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Nst october



  • Purplesocks
    Thanks Mothernerd.

    Foxholes - with us it’s flat pack furniture. I only buy ‘ready-made’ furniture it maybe more expensive , but it’s cheaper than divorce ;)

    I’ve also never been to the Swedish Mecca of furniture and stuff you really don’t need.

    So Dh has agreed that the housekeeping needs to go up and I didn’t even need to pin him down, I MAY of just talked him into submission. His eyes definitely glazed over when I showed him the budget sheets.

    This morning was definitely a crawl but once I got moving more of a slight stagger, this awful cold is just knocking me for six. But scores on the door:-
    Monthly shopping £77.90/£280
    Clothes budget £10/£25
    Weekly money ££5/50 (starts on Fridays)
    NSD 1/2
    Exercise 2/2
    Frogs 2/2
    Stoptober 2/2

    Today’s frog was sorting the kitchen drawer of doom, I’ve been putting this off for ages as it looked a nightmare but once I got started it only took half an hour.

    2 bags to charity shop, old tablets taken back to chemist and old glasses popped in to the Rotary bin.

    The plan for tomorrow is to sort the paperwork, this will be a job of epic proportions, so I’m going to do it over 2 days and count it as 2 frogs if that’s ok. Tomorrow should also be an NSD as I don’t plan on leaving the house.

    Good luck Turtles , onwards and upwards.
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    Evening turtles. Well the sun came out to play so I went outside to work. Took the two bags of jigsaws to the charity bin in the library first. Found a pair of the 'whiskery' leggings to wear and changed into one of my oldest tops (came from the charity shop originally and has been worn to death - there are actually holes in it but they aren't obvius yet). The top I took off still has some life left in it ie it's good enough to be taken on the next holiday 3/4 ish sleeve being better than short ones.

    Moved the side boards for the raised bed outside to dry (brushed off the dirt and desicated old leaves), put the two support struts on top of two of the bins and the piece of green baize on the other two. This was last used under the chinchillas cage. I washed it and staggered outside to put it over washing line which promptly broke and it's been all over the yard since so was wet and muddy on both sides. Emptied several rain filled buckets over it to wash off some of the mud.

    Moving the long boards into the backs gave me access to the corner of the yard that was most overgrown. Managed to climb onto the raised bed (made from cobbles) and hacked away at it (standing on the bed makes me about level with the top of the back wall) trying to avoid pyracantha spikes. I kept going as long as i could thn turned round and trimmed as much as I could of the bounday foliage separating my from next door (a lot of it started in my yard, went over the wall and is now coming back).

    I took off some minor branches of a 'weed' that has now grown to tree size in his yard. Two years ago I lent him my pruning saw and told him if he sawed through the base and threw it into the backs I would chop it down and put it in my green bin. Did the same last year but he hasn't felt up to doing it and I've noticed it's so big the back wall is now bowed out so may push a note to ask him to gte the landlord or a friend to deal with it (I'm still prepared to cut it into bits and feed it into my green bin but I'm not going in there - the verdant greenery hides a layer of dog poo).

    Stopped for lunch then sat chopping the ivy into small pieces until I was able to tackle another frog. Emptied and started to refill the dishwasher, took the sheet off my bed and gathered the latest pile of rags and added them to the towel, bathmat and more rags already in the washing machine and set that off.

    Put as much as possible out to dry and when i took lunch out of the oven I used a fish slice that has come out of the dishwasher not quite done to scrape at the stuff stuck on the oven bottom and on the inside of the door (it was soft and gooey).

    Painted the raised bed panels andsupporting struts (the ends were short enough to go under the garden table with a tarpaulin over the top so they are okay. Spent ages getting the can open as it was all rusty on the top. Rinsed a large mushroom box in yet another container of rainwater and emtied the stain into that. It looked a bit 'curdled' but gave it a good stir and think it's worked okay. Used what was left to put another coat on the garden panel next to the gateway (diagonal slats because they were made from a partition wall someone knocked down). For the second time today I carried on even though I was in considerable pain (stood up too long and ended up painting left handed because the arthritis in my right shoulder wouldn't let me hold the brush up (without saying bad words).

    Used it all up, came inside,took off my wellies and stripped off the paint covered clothes and came up to have a sit on the stool shower, scrubbed all the paint off and put a clean dress on. I have been downstairs twice to bring the dry painted boards back in, put the chopped up ivy in the green bin and then to bring all the nearly dry clothes back in before it went dark. Walking is difficult and I am very slow. But frogs defeated. I may hold off on buying the paint for the old gardem chairs - could live without seeing another paintbrush until next year but I have some half tins that I plan to use to spruce up the worst bits in the house.

