Updated MSE blog: 16 free or cheap kids' book tricks
MSE Jenny has updated her blog: 📚 16 free or cheap kids' book tricks 📚 It includes free e-books with your library, free must-read Kindle titles, 10 books for £10 and more. How many of these have you tried? Is there anything you'd add?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should our four-year-old child pay for her own extracurricular activities?
This week's MoneySaver who wants advice asks... Since she was born, our four-year-old has been given money by friends and family on birthdays etc. She now has a few grand saved up in a bank account we opened for her. Recently, we've signed her up to some extracurricular activities she wants to try - gymnastics, swimming,…
CICA compensation payout timings (less than 20 working days?)
Hi there. I experienced a sexualAssault in the UK last year and have been awarded compensation through CICA. I’ve accepted the amount and sent it via 1st class postage on Wednesday evening and wondered when I’m likely I would receive payment (I’m naively hoping by the end of this week). I’m super grateful and shocked and…
How do I continue saving for my 16 year old daughter into an account she can't access
I've been saving over the years for my daughter. The account is in her name, but I have 'authority' over it as she's currently under 16 and she doesn't know that it exists. She's 16 in a couple of months so the account will 'mature' and transfer over to her name. There's over £40k in the account and I don't want her to…
School admission
Hi. Wondered if I can find someone here with the same problem. I am currently homeless living in a hotel and I need to apply for school by mid January. I know I need proof of address but I don’t have any. I am looking for rent but i don’t know where I will find one and when. This hotel is only a temporary solution until I…
Money Moral Dilemma: Should we sign our child up to a free book scheme when we can afford books?
This week's MoneySaver who wants advice asks... A well-known children's book charity scheme now covers where we live and each month, any child enrolled in it receives a high-quality, age-appropriate book free of charge until age five. Our household income is three times the UK average and we can easily afford to provide…
Did you know you can get FREE HRT prescription medication with HRT certificate?
Hello to all, Thinking this is probably the most appropriate forum... and apologies if this has already been posted but in case not, did you know that by obtaining a HRT certificate (£20) which is valid for 1 year, you can get (most) HRT medication free of prescription charge? I wasn't aware until my pharmacist told me.…
Is aluminium foil safe to use to freeze/Store chicken breast? What are safe alternatives?
Wasn't sure where to post this so hope someone could help here I've always stored chicken breast in standard plastic freezer bags which are made from Polynesian But want to change to a Safer alternative that is not going to absorb micro plastics into my chicken I don't have the room to store any form of container in the…
Maternity planning -to cover 6 months off
Hi all I’m trying to plan and prep in advance looking at my companies policy etc it’s 18 weeks full pay thinking if I tag holiday/ kit etc can push to 6 months off maybe 7 how did you plan for how much you might need ? For anyone who took a shorter time how did you find it ? Any tips for planning for mat leave most welcome…
which stroller/travel system for hatchback?
Hi all, not sure if this is the best place to post but looking for advice from any parents with a hatchback. I am looking into what buggy and car seat to buy when the little one arrives later this year. I have a Toyota corolla hatchback and I am concerned about how easily a folded buggy with fit in the boot, will it just…
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I pay to have the bike my ex-husband got our son serviced?
This week's MoneySaver who wants advice asks... My ex-husband bought our son a second-hand bike that cost £180 for Christmas the year before last. Since then it's been badly damaged a couple of times, and I've paid for it to be fixed professionally. My ex now wants the bike back to sell, saying the money he gets will go…
4 year old on a high optical prescription - any advice?
Hello I took my 4 year old for an eye test after I noticed he was squeezing his eye shut at times and looking over the bridge of his nose at things. I thought I was being overly cautious and a bit over the top, but it turns out he has a pretty high prescription and he has also been referred to the hospital. I'm so…
Dealing with my difficult mother
I have Type Two diabetes which is a chronic condition ie it's not supposed to get better. I eat low carb so it's in remission. but if I ate normally, I would get sick again. It takes a lot of effort on my part. I can't eat anything with sugar, so that rules out not just chocolate and ice cream, but also tinned soup, loads…
Child Trust Fund
Hi, I'm new here so if I'm in the wrong place please let me know. The most recent post recent on MSE on Child Trust Funds suggested that the top paying Child ISA fund has an interest rate of 4.95% where as the One Family Trust Fund pays only 2.3% and therefore in most cases it made sense to move your child's money out and…
Property Income Excluded from Free Childcare Hours
Does anyone know why property income is excluded from the calculation when working out the eligibility for the 15 free hours of childcare? It seems to be a very specific form of income to pick on.
Money Moral Dilemma: My son wants me to give him £40,000 even though he doesn't need it - should I?
This week's MoneySaver who wants advice asks... After selling my recently-deceased dad's house, I gave my daughter £40,000 as a deposit on a house. As my son has a very good job and already has a house, I had my will rewritten to say that he will get the first £40,000 from my house when the time comes, to make things fair.…
2 year funding april
Anyone applied recently can tell me how long it took to get your code? And buy recent i mean feb /late feb or early narch
Removing mould from shower curtains and shower mats
Help - does anyone know how to remove mould from shower curtains or shower mats? I have tried bircabonate of soda, bleach, vinegar. However I have tried clit black mould remover which does remove mould from taps and tiles and soap mats is good but not for shower curtains or shower mats. I always keep the window open and…
Child tax credit and maternity
This may seem like a stupid question but i have searched and searched and can't find the answer. If i am on maternity but normally earn over £60k i am NOT entitled to child tax credit in the same was as someone earning less than this? Even though maternity pay after 6 weeks drops to less than 40% and then no pay shortly…
How to make this fair is it even possible?
So I own two properties and have about £120,000 in equity across the two. I would want to keep both of those properties whilst moving in with my partner. He claims he is asset, rich, but cash poor, but actually, neither of those are true, really. He earns about the same as me, but the truth is he Mortgage up to the…
Money Moral Dilemma: Should my eldest child split their Child Trust Fund savings with my youngest?
This week's MoneySaver who wants advice asks... I've three children, born in 2005, 2008 and 2011. My first and second child received Child Trust Funds from the Government; my third didn't, having been born after they were available. My first child received £500 and my second £250, and we've not topped up either account. My…