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Nst october



  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!

    1 If you or your children are walking or cycling to work or school, make sure you can be SEEN

    2 Is there anything you need to put in your car - a warm coat or blanket, a torch, snow shovel, bits of old carpet to give your tyres extra traction, water/ other drinks and emergency food

    3 If you don't have a breakdown service do you have a friendly mechanic or a good friend who would come out to rescue you

    4 A friend or work colleague who would put you up overnight if work and home are far apart and there's a transport disruption

    5 The clocks go back at the end of the month. The week following the change is the worst week of the year for traffic accidents (drivers do not make sufficient allowance for the change in conditions). Please make sure you or your family are not part of the statistics. DS3 made the front page of the local paper after a police car smashed his pram to pieces on a zebra crosssing.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    Maintenance Issues
    1 Fix the drip over the front door (when you are sodden and can't get the doorkey to work you will know about it).

    2 Check for bus and timetable changes (trains change in October)

    3 Are your drive and pathway clear of obstacles

    4 It's tme to put the garden to bed. If you pay for garden waste collections bag it and make sure your bin is full every time you have paid for. It's easier to clear the ground for planting when everything is dying back rather than in Spring when everything is springing (ouch sorry).

    5 Clean and put away tools and summer toys.

    6 You still have time to plant bulbs for indoors to bloom at (not killing an elf) time.

    7 Do you need better outdoor lighting

    8 Think about others. Do you have any elderly relatives or neighbours who need a flu jab or help. Remember to check again when the weather turns nasty

    9 If you have time, do a house walk. Look at each room in turn and jot down any things that need fixing or sprucing. Give priority to things you can do yourself for little or no cost. If your going to be stuck inside you might as well be productive. When you have no spare money making no cost improvements can raise your spirits.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • crazy_cat_lady
    Hello :wave:
    Thanks for the fantastic advice mothernerd - a couple of those things have really resonated with me. Especially the one about having a hospital bag packed. I took ds to A&E in the summer with only my handbag and we were there for 4 days - I didn't even have my phone charger with me. Just my phone, purse and car keys.
    And I've just had my stop tap replaced :rotfl:
    Didn't get a nsd today. It's almost medicine like but not enough - I got a call from dd's school saying she had fainted in lesson. It is her continual refusal to eat before she has been to school (so most days she doesn't eat until after 3pm) and I think this has finally scared her into realising that she needs to eat something during the day - however the only thing I could negotiate with her was cereal bars. So I had to go out and buy some - on offer at Mr M...
    Other than that, another day closer to the weekend.
  • Purplesocks
    Monthly shopping £77.90/£280
    Clothes budget £10/£25
    Weekly money ££5/50 (starts on Fridays)
    NSD 2/3
    Exercise 2/3
    Frogs 3/3
    Stoptober 3/3
    Meal plan done

    Mothernerd - loving the batman t-shirt quote,

    1st day of attacking the paper work has finally finished, it’s strange how you start the day with one task in mind but it ends up expanding. Taking the paperwork out of the drawer in the unit meant that has now been sorted and cleaned, and taking the files out of the cupboard has meant that has been sorted and cleaned. So as well as having a pile of paperwork to burn, I have managed to fill the paper and cardboard recycling bags, and fill another bag for the charity shop, 3 more pairs of glasses to go to the rotary bin and 3 old phones to go to Oxfam for recycling.:T

    I didn’t get any exercise today so may go for a longer walker tomorrow if the rain holds off. Ds came home covered in mud, so he came in through the back garden and stripped off outside the kitchen door I think the old dear in the flat opposite thought it was Xmas.
  • apple_muncher
    apple_muncher Posts: 14,793 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Name Dropper
    Ccl - I'd say that buying food for dd definitely counts as a medical emergency need.

    Today I am grateful for being able to help other people, for giggles at work, for doing a tough workout that left me resembling a mix of beetroot face with jelly for legs, for recorded rugby (dh has nooo idea how grateful he should be for this ...), for packing lists on my phone that I can simply revise when going to see mum, for clearing dd's drawers unit thingy from her room into the back bedroom, for gf sweet chili sausages, for my ice scraper already being in the car this morning, for spearing several frogs at work and home.
    NST March lion #8; NSD ; MFW9/3/23 Whoop Whoop!!!
  • f0xh0les
    f0xh0les Posts: 6,954 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! Photogenic Name Dropper
    CCL - cereal bars are not the worst things she could be eating, try her with n4kd bars too, at least it is one of her 5 a day. Just smooshed fruit and nuts. Poor love. Could it be that the toilet facilities are disgusting at school? My kids are absolutely phobic about using their school toilets. Mind you, when I went to an after school sports thing you could smell them almost outside the building (bleuggh!!).

    Today still turned into a NSD, despite everything, and the house is 85% cleaned and tidied. Will do the other 15% tomorrow.

    I feel quite prepared for winter - dh is sick already, the throat/cough sweet jar has been filled twice, lemsips deployed, heating tested - dh has just put the heating on now (for 2 hours) and the hosing of the living room radiator (not even pressure washing, just a garden hose out) has made a world of difference to the heat output.

