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Old Style; Tuesday 9 October

Good morning; just off for the sticky.............

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for today. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

Shall we start with a joke? Q: Why is starting the Daily at this time like a pig's tail :confused: (Answer at the bottom)

We had an early night last night as DH is off to Munich today. His flight is 6:20, so a 4:30 taxi :eek: :eek: He amde me a cup of tea, though ;) I intended to go back to sleep, but am now wide awake, so have some paperwork that needs doing.

Made a Lakeland order yesterday. My Christmas cake tin belonged to my mother, and has gradually warped, to the extent that half the mixture seeps from the bottom before it's cooked. We tried to fix it by strapping wire around, but that didn't work, so I've treated myself to a new one :D Due to the current postal problems, they're offering 10% off internet orders :T :T :T

Off to w*** today, and I'll then relax by turning HG aubergines anmd mozarella into a yummy pasta sauce for tea :drool:
Happy Birthdays to penguin83 and LJM :beer: :bdaycake:

Hugs to those under the weather :grouphug: , :dance: :dance: to those celebrating, and :hello: :wave: to everyone else (especially the Chalkies :cool: ).

A: because it's *twirly* :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I think you'll agree that stand-up comedy's loss is CAB's gain :p

Have a great day, Penny. x
:rudolf: Sheep, pigs, hens and bees on our Teesdale smallholding :rudolf:


  • AussieLass
    AussieLass Posts: 4,066 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Yes well, I didn't get it. :cool: Is it a pig joke? :D;)

    Goodmorning everyone,

    Just waiting for DGS to wake up. I've just finished the ironing. Been a warm one today. Council rang earlier to say we've got a spot in the car park over at the mainland. We've been on the list for 1 year. I'll pop in on Friday to fill out the paperwork and pay for the first quarter. DD will use it for the time being as our car (Bombi) is over here & DH has a work vehicle which nobody in their right mind will steal. :D

    Making Lentil Flan tonight followed by Apple Roly-Poly & custard. Hope you have a happy day & ((((hugs))) to those under the weather. Will pop back later. Byeeeeeeee
    Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. ;)

  • Penelope_Penguin
    AussieLass wrote: »
    Yes well, I didn't get it. :cool: Is it a pig joke? :D;)
    Twirly, too early, geddit :confused::confused::confused:

    You're right, I'm sticking to the day job :o
    :rudolf: Sheep, pigs, hens and bees on our Teesdale smallholding :rudolf:
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning Penny, Aussie and all to follow,

    Love the joke! :rotfl:

    moliere, I hope you’re feeling a bit better today.
    Kaz, welcome! :hello:
    heavenleigh, I was really pleased to hear your news, I hope all continues to go well for you and the pink bump!
    Roz_V It’s good to see you posting again but I’m sorry that things aren’t going to well for you at the moment.
    mushypeas, it’s great to see you too….don’t leave it so long next time.
    ellie, I hope today isn’t too bad for you.
    moanymoany, belated birthday wishes for yesterday…I’m glad you had a great day.
    Happy Birthday to penguin83 and LJM :bdaycake: :bdaycake:

    I have wakened early again, but thankfully not as early as the last few nights so I think I’ll just stay up now. I’m having a nice cup of coffee and then I’ll go and see to breakfast. I may even surprise them all with a cooked one. I’m meeting a friend for coffee this morning but apart from that I haven’t really planned what to do with the rest of the day. Since ds2 has moved into primary 4 he’s struggling with the amount of homework, so the afternoon will be pretty much taken up with that. I made a pavlova yesterday and have left over egg yolks, so it’s going to be spaghetti carbonara for tea tonight.

    Off to pour another coffee and have a quick browse before I waken the kids...

    Have a good day everyone,

  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning PENPEN and all who follow.

    Yes, I woke up at silly o'clock again, mainly because I still have a cough from this cold. I shall be tired out again by lunchtime! Still, I have managed to get some paperwork done and a couple of letters written - though when they'll get there is anyone's guess with this postal strike. I bet we'll all be flooded with post once things start to get back to normal.

    Anyway, I might not have slept for very long but I did get to sleep quite quickly which is unusual for me. I'd much rather wake up early than spend hours trying to get to sleep in the first place. Apart from the lingering cough, I'm feeling much better so hopefully I won't need to go to the doctor's. I still don't have the energy for the gym - I might just write it off this week and aim to start again next Monday.