    I am trying to persuade myself to do more of my embroidery but may just read (spent about 2 hours lying stretched out on my side to relieve my back pain. today's episode is brought to you by the power of ibruprofen and determination (sheer bloody mindedness and a refusal to quit). Oh and must add new gate to the list. I'm so used to not having one that I rarely realise thet most people do have one.

    Today I am grateful for autumn sunshine, making and repairing using odds and sods and my bed (lovely lovely bed).
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 2 October 2019 at 9:50PM
    Thanks for your post greent, you reminde me why I am doing all this stuff. I have 18 inch high cobble beds along the back wall (originally the toilet/ coal hole wall - typical terrace) and up one side to about 4 feet from the house. I have a number of large 'grow bags' made from recycled material (they are 1m long, 0.5 m high and 0.5 m wide).

    My five year plan for the garden involves digging the soil out of the existing beds, filling them with decaying wood bits, ivy and other compostable materials (which will eventually rot down to feed the soil). I may even put in a layer of empty cans to make a water reservoir). I will cap this with more wood (old bed slats and table tops) and then put the 'grow bags' on top and fill them with soil. These will have a height of roughly 3 feet (wouldn't fill them to the brim which could be tended without bending down.

    misstara I have walk envy (I will get there). I have also made some unwise food choices today. Had less than fresh grated cheese on broken crispbread for breakfast and overdid lunch. i was very hungry and couldn't resist a less healthy alternative to fish when i opened the freezer. I ate every scrap but it hasn't really settled (just going to eat fruit now).

    PheoniX don't spend too much on wee kitty, I'm sure he doesn't care as long as he is fed, warm and loved. DS3 used to spend ages making cat castles from old cardboard boxes with ramps/ slides and hidey holes to pounce on their siblings (3 boys, 3 kittens plus a half wild cat a neighbour left me).

    ccl so glad that work is settling down

    abundant gold star for putting shopping back.

    apple I love your gratitudes

    XSpender enjoy your pondering. I might have something in the quote box to help.

    Purplesocks ace frog spearing and yes paperwork is definitlely two frogs. I have a pile of (non urgent, non essential) paperwork left over from my last grand clear out. Difficult to reach that corner at the moment.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • Justforme
    Justforme Posts: 137 Forumite
    I am very grateful for the lovely sunrise as I walked to work this morning, silent and crisp Autumn mornings are the best, I can't wait to stamp on crunchy leaves. Also very grateful for a 5lb loss in Sw and most grateful for slending the evening with Ds with no rows and no xbox..

    Went to sw which is run in local church and the keeper opens up and I set up tables and chairs etc for consultant til she gets there, he said they have had trays and trays of bread and baked goods so help yourself to what you want or can use as they will be binned in the morning so a free sour dough loaf, french stick, doughnuts, croissants, bag of wholemeal rolls and a fantastic box of belgian chocs from mNs. All tucked away safely not a lot that I can eat but the family will def use them up. Also had a lift home from group so no bus spends. My Ds 13 could do with losing probably about a stone and I am so proud that he asked to follow along to lose a few pound as isn't feeling comfortable in his uniform for school. We eat as a busy family so time to make healthy meals count as a constant not as an alternative.

    Day 2 NSD, Lunches for tomorrow about to be prepped, and going to pop a soup to cook in soup maker while I have a nice shower. Two more shift and weekend off whoohoo..

    Looking forward to coming home from work and catching up on housework. Mon-thurs teatime is just a whirlwind at home.

    I have so loved reading through the posts today, the tips and inspiration is unreal...Thank you. X
    NST October #24.
    NSD 16/20
    £125/£150 Family Budget..
  • sashanut
    sashanut Posts: 3,252 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee!
    Hi all:j

    Well started off so well this morning, lovely bright sunshine & a little breeze too. Did some washing & got it outside, booked the chimney sweep to come next week.

    Had a conversation with DH re moving stuff in the big shed, for him to put the stuff we won't need right at the back, moving other items we will need (Christmas etc) to the front so easy access. Also as a fine day, another attack on the paving stones to try & get off the black mould if he would please.

    Also got out the carpet cleaning machine to try & clean the carpet in the dining room, just to see how it will fare....I was hoping that maybe we wouldn't have to buy a new carpet (wishful thinking). Or buy a large rug....