    I am jealous of ccl and her teddy bear fleece duvets though (for the kids, not for me, I am a furnace) and I might go investigate them at the weekend. If it keeps them toasty then it is fine by me.

    I have fruit tea granules for the kids to have hot drinks, and large quantities of cocoa and hot chocolate powder. Warm drinks = happy kids after school. Plus they get to play with the microwave. beep! Simple (almost grown up) pleasures.

    Still need to buy some candles though. I am down to 2 tapers and one glass jar one. Will have to go looking in the c/shops.
    My car is either going to cost me just over £400 or just over £200. I have the money because I am a Turtle. I am not worried. This is what we do the saving for, so that we are prepared, and able to pay for the 'random and unexpected' occasional spends.
    Batten down the hatches(does a turtle have a hatch?) , it is going to get a bit blowy tonight.
    4/10/22One Year Mortgage Free Yay!
    NSTurtle # 55 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 No Turtle gets left behind.[/b]
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    It's THAT Time of Year

    The 'C' word, Winter Solstice, whatever or however you celebrate.Sorry we need to TALK about it.

    1 You are still in time to make no present pacts with friends and relatives, work mates or fellow churchgoers. If you want to donate to a good cause instead of buying cards, have no wish to swap 'jokey' tat that ruins most of next year, only want to buy for children or set a price limit, Talk about it now. In many cases you will find they are as relieved as you to drop the whole thing. If they insist on continuing (some friends have more disposable income) state firmly that you are NOT doing x, y or z. If they still buy you something accept graciously (don't feel guilty and go and splurge)

    2 HOMEMADE Presents
    Those who make all their gifts will probably have things well in hand. If you would like to try but don't know where to start you still have time for many food and drink items as well as smaller gifts like lavender bags (any sort of bags if you have access to a pile of spare material) or perhaps cosmetics like hand cream or bath bombs.

    There is a wealth of experience on this thread and lots of others including the lovely but slightly mad people who love Chris Mouse and start planning for next year as soon as the decorations have come down. Elsewhere Pin'ternet has ideas on whatever you want to do. Just check with crafty turtles whether something is really as easy as they say it is. USE what you have, Don't Buy kit that costs more than buying shop bought presents.

    3 WORK'S DOs
    Seem to get more extravagant every year. If you love them and have the money set aside, go and enjoy. If it's seen as a work obligation and you 'have' to, spend as little as possible and do it with as good grace as possible.

    If there is no obligation, it's a colossal waste of money and you hate every second Don't go. Say NO. I know it's hard but it gets easier with practice.

    Hardly anything is essential
    You don't need a tree - when I was young I used to paint a found branch, paint it white or gold and hang things from it. For the past umpteen years I've used my willow obelisks (tall thin tringular pyramids) as trees. The year before major renovations when downstairs looked absolutely terrible we moved upstairs and the 'tree' was a piece of green baize draped over a table top which leant against the wall (I drew the tree shape on with fairy lights)

    You don't need new clothes. i know some of you do Christmas Eve boxes with new pjs for everyone but I think spending money on fancy dress or a special dress is a waste (more so the smaller the child). The charity shops have an excellent selection and as they've had so little wear they are in wonderful condition and much nicer than when they cost £60 at the baby boutique. wear things you feel comfortable in, buy something from a charity shop or buy one item (one year i bought Sonic the hedgehog waistcoats with little bow ties at half price knowing they would wear them again and again and it dressed up plain shirts and trousers).

    You can manage without a new kitchen (in the year quoted above my kitchen sink was just the stainless steel insert propped up on one side by a chest of drawers and on the other by a trolley thing with wheels, i had bought a microwave because when you turned the oven on the flames were reflected on the floor and we had to use the stopcock when doing the washing and empty the under sink bucket at regular intervals. You don't Need a new bed/ dining room/ bigger table/ enough food to withstand a siege. You can borrow extra chairs/ use the garden furniture/ let young ones sleep draped over couches or two armchairs pushed together (I remember doing that).

    Most of us probably don't need any extra decorations and you certainly don't need a totally new colour scheme. most of us could do without 9 foot inflatables, overdone light displays (gaze in awe and astonishment but don't emulate) or any more plastic in our lives. I have seen an appeal today to boycott crackers because of thir contribution to the plastic tat mountain. You can make your own but the kits are expensive. You could just buy the snaps and use whatever you have for the wrappings .We used to just shout bang when pulling the toilet roll ones mum made me make for years (talk about 10 years a slave, unpaid child labour too).

    Mothernerd's Golden Rule
    Don't Be a Martyr for C*r*s*m*s

    You are entitled to celebrate (or not) in any way you please.

    It does depend on how many people you are prepared to offend and by how much

    You may have to make gradual changes but start now

    Only buy food your family love and will eat. Don't buy anything just because it's 'traditional'. If you hate turkey, get something else. If you all hate sprouts and no-one likes Christmas pudding pick something you will all enjoy (we love chocolate pudding but some years we've been happy with ice cream to finish the meal. After Christmas make a note of anything you are still using up half way through January and buy less or omit it next year.

