IA's back on the tracks diary.
Well... I knew I wouldn't be able to stay away from long. The support and love on this board was always going to draw me back. Also I didn't realise just how much DFW and MSE keep me on track and on the straight and narrow. And unfortunately I let the comments of a few individuals push me away from that. I also know that a…
BOB goes forth
Hello everyone:hello: I feel very nervous as I type this, but i wanted to start my own DFW diary to keep me off the streets as it were! As you have probably already guessed i am a bit of a Blackadder fan, and am known as BOB around these here parts. Short for boredofbeingathome, but also on advice from Ellidee, and from an…
SS's Debt Diary!
I've basically decided to copy Jamesy's idea but don't tell him! :shhh: I will try and keep it as up to date as possible, providing I remember and it's not too depressing! :rotfl: To start with I will post my debts in all their glory! :rolleyes: As of today the are; Egg (Limit - £500) = £169.60 Capital One (Limit - £8,000)…
pania's finding the courage for once in my life diary
Hellooooo everyone me again!!! Frstly apologies for vanishing for a while a way back, i had one of those "I need some time out" moments if you get my drift. So here i am back, feeling a little wibbly about things and trying to get finances back on track. For those who've not read this before i am a mortgage advisor working…
To remind myself how far I've come - my debt diary. - SOA added
Sorry, this is long! Don't read if easily bored!!! Hope no-one minds my copycat-ness and taking up room here but after an initally good start am finding that I am flagging a little bit and thought having everything in black and white here might help me. A little background info in case anyone other than me strays onto the…
My Debt Diary
Hiya thought i would start a thread and try to keep it updated like a diary in terms of what i have spent and how i am acheiving getting my debts down. If this is the wrong place to post it the feel free to move :T Right i currently owe £9623.53 on my Egg Loan and im trying to get it down as much as possible this year.…
PeachPickle's DFW Diary
Yes, I'm a shameful shameful copycat, but I decided I'd quite like a diary thread of my own. I hope that's ok, even though I'm a newbie :o Very few people know I'm in debt, let alone the level of debt, so I thought it might be helpful to have a place I could talk/vent about it occasionally to keep me on the path rather…
Chip Chip Hooray!!
Hi there :D I've decided to keep an online diary as it seems to motivate the rest of you on here to be sensible with money. I've kept one before but after many months of burying my head in the sand, I've decided it's time to sort myself out.;) Right, a bit about me. I'm a guy who's single and runs his own business. Whoa…
Bau's journey to a debt free life!
Hello :D I've already started the process of a DMP having realised that for the last four years all I've done is pay off the interest on my loan/CC's and that wasn't about to change any time soon. I wasn't going to bother with a thread as I'd already made the decision as to what to do, but having just read buffy's…
Kymbogs' long slow (and possibly painful) debt-free journey!
Hi guys I did a mega-intro including SOA in this thread here but now want to start my continuing diary separate from that. Here's to the beginning of the journey! My travels have got off to a good start this morning. I heard about a free sim with Blyk which gives you texts and minutes without having to top up and someone…
Hypno's recession busting debt diary.....
So.....here it is....the 4th Chapter in the long and winding road to becoming debt free. It seems the right time to start this new diary - OH starts a new job next week so I have had to re-do the dreaded new SOA. Today he received his final pay from his old job, and due to holiday pay being given to him, we had enough to…
lilmissmup's debt free diary!
I am taking the plunge and gonna start a diary to try and get myself motivated to clear off my debt ASAP. My debt is fairly small, i have 1 loan with Northern Rock which is a 18 month loan which totals £5385.60. I have paid off 6 months of that now so have paid of £1795.20 at £299.20 a month and have £3590.40 left to pay.…
Climbing My Mountain - The Journey of Ikkle87
Dear Reader, Welcome to my nice and new shiny diary thread. You may well be sat thinking to yourself 'hmmmm, I am sure she had a diary thread not so long back'. Well you would be correct, however I never really posted much on that diary, although I had had my lightbulb moment I was still somewhat in denial, and to top that…
Becca's Debt Free Journey
hello! this is my first post on the boards, so i apologise for the length in advance! not even sure if i'm posting this in the right place! i've been working hard for a while to clear my debts. all of my credit cards have been cleared and my only remaining debt is a loan, which i took out last year for £7k. i pay £140.72 a…
Sorting my life out diary!
Hi everyone!:j I have decided to join writing a daily diary too as it really looks like it helps people on here. My situation isnt that bad im only 24 living at my home with the parents....but thats the problem! I want to buy my own place with my OH! But the problems are i have some small debts and i only work 25 hours a…
Day 2 of my debt free journey
Hope everyone doesnt mind me posting this. I thought it would be nice to see how things evolve throughout my debt free journey and hopefully get better!! Im sure lots of others have been here and you all seem a friendly bunch, so please post with advice or just join in. Its a lonely world, my partner gets sick of me going…
Lula Hula's journey to debt freedom
Hello all, I'm starting this diary with a cautionary tale, so let's begin : Phone rang yesterday so I answered & was greeted thus - " Hello Lula, this is Bob from blah blah debt management, I believe you recently spoke to one of my colleagues & you're currently struggling with debts so I'm just calling to see how you're…
Taxis 2008 diary..here we go
Evening fellow DFWs, It's now time to put my old diary to rest as I've set myself new challenges for 2008...Madly, I've joined the pay £20k off by christmas 2008 challenge along with the christmas for free 2008 challenge. I'm pleased with what I've achieved so far since October 2006 and it is all thanks to this wonderful…
Can I Fix This?
I have finally faced up to the fact that I am in a total mess that I cannot see any way out of at all. I have followed Spud30's advice and posted my SOA below, and it is making me feel sick just looking at it. If any of you have time can you please read through it and offer any constructive advice that you can think of?…
lynnellens blind journey
hi everyone. I wish i had known about this site 365 sleepless nights ago,im sure with all the advise it offers it could of spared us the journey my OH and i are setting off on [A SCAREY ONE] its quite a long story so in a nutshell we had our own business building/consruction toottling quiet nicely lots of employees then…