Please help debt, death and depression :(
Hello, Been on this forums before and back again to try again. Brief situation as otherwise could turn into an essay. So am married (technically only on paper really!) with a small child of nearly 3. Not working due to said small child. I live with my husband who in theory should pay most of the bills but money has become…
SOA - Advice please
Hi, I've been on this forum for years and have plucked up the courage to add an SOA for people to review and provide advice. I mange my own debt management plan, but since have taken out additional credit cards which I'm really annoyed I've done so. In 2 months time my employee will be introducing a salary sacrifice car…
Worth paying off student loan?/points on lump sum?
Trying to work out if it's worth paying back my student loan or to keep a lump sum in case? Is there any way of getting points on lump sum payments?
Hoping someone will be able to help advise on the best way forward relating to debt with HMRC. I'm currently in a self managed DMP and the below is what is owed and monthly payments. Tax Credits Overpayment from 2016 Balance £2,500 Monthly payment of £10.00 Underpayment of tax 2020-2021 Balance £2,800 Monthly payment of…
Hi all, I need an urgent advice, in March i received an interim charging order from my creditors and i did not receive any letter prior to my interim charging order. At the moment i am waiting to hear from the court and also at the same time i am trying to negotiate with the creditors. The Co-owner has nothing to do with…
Do I still have to pay?
* Hi, my first ever post, I have tried to search for this information in the search bar with no luck. I’m in a management plan with PRG group which was originally a debt with Santander, the debt has been sold a couple of times to different companies. * The outstanding balance is approximately £4000, I’ve been paying it…
Advice please
Hi and hello, Just after some advice, about 3 years ago my personal circumstances changed and i lost everything, so I had to return the car I had on PCP back to the dealership. I had a relapse and was back in hospital for a few months. Upon my discharge i had help sorting out my finances and gave the finance company a ring…
Huge debts and mortgage increase...
Hi - looking for some urgent advice. My husband and I have accrued an enormous amount of credit card debt - some is historic, some has occurred more recently after my husband lost work and we had a huge bill for unavoidable building work. We dropped our mortgage to interest only for six months which was the only way we…
Do Lowell offer a reduced final amount if already paying?
Got a default with Lowell for an old credit card. Currently paying £25/month of it and they're not bothering me for more. The default itself reaches the 6 year point in July (4 months time) and there's around £3700 left outstanding. At the present rate of £300/year, it's going to take over 12 years more to pay this off.…
Helping Dad with debt
My dad is about to retire due to ill health and has debt with companies such as Lowell (around £2k), Cabot (around £2k) and capital one (£?) as well his mortgage (£9k) and a loan (?). I’m trying to help him pay off his debts which I have just found out about as he physically cannot keep working. The loan company has not…
Should I reply or ignore?
In Feb 2020 I wrote to all my creditors asking for a copy of my credit agreement. Almost all of them replied. Though 1 admitted the form was illegible and so was unenforceable. I have since been able to negotiate settlements with all of them and have thankfully cleared all debt except for a dodgy issue with my student loan…
How long does inhibition last as I have one and they keep renewing it every 5 years I had a citi card and was paying Regularly but then had a stroke. The debt keeps getting passed on and is now with Cabot finance. My health is really poor but the solicitor acting on their behalf said they won't accept the settlement figure…
Help with debt collectors
Hello Hoping you can give me some advice regarding some debt collectors that are chasing me for unpaid council tax. I have outstanding council tax due and finally after a long battle with the council involved, got the bill reduced due to my children being in further and higher education and not required to pay thus meaning…
Self managed Debt Management Plan
The story so far. So I found out that a Self managed Debt Management Plan was an option in dealing with my outstanding debts so I advised the debt management company I used that I would be cancelling their services in writing. I did so and their response was quite rude to be fair and I never really expected the level of…
Default of sums act.
I was wondering if anyone could help me. So my due date was 28th feb. And I paid on the 1st march. I then looked at my statement on the 22nd march. And it was on the 8th march I received a late fee payment of £12, I didn’t realise until I scrolled and scrolled on the very bottom page I had a default sum of notice on there…
Hi, I received the below email in relation to my account which I have a balance of £31. Should i just pay the £31 off fully before the 9th April so its fully settled rather than Partially settled, what's peoples thoughts please? --------------------- Important Information from Tappily/SafetyNet Credit Dear Customer As you…
How long does inhibition last as I have one and they keep renewing it every 5 years I had a citi card and was paying Regularly but then had a stroke. The debt keeps getting passed on and is now with Cabot finance. My health is really poor but the solicitor acting on their behalf said they won't accept the settlement figure…
Debt consolidation advice
Hi. Very new to this. I have 3 credit cards. 1. £2800 2. 600 3. 2100 (£5400) i dont have any problem paying off the minimum payments every month. But i know. This is all interest. I’m looking at how i consolidate them all without an iva. I dont no the apr on them. But i think around the 26apr mark. I’d like to just get rid…
Need advice re Step son taking out loans and getting into Debt.
Hope i have posted this thread in the right place but did not know where to put it. I need some advice please as i am starting to worry a lot about my 23 year old step son who is living with us in our home. he and i have the same name as when i met his mum some 15 years ago step was called the same 1st name as me and later…
How long does inhibition last as I have one and they keep renewing it every 5 years I had a citi card and was paying Regularly but then had a stroke. The debt keeps getting passed on and is now with Cabot finance. My health is really poor but the solicitor acting on their behalf said they won't accept the settlement figure…