    Only buy half the X*** wrap you think you need. Buy the rest in plain colours or simple patterns - spots, stripes which complement the festive stuff. The remaining plain/ spotty/ stripey stuff can be used to wrap birthday presents throughout the year so there is less to store.

    Finally some people find 'C' time difficult. Those who are recently bereaved or whose loved ones anniversaries fall due, people who are having a difficult time generally and those who are not fond of noise, forced jollity and drunken people slobbering all over them.

    If this is you OR if at any time you feel that you are nearing the end of your tether (over excited children, drunk, hyper critical or just plain ungrateful adults) you should absent yourself, retire to a quiet place and take the time you need to recharge, remember or grieve until you feel okay about things. If you feel you have to invite difficult relatives limit the time they stay.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    I'm so tired and I haven't finished yet. The last one looks a little untidy.
    I've barely been out of my room today and my knees are still creaky. Phone is charging and I scooped some of the gloop out of the under cooker drawer - absolutely disgusting and nearly finished my knees off completely.

    Still I am being useful, distilling the wisdom aquired from many years of near/ absolute poverty. Going to do one on mental health (that's all I've got written down atm - mental health. A couple of ideas and MH heading will help pull things together). My final one is future proofing:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

    Think I will save those for the morning. Going to turn off for a while. Will respond to your posts later.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • f0xh0les
    f0xh0les Posts: 6,954 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! Photogenic Name Dropper
    And remember Chris Mouse's lunch is nothing more than a glorified roast dinner. It does not have to cost £££££s, and it can feed you for days, or just the one meal, depending on how much you cook. The small kids love it because the parents do daft things, and are silly, and everyone sits around a table. A table is important, and not just for Chris Mouse.

    If you do not get on with your family, that is absolutely fine. Don't feel you have to be with them or invite them round if your relationship is toxic. Give yourself the present of not having to deal with that sack of nonsense they drag around with them. It is a time of giving, so give yourself a break. (Yeah, I am a bad guy!)

    Of course if your family is lovely, and you would rather not see them in a skip, then by all means be with them and enjoy.

    Not everyone gets the family they deserve, even if the advertising agencies try and tell you otherwise. That is why I have invisible virtual Turtle friends.
    4/10/22One Year Mortgage Free Yay!
    NSTurtle # 55 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 No Turtle gets left behind.[/b]
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,671 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic
    AUDIT your Cupboards, Fridge and Freezer - - - procrastinating about this now!
    Plan for the MONTH - - OH's 50th bday, my nephew's 2nd bday (present), 1 x lunch out with sister, 1 x lunch out with various family. Half term -night away with smalls - have £50 A1rbnb credit. Do need 2 x new tyres for my car - Planned Lunch out with various family today - and mine was unexpectedly paid for :T

    House Lannister

    Plan for the Month
    INCREASE your income if possible - I have a small amount of work (5-6 hours) in Oct. - no surveys today, but did cashout £14 from tcb
    REDUCE your outgoings - on a mission to use some things up tonight OH and I had HM tomato & bacon soup with some of the frozen HG tomatoes with fresh HM seeded wholemeal bread - very tasty

    For the Next 90 Days
    CUT out any unnecessary socialising - socialising today with lots of family was lovely (+ bonus of not costing me :D)
    CUT Screen Time - very little screen time today

    House Martell

    This Month
    LOOK AFTER YOURSELF . - had a late afternoon nap - hit a wall (so to speak) and just needed to crash. Sore throat so am drinking hot squash (and hence the soup for dinner :D)

    For the Next 90 Days
    Introduce ONE HABIT to improve your health - will aim for consistency with exercise and diet - Food ok today. No exercise - too tired and sore throat-y
    Do something FOR YOU each day - ironed to catch up tv

    House Reed

    This month
    Concentrate on the THINGS THAT MATTER, your home and loved ones, health and happiness. Took the time for much needed nap. GP appt made to arrange blood test (suspect still have low iron, folate, Vit D & B12 levels) - need to stop afternoon crash!
    Make a FROG LIST - will make a list some more stones dealt with in garden. GP appt.
    CONTINUE to SIMPLIFY your life, RELEASE unwanted possessions and REDUCE things that cause you stress. -- gave 2 bags of pears to relatives today
    BE GRATEFUL - having my lunch paid for unexpectedly, being able to take a nap, OH managing to leave Londinium early and collect DS2 form after school at 6.15, saving me the journey to the next town in peak traffic time with DS3, candles, cozy curtains, fluffy blankets

    For the Next 90 Days
    What can you do to get closer to living the life you have always wanted?- HM soup & bread made, more stones put down in garden

    NSD 2 today. Tomorrow won't be :)
    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
    Repaid mtge early (orig 11/25) 01/09 £124616 01/11 £89873 01/13 £52546 01/15 £12133 07/15 £NIL
    Net sales 2024: £20
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