ways to make your 1%. This challenge was started a couple of years ago by Little Miss Uni Debt, I started using this challenge last year and found it really helpful in focusing on paying off a more manageable amount at a time! I’ve copied below Little Miss Uni debts…
Sealed Pot Challenge ~ 17
PLEASE READ THROUGH THE RULES AND THE CHANGES FROM NOW ON! A very warm welcome to another Sealed Pot Challenge, our 17th! I must admit to it being a worry of what to do about SPC for the last couple of years given the Corona virus and all the changes it's brought to us, not to mention the world. However, due to a lot of…
Ninja Saving Turtles October 2024 OCTOBERFEST The geese are flying south for the winter, the trees are losing their leaves, small mammals curl up in their burrows. The world is settling down for a winter nap. October was originally the eighth month (before Julius Caesar and then Augustus insisted on having months named…
100 Envelope Savings Challenge
So I'll be starting this challenge this month. 100 envelopes numbered 1-100 and you add the corresponding amount of cash into the envelope (or online if you prefer) and once completed you will have a total of £5,050! Now I'm going into this with the full awareness that it will take me years to complete this challenge but…
£2 savers club for 2024
Welcome everyone to the £2 savers club for 2024. As always, the aim is to collect every £2 coin you can lay your hands on! It is entirely up to you whether you want to: A) Save for a particular reason e.g. to pay the car insurance, to pay for a family holiday or to buy birthday presents throughout the year, B)Save until…
2024 is going to be MY YEAR! My year, after over 20+ years, to become DEBT FREE! Who's with me?! I know a lot of us like to have little challenges and celebrate mini victories to spur us on, but I wanted to devise my own challenge to suit my own needs; one that appeals to my own drivers and motivators. So this is what I'm…
Splendid September's No-Spend Days Challenge!
Welcome to Splendid September's No-Spend Days Challenge! This challenge is all about helping people to save money by setting aside days every month where you deliberately don't spend unnecessary cash. Over the short term, it can help you have a more frugal month. Over the long term, if you stick with it, it can help change…
NST September 2024: A Turtle soap opera
NST September 2024: A Turtle soap opera Soap operas tend to show one
crisis flowing into the next into a disaster into lots of shouting. They are defined as a serial drama performed originally on a daytime radio or television program and chiefly characterized by tangled interpersonal situations and melodramatic or…
Make £10.00 a Day August 2024
I recently re-joined the Money Saving Expert Forums hoping to join the Make £10.00 per Day Challenge as I used to really enjoy them a few years back and they helped keep me motivated. I was disappointed that the challenge seems to have died out and I couldn't find a thread since March 2024. I made one for July 2024 which I…
Saving for Christmas 2024 - £1 a day
Hello! Apologies, I'm a little late in setting it up this year but it's here and and ready to go. 🎄 Getting ready for Christmas 2024 - save £1 a day challenge 🎄 It's a leap year next year, so an extra £1 to save :smiley: Also, I just want to say, you don't have to save £1 a day, do what is right for you. Any amount you…
Hi i worked for someone else’s (company) as a fridger food delivery guy and i took all the items from warehouse and sell it to the shops . which things i took they always make a invoice on my name with the route number..they paid me as a cash ..then I completed my university placement from there duration 10 month they pay…
Awesome August's No-Spend Days Challenge!
Welcome to Awesome August's No-Spend Days Challenge! This challenge is all about helping people to save money by setting aside days every month where you deliberately don't spend unnecessary cash. Over the short term, it can help you have a more frugal month. Over the long term, if you stick with it, it can help change…
NST AUGUST 2024 Let July be July Let August be August And let yourself JUST BE even in the uncertainty You don't have to Fix Everything You don't have to Solve Everything And you can still find Peace And Grow in the wild of Changing Things MHN Just do it, Just make a start, Just do a bit of it, Just let it be and ponder…
3 - 6 month Emergency Fund Challenge (part 2)
Hi All, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. As we go into 2019 we are moving forward with the 3 - 6 month Emergency Fund Challenge and as such a shiny new thread here for part 2. The old thread is here. Your goal can be as much or as little as you want. Some aim for 3 months spending, others 3 months income or even push…
Lantern on credit file. (First post)
Hi, this is my first post on the forum so please be kind! I'm trying to rebuild my credit score after I went through a depression and let my finances go to pot. I've noticed that I have a company called Lantern on there which apparently was opened in June 2019 and defaulted in Feb 2020. It's 'currently open' according to…
Am I liable for this debt
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct area but I am after some advice. I checked my credit file a few weeks ago to find a random default on my it, the amount is only small £65. But I can't see how I am liable for the debt, and it's principle that's stopping me just clearing it. Reverse to 2020 and I was going through a…
Joyful July's No-Spend Days Challenge!
Welcome to the Joyous July No-Spend Days Challenge! This challenge is all about helping people to save money by setting aside days every month where you deliberately don't spend unnecessary cash. Over the short term, it can help you have a more frugal month. Over the long term, if you stick with it, it can help change your…
NST July 2024: A July jaunt around Madrid
****A JULY JAUNT AROUND MADRID*** July is a quiet month in Madrid. The max exodus to other parts of Spain starts when schools break up at the end of June and a hush falls over the city. This combines with the heat rising from the pavements to give you the sensation of being inside a vast, soporific sauna. A very cultural…
Make £10.00 per Day July 2024
I recently re-joined the Money Saving Expert Forums hoping to join the Make £10.00 per Day Challenge as I used to really enjoy them a few years back and they helped keep me motivated. I was disappointed that the challenge seems to have died out and I couldn't find a thread since March 2024. So I thought I would make my own…