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Husband and his money

My husband has more money than his job would pay? however he doesn’t exactly work as a CEO of a bank etc. He works as a groundsman in construction. 

However over the last few months (8 months)

He’s bought me a brand new Rolex and himself, brand new BMW/ Audi car and we have huge amount of money stored around the house. We’re also in the process of paying off our mortgage and moving to a house that is much much bigger, we’ve also had large sums deposited from his own account into our joint account (£45,000) and more sometimes. 

When I ask where the money is coming from he tells me just bonuses from work etc, he never leaves the house much apart from work. 

He tells me it’s the rewards of working hard. 

Would would you do?





  • Mitzj7374
    He always says to me he wants us now to have the best and it just work income. 
  • Keep_pedalling
    I think you married a drug dealer. 
  • Mitzj7374
    I think you married a drug dealer. 
    He’s ground worker. He did say some months ago he was sick of us having not much. 
  • Mitzj7374
    Also one of his best mates sold there company they started together, however my husband was bought out when the company was very small for not much and now it’s been sold for 1.5M. 
  • tacpot12
    tacpot12 Posts: 8,245 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Ultimately, what you do depends on whether you can find out the source of the money, and if it is illegal, whether you want to be married to a criminal or not.
    The comments I post are my personal opinion. While I try to check everything is correct before posting, I can and do make mistakes, so always try to check official information sources before relying on my posts.
  • Mitzj7374
    tacpot12 said:
    Ultimately, what you do depends on whether you can find out the source of the money, and if it is illegal, whether you want to be married to a criminal or not.
    When I ask him, he says he’s just working hard and makes a joke and says ground workers do earns fortune you know. He’s not drug dealer or anything because he doesn’t leave house without me. He’s also paid his friends debt of 6K off. 
    I’m worrying if he’s blackmailing his friend who sold his company?
  • Mitzj7374
    Perfect example today: he said let’s upgrade your engagement ring from the £650 ring to a £4,500 ring. And I’ve just been given a 0.80CT highest spec thing GIA I think it’s called. 
  • CocoM2020
    Credit cards? Loans? Won the lottery?  However it does sound more on the illegal side (not being rude but it sounds so suspicious and too good to be true. Why would he be blackmailing his friend his friend though? Does he not realise the stress this is causing you? You need answers though how to get them I don’t know.
  • Why would you think that, does the friend have secrets that interesting, it would make good reading on a Saturday afternoon  😁

    Google indicates the salary of a construction manager/etc to be 45k-ish, combine that with a touch of credit cards, loans, and gambling (if winning), that makes for a nice monthly income - if you're childfree.
  • Mitzj7374
    He’s not caused me any stress, just wondering.

    he and his friend set a company up and for the first many years they didn’t make much, my husband was bought out in year 5 for £26,000 I think and the company was sold before lock down I think for 1.5M to sole shareholder. He doesn’t use loans etc or cards always cash. 
    It’s as if the other guy turned it round and hired the right people instead of doing everything himself and got lucky to some degree from what I understand there product was undercutting completion by 35% with specification and was purchased by competitor I think. 
    My husband usually says he doesn’t deserve that money when he helped him. 
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