    I went down to the village yesterday to go to the bank - no queues, which was just as well because I wasn't in the mood to hang around. I popped into one of the charity shops and bought yet more books but one is a beautifully bound hardback of Jane Austen's greatest works; it's in fantastic condition and I shall give it to my Mum for Christmas. My whole family is trying to do a 'second-hand' Christmas this year so the book will fit the bill perfectly. It only cost £1.95. I really must start looking through my Christmas stash to see what I've got so far. I have boxfuls of stuff under the spare bed and no room for more until I go through it!

    I intended to do some knitting last night but I had an early bath and then just lounged around in my dressing gown for the rest of the evening and watched Doc Martin. I really love that series, not just for the plots but to see that part of Cornwall which is beautiful.

    I don't know if any of you saw the weather forecast last night. They have promised about a week of good warm weather after the rain on Wednesday - something to look forward to!

    Anyway, off to put the kettle on, then have a shower. Will call back later. (((hugs))) to everyone and hope you all have a lovely day.

    KathyXX:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

    PINK-WINGED - thanks for the thought. Yes, I am feeling much better today, thanks.

    PENPEN - I'm not Australian so I got the joke - it was very good!

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • AussieLass
    AussieLass Posts: 4,066 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    [IMG]http://smileys.!!!!!!/cat/36/36_12_6.gif[/IMG] Oh yes, I geddit now. :rolleyes: :D
    Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. ;)

  • mrs_mix
    mrs_mix Posts: 1,800 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning everyone
    :bdaycake::bdaycake: happy birthday LJM and penguin83 and a belated happy birthday to moanymoany :bdaycake:
    Well like Mioliere this cold has come back with a vengance and I have earache too so I'm going to the doctors this morning
    Hevenleigh relly pleased about your news
    Roz V welcome back sorry your having a rough time
    there were lot's of others but I'm sorry I've forgotten
    have a good day
    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all
    pam xx
    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • this_is_it
    this_is_it Posts: 1,318 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning everyone, Happy Birthday to Penguin83 and LJM :bdaycake:

    I got the joke eventually lol abit early for my brain to be working yet lol.
    oh is on earlys today so he'll be home at lunch time and hes going to get the christmas presents down so we can see whos got what,hes also been told hes getting a bonus in his nov paypacket so thats the car tax sorted plus i can hopefully get a wii for christmas for the kids between them but i think oh wants it more for him then the kids.
    Just weighed out the flour for some bread i'll make it when i'v had a coffee then it can go in the oven when i get back from school.
    I'v got to make a veg or fruit costume for dd3 for her class harvest parade that'll be fun because i'm hopeless at that sort of thing i made her a carrot costume out of cardboard last year but i don't think will still have it.
    hugs to everyone who needs them . net x x x
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Pam - good luck at the doctor's. I definitely feel as if I'm on the mend - apart from the cough, which is easing gradually. As yours is affecting your ears, it's a good thing you're seeing the doctor. I was expecting mine to turn into sinusitis which it has done in the past; I'd have been straight down for antibiotics if that was the case because that has always affected everything, including my ears. One thing I know for sure, this has been a nasty cold and I feel for anyone just starting it.


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • penguin83
    penguin83 Posts: 4,817 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good morning everyone. Its absolutely pouring down this morning what fun!

    Im off work today so off to see to the horse this morning and then lunch with mum and dad this afternoon. Family are coming round this evening so need to do some last minute hoovering and dusting.

    Maintained at Slimming World last night and bought a recipe book (only 2.95) of 100 comfort foods - all soups, stews and currys but Slimming ones so hoping to attempt a bit of cooking this week while im off.

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. x x
    Pay Debt by Xmas 16 - 0/12000
    There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
  • Hardup_Hester
    Hardup_Hester Posts: 4,800 Forumite
    Morning all
    There was something I used to do in bed, it began with S, but I'm beginning to forget what it was.
    Oh yes I remember, sleep, hubby was awake reading from 12 til 2, next door went to work at 3 and as usual needed to drag some suitcases up & down stairs before he left, WM went into turbodrive at 4 & lodger got up to frighten the rabbit at 4:15.
    Still at least I had something interesting to worry about, ever since the new rules came in about people being able to work past retirement age, work have instigated a compulsary interview for all members of staff as they reach 60, we have to re-apply for our own job, they got rid of 7 staff members in July. I'm not 60 for another 4 years, but I don't get a state pension until I'm 62 years 7 months. I can imagine it's going to be pretty difficult to get a new job at 60 as I'm pretty sure I won't be able to see well enough to drive by then. I'm wondering what will happen, anyone have any ideas?
    I hope everyone has a great day,
    Hugs Hester

    Never let success go to your head, never let failure go to your heart.
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