    As I'm using this carpet machine which is hellish loud, DD arrives with some shopping. Then DH staggers in...having managed to fall onto the stone work outside, cut on face & legs & chest pain etc etc. Didn't need A&E but quite shocked, then DD made a joke of it & he didn't see the funny side, a few harsh words & she went back to her own home in a temper. Gah, the two of them are so alike.

    Eventually he - and she - calmed down & after acting as mediator she came round after gym tonight, brought YS food from Aldi with her for her supper & some for us for another day.

    Not much progress on the goals & challenges I'm afraid but will get to that when it's a little less frantic here. Have a friend coming round tomorrow for lunch & he usually stays all afternoon. Also he is a sparky so he may put our light fitting back in the DR (hopefully).

    Did manage an NSD so 1/15

    mothernerd if I am over your way, I will be sure to bring my CS donations to leave there if they are looking for items. I think the reason we get so much donated at our CS is that we are in a handy car park with a few other shops. The problem is that we can't deal with the amount of stuff that is donated, clothes we get are mostly ragged. They try to offload to other shops within our charity but they can't always help out.

    Popping in to say hi: Hello turtles!!
    New start JAN15 - NOT BUYING IT 2015 :eek:. Long haul DFW #145 : 2011 DEBTBUSTING : £5500 OD GONE, £2000 OD - GONE £93,610.30 cc & loan debt - GONE 27.6.14 FINALLY DEBT & MORTGAGE FREE :happyhear
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 3 October 2019 at 1:53AM
    Affirmations for Anxiety

    This is only temporary

    I am in control

    I can take things one step at a time

    I've made it through before and I'll make it through again

    Anxiety does not define me

    Grounding Technique (to prevent anxiety attacks)

    Breate in deeply through your nose and through your mouth.
    Slowly look around you and find:
    5 things you can SEE
    4 things you can Touch
    3 things you can HEAR
    2 things you can SMELL
    1 emotion you FEEL

    FOOD is the most abused anxiety drug
    EXERCISE is the most under utilised anti depressant

    It's totally okay if some days your only coping skills are coffee and denial

    It's Thursday or as i like to call it 'Day 4 of the hostage situation

    Whatever you're doing today, do it with the confidence of a four year old in a Batman t-shirt

    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • [Deleted User]
    Well, the inevitable has happened, I have the lurgy. Three days fighting it was a valiant effort but I could feel it creeping in last night and kept waking up to drink something as my throat felt horrid, and feel absolutely rotten this morning so had to lose my NSD for today to buy cold & flu supplies. I did have plans for this evening, but I think I will put myself in quarantine at home and not inflict the lurgy on anyone else :rotfl: equally, I have fuzzy head so the earlier I drive home today, the better, methinks.

    Lovely post there mothernerd xx
  • Lady_M
    Lady_M Posts: 9 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I'm slow to get started but hear goes.
    starting monthly budget today. Will not need to go shopping until weekend at the earliest. Been emptying cupboards and freezer for a few weeks now so will have to get creative with what's left.
    For the next 90 days I would like to focus on getting mentally and physically healthier.
    I will have a look round to see what can be sold. Will move a spare set of drawers in to ds bedroom as his have fell to bits.
    Have downloaded an app to reduce my screen time.
    Will go to library to start reading again.

    Still deciding which daily habit to start with.

    This month I will write 3 daily gratitudes.
    I will start on my frog list to get house ready for winter.
  • thriftylass
    thriftylass Posts: 3,997 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    misstara wrote: »
    NSD 1/15 today. Beautiful day so went out for a lovely walk in the afternoon.

    Healthy eating has gone marginally better today as in less jaffa cakes but no fruit and veg so far. Definitely need to make more of an effort. I'll have veg for tea but seem to struggle to get fruit and veg throughout the day. Has anyone got any advice/tips for eating more fruit and veg at breakfast and lunch?

    Sorry for the late reply, internet was down.

    It depends, what do you usually have for lunch or breakfast and where (at work/home). I always have some fruit (fresh or dried) in my desk (apples form our tree, dried mango, raisins, bananas) or I take a bit of cucumber or some carrots for snacks. It’s good to prepare them for a few days on a Sun and leave them in the fridge for easy grab-and-go. I often have a cooked lunch (leftovers or purposely made) and it's just a protein like chicken with loads of veg (peas, spinach, green beans, courgette etc) or some kidney beans. If you have homemade sandwiches, add cucumber slices, salad or tomato slices? Another good one and less expensive then fresh fruit is having always some frozen fruit in the freezer. Thaw overnight and put on cereal or whip up a quick smoothie. Or I also like making a big salad (without seasoning so it lasts a few days/portions) with tinned sweetcorn/kidney beans/chickpeas, peppers, cucumber, tomatoes etc and top that with leftover roast chicken, seasoning, dressing etc on the day.

