Stuck abroad because of covid and need some advice.
Hi, I am a UK citizen stuck abroad because of covid (outside Europe) and I'm about to lose my UK address due to a forced house sale. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for a UK address for banking, insurance and general transactions until I am able to return to the UK sometime in the future? I have read that…
Refused refund- private day 2 and 8 Covid test after amber county travel
I bought private day 2 and 8 Covid test After family emergency travel to amber country through a company which was listed on gov.uk website. I also paid extra for next day courier delivery. When I arrived in uk, my test did not arrive. I tried to contact them by phone and email multiple times. No response until day 4. I…
Seiss 5 and Esa
Hi. I received ESA as well as seiss grants because I was shielding. When applying for grant 5 do I include my Esa payments? Thanks
Hi. Has anyone had rouble getting though to DVLA? I sent a paper application for reduced car tax due to disability and it’s been 7 weeks and my car still isn’t taxed so I have no car to drive they have all my paperwork and I get bounced from phone to web chat then told to call back later?
Venue at risk,
Ok so I am double jabbed last jab was 10th May 2021 last Friday I went out for meal with 2 friends (Pizza Express) (Friend checked in) then off to pub/bar (Big Venue) (I checked in) Today the covid 19 app Notification said this You recently visited a venue on the same day as others who have since tested positive for…
I received the 4th grant but unsure if I can receive the 5th. I work/ed from home as a massage therapist and had zero turnover last tax year - i felt it unsafe. I started a p/t office job in March with a view to doing that for financial security while I build up massage again. My income from employment is now greater that…
5th seiss turnover
Hello my husband is self employed and has just received an email regarding the 5th seiss grant. It says about comparing turnover from 19/20 and 20/21. He only started self employment August 2019 so hes 19/20 self assessment is made up of both employed and self employed earnings (only 8 months of self employed income) so…
SEISS & Local Authority Grants - Taxable ?
A friend of mine has a small shop that was prevented from operating during various lockdowns, and consequently received both SEISS and Local Authority "Grants". Quite how he manages a shop and got those grants I don't know as his command of simple bookkeeping and his ability to find information online is sketchy to say the…
Expenses Claim
I work from home 4 days a week and go into office 1 day a week. My firm deduct 1 day that I am in the office from the £6 weekly government entitlement. Is this correct?
Wedding paid for but venue has closed
was hoping someone may have some advice We were due to get married May 2020, our wedding was paid in full to the hotel. Due to covid we have had to postpone 3 times, the Hotel has been closed since the second lockdown and has not reopened. The owners have been really bad with communication, not replying to emails and now…
Template for cancelled event refund
Hello I’ve been looking for a template letter to send to a company for a refund for a cancelled event but can’t find one, can anybody advise? For background … two years ago myself and another team of swimmers booked to do a relay swim across Loch Ness. Last year it was postponed for obvious reasons, and we had no issue…
Student Halls - refunds
My son has just finished his first year at uni and stayed at the halls but this was not managed by the university but a private company. After the christmas break he was instructed by the uni not to go back because of the covid restrictions. Because he had signed a contract he had to pay his halls fees. Has anyone else…
Furlough scheme
Hi i am on a zero hrs contract being paid flexi furlough I will earn more than 2500 will I get this money or is it capped? if I do not get paid for what I earn can I request to come off flexi furlough & be paid normally? thanks in advance for your reply
Isolating following app notification
Late on Thursday evening, my husband had a notification from the NHS app to say that he needs to isolate for the next 9 days. He immediatly contacted his employers on their health line (his employers are a London airport), and explained giving all the relevent information from the app, and his work rota etc, the nurse he…
Covid scam HMRC letter through post SEISS 5
thought i would see if anyone else has had a scam letter through post claiming to be from HMRC my partner who is self employed got a letter through post yesterday. Brown paper HMRC type letter all the paper looks geniue inside etc then in the letter it advises that they need more info for her to claim SEISS 5. that she…
Furlough Relative Paid Incorrectly?
One of my relatives has been on the 80% furlough scheme. Over a month ago she was called back to work flexible hours on an as needed basis ie 2 hours here and there or even days at a time (whilst still getting the 80% from the Government). She got her wages this month and they only paid them a token amount of under 20 quid…
Self employed universal credit and the end of the suspension of the minimum income floor
After my work related interview today which I might add went well with my work coach I was left bemused when I asked the question what does it mean at the discretion of the work coach wether or not they would be able to extend the suspension of the minimum income floor after it ceases at the beginning of august , her reply…
Seiss 5
Has anyone herd from hmrc regarding the 5th grant
Wedding registrar
Hi. My son has lost a great deal of money as the company he paid a full deposit for his wedding to has gone bust.On top of that they paid £550 for a registrar to attend .The wedding could not go ahead because of covid,but the local authority say that the payment is non refundable. Surely in a case of a pandemic this is not…
Furlough scheme
Hope I can explain this correct, the furlough changes in July, I'm currently not at work but my employer says that when they have to pay 10 percent towards making my pay up to 80 percent, they would like me to work that 10 percent ( which is fine with me) but can someone tell me how many hours I will have to work?, Used to…