Money Moral Dilemma: Should Marge stop Lisa spending the glam cash?
Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on: Should Marge stop Lisa spending the glam cash? Having completed her daily chores and odd jobs around the house over eight months, 13 year old Lisa manages to save all the allowance her mother Marge rewards her with, accumulating a respectable £150. Proud of…
Real-life MMD: Should we pay to shrink our garden?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should we pay to shrink our garden? We've just bought a house and moved in. Last weekend, our new neighbour came around and apologetically explained she'd just found out the garden fence is in the wrong place (and has been for years). Moving it will mean we lose a portion of our garden. We've checked…
Do the BBC think the public are stupid? I just turned on and saw exactly the same Countryfile program that was was on the same time last week.
Real-life MMD: Should I keep paying postage shortfalls?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I keep paying postage shortfalls? This Christmas and on previous birthdays, I've often received cards or mail with insufficient postage paid and had to pay Royal Mail to re-deliver it, without knowing what I might be receiving. Should I let the senders know this is happening, or does it look…
Should I ask my Dad for the inheritance I'm owed?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I ask my Dad for the inheritance I'm owed? I inherited £5,000 about 10 years ago. My parents told me they had invested it in a property that, when sold, would double the money and I could have it at 25. I'm now 26 and have found a house I want to buy, but am £5k short on the deposit. My dad's…
Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?
Poll started 22 Jan 2013 The January sales are perhaps the cheapest time of year to do Christmas shopping – so have you been out buying presents and decorations? Which of the options is closest to your situation? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far?…
Do you care more about your bank’s ethics, or its rates?
Poll started 3 July 2012, click here to vote It was tough to imagine banks' reputations could sink any lower. Then we had NatWest's screw-up, followed by the Barclays scandal, and potentially more revelations of moral bankruptcy to come. Yet does this really matter to you? Please rank the following attributes of your bank…
The Great 'Great Hunt' Hunt
Great 'Great Hunt' Hunt Each week, we seek to tap MoneySavers' collective knowledge on a wealth of different topics - from 'disguised own brands' to 'how to talk to kids about debt', or 'smell-alike perfumes'. So this week, we thought it's only fair to ask which topics YOU want to explore. View all past Great Hunts…
Real-life MMD: Should I confront my indebted sister?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I confront my indebted sister? I recently read a letter from HMRC to my sister and discovered she's in a lot of debt. I've raised suspicions before, and she denied being in financial straits, though I remained worried. I know it's not really my business, but she lives with my widowed and retired…
What would you do?
Real-life MMD: Should friend cough up for broken iPhone?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should friend cough up for broken iPhone? My 13yr old saved up for two years to get an iPhone, which he bought six months ago. Last week one of his friends pushed him in a river and now the iPhone no longer works. The phone recycling companies won't offer more than £50 for it and though it's covered by…
Real-life MMD: Should I share utility switching cashback?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I share utility switching cashback? I share a house. While we split the bills equally, the gas and electricity bill is in my name. When the price hikes were announced recently, I listened to the boss and switched to a fixed deal saving us £150/yr, clicking through a comparison site offering the…
Real-life MMD: Who should pay the parking fine?
Money Moral Dilemma: Who should pay the parking fine? [FONT="]I am 25 and live with my mum. She recently had builders in who helped themselves to all her biscuits and milk. While driving to work between jobs, she asked me to stop off at the shop as she didn't want to leave the builders alone. It was a major…
How do I post a poll?
Sorry ignore this. I figured it out xxx
How much has this year's Christmas cost you?
Poll started 11 Dec 2012 Christmas and the holiday season is an expensive time of year. So how much do you plan to spend on presents, food, and transport to see friends and family? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your say below. To see the…
The best EVER children’s programme nostalgia poll
Poll started 18 Dec 2012 It’s Christmas, so for this week’s poll, we’re forgetting money and going for nostalgia. We’ve selected some iconic kids’ programmes, and we want you to pick your favourites. If yours is missing, sorry – we had to have a short list. You can vote for up to three.Click below to vote. Vote in this…
When did you last switch energy provider?
Poll started 2 Jan 2013 Gas and electricity bills are on the rise. All the big six providers have hiked prices (or are about to) by about 10%. The market is meant to be competitive, but have you taken advantage? If not, read the Cheap Gas & Electricity guide. When did you last switch energy provider? Vote in this week's…
Real-life MMD: Term-time truancy for a cheap hol
Money Moral Dilemma: Term-time truancy for a cheap hol My parents want to take our six-year-old son on holiday during term-time, because it's loads cheaper than during the school holidays. It's a bit of a 'now or never' opportunity for him to go away with his grandparents, but the school will fine me if I take him out of…
Should the UK be a part of the European Union?
Poll started 4 Dec 2012 Prime Minister David Cameron has hinted there may be a referendum on this hot topic, though he hasn't said when. However, it wouldn't be an in/out vote, instead it'd be whether the UK should renegotiate its position in Europe, so it is less integrated within the EU. How would you vote, in an in/out…
Uk christmas movies
Apart from scrooge/A Christmas carol does anyone no any other Christmas movies I cant think of any.