    Will go out for lunch today so no SFD and no gym. Just as well as I'm pretty sore after yesterday’s class.
    DEBT 06/24: CC 6347 5120 £2350 £2000, OD £500, Other £3100 £2650 Planned debt free date: Dec 2024
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 3 October 2019 at 12:12PM
    I don't want to overload you with information, so feel free to pass this one by or just read through and file away for later.

    I woke up at 9.30am (late getting to sleep) and I know I've had enough sleep. I feel very bright and alert and according to the very helpful CBT course I did last year, I should get up straight away. But I'm not going to.

    First of all I don't have to. I've done years of early mornings, 5 am and even 4 am wake ups. I've done the getting up an hour early (with DS1 this was necessary if I wanted to wash my hair, as soon as he had gone to sleep after the 4 am feed). I have reponsibilities and things I need to do but I have enough flexibility in my schedule to choose to ease into the day when I need to or want to (if I really want to finish my book). If I need to be up early I set the alarm or stay awake all night (and try to allow myself 2 hours to do all my morning 'stages').

    I have to pace myself. Sometimes I wake up with 'creaky knees' (it's arthritis but that's an old lady thing so I've gone back to just having creaky knees). Experience has shown that if I have another one or two hours sleep, they stop creaking.

    Similarly my mother had her varicose veins 'done' when I was 6 y o so I've been brought up knowing that if your legs are aching get them up on a stool asap.

    I've had a couple of bad sprained ankles and learnt to strap it up at the first sign of trouble, usually when I've done too much or in hot weather. Otherwise other bits of my body try to compensate (knees taking the strain away from the ankles, hips compensating for the knees) and i end up totally unable to walk properly.

    I can walk today (hoorah) but I'm very slow and am having to think about where to put my foot or what I can get hold of to stay upright a lot of the time. This is the 'price' I have to pay for the work that got done yesterday. Any time I push my body to the limit (usually something that would once have been a perfectly normal activity) my body needs a day or two to rest, relax and recover.

    So I'm going to stay in bed until I feel like going for my shower, doing gentle stretches (neck and shoulder rolls, wiggling my toes, paddling my feet), read my book and do my plan of action. ATM my preferred plan is to do what I can at home (it's my day off and the cleaner will be at mum's until after dinner), go to mum's mid to late afternoon with shopping.

    I want to press on with her outside jobs and one of her partner's grand-daughters has been calling on Thursday nights (whilst her daughter is at brownies) and she would be very helpful in getting the curtains done, she might even go up the ladder for me. I was thinking of staying over to finish off some things tomorrow but she may give me a lift home (I will ask her to drop me off rather than going out of her way).

    So all I'm asking of you, dear turtles, is that you LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Headaches, mouth ulcers, being clumsy, colds and other symptoms are telling you that your body is stressed or you are ignoring something that is going wrong in your life. It's okay to take a vitamin pill if you know you aren't getting enough veg but you need to take a step back and think about what is wrong. I know work culture these days demands that you go in even when you can barely stand (largely counter-productive as everyone else will catch whatever bugs you have) but at least rest when you can.

    I had a patchwork of small jobs which meant I didn't get sick pay so I've worked with flu (went back to bed with a bowl of home made soup or broth in between) and with my arm in a sling (boss never even noticed even when I was covering for two other people - one had been involved in a minor road accident and one had walked out after the boss shouted at me). I only survived some years due to helpful colleagues (supervisor told me to take an unofficial day off - others covered my work and I still got paid) and a co-worker took me into a quiet part of the building and told me to sit there for 10 minutes while she did more work. I was well known for falling asleep as soon as I sat down (at the end of a shift, in the middle of college lectures, in the middle of Tai Chi - standing up not in the meditation).

    Tomorrow I'll do a Winter prep checklist. Martin has written one for this week's newsletter. It's excellent but I'll be covering the more domestic/ little things side. Many turtles will be familiar with most of it (f0xh0les did so much of it last month she could run classes in it). It's not a huge to do list (there is a preparing for winter thread if you need a thorough plan) but it's just little things you can do now to make things easier if you have a power cut, get sick (you will get sick) and I've added a couple of things to ponder for those who've heard it all before.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
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