Is it fair to discriminate on age, gender or race in insurance pricing?
Poll started 9 Oct 2012 In December the European Court of Justice 'gender equalisation' rule hits, meaning insurers can no longer charge men and women different prices (other things being equal). It'll mean hikes in car, life and medical insurance for women, and worse annuity rates for men. Which of the options in this…
Real-life MMD: Should student daughter contribute?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should student daughter contribute? My 18-year old daughter's just started at uni and lives at home. She gets £60/wk grant and has a part-time job on about £50/wk. I've asked for £20/wk maintenance, since I've lost my child tax credit and am a single parent. She's refusing as she believes HER grant's…
Real-life MMD: Should we speak up about lunch arrangement?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should we speak up about lunch arrangement? We meet regularly with friends for lunch and the arrangement’s always been that the host supplies lunch and the visitors bring wine or dessert, but lately our friends have suggested going out to a pub for lunch when it’s their turn to host and expect us to…
Real life MMD: Are my parents dividing the will fairly?
Money Moral Dilemma: Are my parents dividing the will fairly? My parents are writing their will. My dad has two children from a previous marriage, plus my sister and I. Their proposal is my dad splits half their assets four ways and my mum half two ways. Thus I'd get 37.5%, but my half-siblings only 12.5%. I think this is…
Self-service supermarket tills - love them or loathe them?
Poll started 24 Sept 2012 More and more, we’re operating the checkouts for the big supermarkets and giving them a nice surprise with our unexpected items in the baggage area. Is this a change for the better, or should supermarkets be swept clean of them? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option?…
How would you rate your home phone/broadband provider(s)?
Poll started 11 June 2012, click here to vote How do you rate your telecoms provider? The best telecoms providers for price can be the worst for customer service. So, we want to know about your experiences with your current home phone and broadband providers (not mobile broadband). If you have a bundled package (ie same…
Real-life MMD: Should I return £2,000 insurance cash?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I return £2,000 insurance cash? I accidentally put my treasured old Omega watch through a washing cycle and when it came out, it wasn’t working. I sent it to my insurer who sent it back with a ‘beyond repair’ note and a voucher for £2000. The thing is, it’s now in perfect working order again.…
Where’s best to haggle on the high street?
Poll started 11 Sep 2012 It's not just fly-swarming back-street bazaars in far-flung places. With a bit of charm and chutzpah, you can haggle successfully on Britain's high streets. Vote in this week's poll to tell us which of the 40 chains we've included you've haggled in and whether or not you succeeded? Vote in this…
Is the landline dead?
Poll started 28 Aug 2012 BT’s just announced another line rental hike (info and help in Cheap Home Phones). Once families queued for their turn on the home phone – now, even many under-10s have their own mobile. Is the landline dead? What percentage of (non- work) calls made and received are on your home phone compared to…
Real life MMD: She dumped my son - should I make her pay for the holiday
Money Moral Dilemma: She dumped my son - should I make her pay for the holiday? I booked a holiday for me, my partner, our son and his girlfriend to go to Orlando using air miles for the flight. The four tickets were free, but taxes worked out at £450 for each seat, plus £80 for a connecting flight. We didn't ask our son's…
Who wears the financial trousers in your family?
Poll started 18 Sept 2012 Which of the following is closest to your family set-up when it comes to the financial battle of the genders? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your say below. To see the results from last time, click this
Real-life MMD: Should I give former colleague an undeserved reference?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I give former colleague an undeserved reference? A few years ago, I arranged with my boss to get an old colleague some part-time work. But she messed it up, and didn't deliver as expected. Now she's applied for a new job and asked me if I'll be a referee. Her husband has disabilities and she's…
Real-life MMD: Should I cut back so I can sponsor a marathon run?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I cut back so I can sponsor a marathon run? For the last few years, one of my relatives has run a half-marathon for charity and asked friends and family to sponsor him. I always struggle to spare the cash, however, I always sponsor him because I feel obliged. That time has come around again and…
Do you believe in the BBC licence fee?
Poll started 20 July 2012, click here to vote A TV licence costs £145.50 a year for any home with a colour TV, and pays for the BBC - that's TV, radio, regional programmes, BBC online and associated costs (full details). Do you believe in the licence fee? Yes. I think it's an important public service Yes, but it's far too…
Real-life MMD: Am I baking up the wrong tree?
Money Moral Dilemma: Am I baking up the wrong tree? I like to bake cakes for my colleagues' birthdays, however, it now seems an expectation. No one offers to contribute towards the ingredients' costs, and though I enjoy it, it's becoming expensive. Should I only do it for those I'm close to and risk offending the others,…
Real life MMD: Should I cough up?
Should I cough up? A contractor I work with had a birthday last week. A junior colleague had a small celebration, bought a cake and a gift. I wasn't in the office on the day this took place. I'm now being asked for a £5 contribution. Click reply to have your say Previous MMDs: View All [threadbanner] box [/threadbanner]
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I pay the window cleaner?
This is a real life MMD so please bear in mind the MoneySaver in question will read your responses: Please give this MoneySaver the benefit of your advice... Should I pay the window cleaner? On my street a few houses have the letter "A" after the number. I don't get my windows cleaned but my neighbour does and I often come…
Real Life MMD: Should my brother get his share of Mum's will?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should my brother get his share of Mum's will? My mother has written a will leaving everything equally to her 8 children. Two years ago my brother asked her for a £5,000 loan for a car, promising to pay it back when he could. Mum was taken aback, but wrote a cheque. Since then, he and his wife have had…
Is it time to end ‘free’ banking?
Poll started 21 Aug 2012 We’ve long said ‘free’ banking’s a myth. In reality, it’s ‘fees-free’ for those in credit. The price is no in-credit interest, high overdraft interest and hefty bank charges. Some policy wonks are calling for the end of 'free' banking. They say banks would mis-sell less, as they wouldn’t need to…
What is child poverty in the UK?
Poll started 19 June 2012, click here to vote The Child Poverty Act currently defines children as in poverty if they’re in a household which earns under 60% of the average income. The government is now talking about making it more reflective of a child’s life. Please select ALL you think count as poverty Family income…