I am a supply teacher. My agency have told me they will not furlough me as I have not worked 40 days for them in the Autumn term. This is because they did not get enough work so I worked for other agencies to supplement my main agency's employment. I am a member of a supply teachers' group on FB and others have been…
Moved: Dismissed from dwp for gross misconduct
This discussion has been moved.
furough vacation is it legal
My company has sent a letter to say the hoildays we did not use in 2020 will be used as furlough. EG If I have 10 days left over from 2020 I am to use them before April and so if I take 5 days in January and 5 day in March. They will furlough me for those 10 days in January and March,so I get 100% pay but they will receive…
Pawnbroker loan
I put a bracelet into the pawnbrokers back in feb 2020 as I had a large bill to pay quickly. It was for £280 although the item was worth at least double that amount. Then the pandemic hit and both myself and hubby took a significant loss as he is self employed etc. When it came to the redemption period in October I advised…
Is Debt Managemen plan the way to go?
Hi all, could do with some advice as to how to deal with a difficult decision. this time last year my wife and I had a joint income of around £5000 with fixed bills of £3250 (not including food etc ) unfortunately we both got made redundant due to Covid impact (my wife got made redundant twice as in hospitality sector and…
Seiss - trading losses
When the SEISS came out last year my accountant was sure I would be eligible with average earnings over the qualifying period just below the £50,000, but when filling in the online eligibility calculator HMRC did not agree. After much back and forth with the tax office who repeatedly provided 3 vastly different figures on…
Help with tax and working from home .
Hi, I am working from home since March lockdown 2020. I earn less than 7k so do not pay tax how will I get any benefit/ payments from working from home for the nhs ? Thanks
Furlough Pay
Can anyone help/advise I was working as a bar manager on zero hours contract last year and was furloughed during the lockdowns. (between lockdowns I was working as was in Tier 2 and were still open) On the 1st October my contract changed due to promotion to assistant manager and I was moved over to a monthly salary. In…
Cancelling Marriage Allowance mid year due to Covid
I had transferred my Marriage allowance to my partner for this tax year 20/21 expecting them to earn enough to make it worthwhile, whilst my income including pension drawdown would be kept below my reduced threshold. Due mainly to Covid their income will now be below their personal allowance, and we could do with…
Employer paying 20% of holiday pay.
So a bit of context first, the figures are amended slightly for easier understanding/calculation but the scenario is the same. I am a permanent/salaried employee and my holiday entitlement runs from Jan-Dec. I was furloughed from November but now back at work. When I was placed on furlough in November I had 180 holiday…
Furlough question re working outside contracted hours
I have been furloughed from one position for the majority of my hours, recently I have been asked if I could work my non furloughed hours outside my contracted hours.... is this legal? Surely I have to work within my contracted hours?
Wedding contracts during Covid-19
Looking for a recommendation or advice regarding Covid/wedding contracts. Basically our wedding hire venue have asked us to change the date for the 4th time. Each time they’ve amended the date no problem. This time they want us to sign new amended terms and conditions, two of which state: 2. The Cancellation provisions of…
Moving out for building work
We’ve recently discovered a huge mould problem in my toddler’s bedroom (we knew there was a problem but with this cold weather it’s now horrendous). I’ve been getting allergy-like symptoms from it and we’re worried about our son. We now need to get people in to do various things. Does anyone know of any way we can move out…
Furlough and Notice Period
Good Evening, Looking for advice on a situation I'm currently facing. I have been on emergency furlough leave since December 2020 due to losing my father to Covid. In the meantime I have been offered another job which is now better suited to my current circumstances. I made my current boss aware yesterday when I was told I…
Can't travel to empty storage locker, they won't terminate contract?
So on the contract it says you have to give 7 days notice and leave the locker empty. But I can't empty the locker because I'd have to travel 40 miles, from one region to another, and break lockdown rules. I explained to them that it's unrealistic to expect me to break the lockdown rules and I would appreciate their help.…
Daily rate calculation based on 5 or 7 days?
Morning When furlough began, i made calculations as per the below. Our employees although on a 40 hour week Monday to Friday 8.30-4pm they work a lot of overtime (for which they are paid) and therefore i choose the 'variable rate' pay as opposed to 'fixed rate'. For employees who have been continuously employed from the…
Workers in Care Home told that they cannot have all holiday entitlement for remaining of year
Just want some advice. My wife who works in a care home has been told that she may not have any of her holiday entitlement carried over. Like most homes, care workers were asked to not to take holidays during COVID as they were short staffed. My wife has still due 43 hours and has been told she may be able to carry only 36…
Work from tax relief and self assessment
Hi I had to start completing self assessment tax returns as my salary exceeded the means tested threshold while my partner continued to received child benefit. One we were aware of the situation my partner notified HMRC and she stopped receiving the benefit in Jan 20. I completed a tax return for 19/20 and informed HMRC of…
Has anyone received the third SEISS grant yet?
Now the 10th Feb and I haven't heard anything. Has anyone got theirs?
Where is that glimmer of hope for the Self-Employed?
I was made redundant early in the tax year of 2018. I went self-employed, but despite submitting tax returns for 2018/19 and 2019/20, I've so far managed to get zilch from the government. The reason being that my redundancy pay (and small amount of income from a rental property - not enough to live on) was greater than my…