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NST: Sailing into September



  • Morning all

    Not been on all week! Not a NSD since last sat :( today will not be one as I need to do my food shop. Going to take nana trolley to aldi if it's not raining. If not I will prob drive to asda (aldi car park a nightmare).

    Not been great with most of the challenges but it's a new week!

    Done my meal plan including veggie sausage casserole to use up sausages I bought when a veggie friend came for a BBQ. Got one veggie burger so will chop up and chuck that in as well! Defrosted freezer last week so it is well organised. Will be making yellow chicken curry today :)

    Meant to rain most of the day so off to gym then will clean whole house. Tomorrow is meant to be nice so will cut back front garden.

    Going to have a nice night in and watch a film on Amazon prime for free :)
  • dolly84
    dolly84 Posts: 5,851 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Photogenic Name Dropper 10 Posts
    raphael - so sorry to hear about your dog.

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my dog. He has a patch of weeping eczema which is hopefully a one off from the dog bite. He has wipes, gel and antibiotics - £74 spent, DH looked online and the cost of the items to buy from an online vet store was less than £20 to us:mad:, I know the vet is a business but she didn't even clean up the area with a wipe she just shaved his fur off and she didn't interact with him at all which is nigh on impossible with my dog but she managed it so it just feels so wrong and nothing like veterinary practice used to be.
    Debt Free and now a saver, conscious consumer, low waste lifestyler

    Fashion on the Ration 28/66
  • Just catching up as not been on for a few days:

    The Only Girl – I love the fact you and your husband have acquired new skills to do your own DIY. It does make life easier and cheaper and of course no waiting around for repairmen.
    Am loving your quote "You are only poor when you want more than what you have.".
    it is so true.
    I think the majority of people will save on a water meter – children leaving home is the best time, they can use so much.

    Toni’sfriend – great bargain on the books from Amazon.

    Thriftylass – glad to read DS is ok after his fall and DD is recovered from her stitches!! Children are such a worry. Glad you made good use of your day off and that meal sounds lovely.
    Ooh alcohol in the week never ends well!!

    Florence J – thanks for sharing the great Tesco bargain

    Nannygladys – make sure you take it easy and don’t do too much. Rest and more rest is prescribed!! Have a great holiday.

    Greent – hope your new tenanst move in today and you start getting an income from your house.

    WelshKitty85 – great profit on that coat.

    Dolly84 –sorry to read that your dog got bitten. Vet prices are a worry aren't they. In our town we had a new independent open a few years ago and our dogs are registered there, the prices are very reasonable compared to the other vets which has got more commercial. When my dog got a small cut on her leg from where my other dog ran into her with mouth open! we treated her at home with salt water and kept an eye on her, it healed really well and the fur grew back without a scar to be seen.

    X_raphael_xx – of course you can join. Welcome back. Sorry to read your dog has passed away, having some me time and not seeing anyone is all part of the grieving process, do what you need to do to get through this difficult time

    Xspender – great news on your new job!! Well done!!
  • Reporting in a spend day on Thurs due to needing butter!!

    Fri was a NSD and today should also be a NSD - if it is it will take me up to 6 for the month so far.

    Am thinking I need to update on my goals but am going to do some housework first and clean under the bed so I can report at least one success!!!
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,689 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Mortgage-free Glee! Debt-free and Proud! Rampant Recycler
    Spends - Well OH was lucky yesterday - he caught his tyre on a kerb in the next town, came home via the motorway and then his tyre burst about 1.5 miles off the motorway (less than 2 miles from home) He was going very slow speeds by that time, so no damage to anyone/ thing. He doesn't have a spare (2 year old car) - just a can of that foam stuff - which is not much good for a huge hole in the tyre! I went to see him - my car is same brand and our wheels happen to be same size and I have one of those skinny spares - but his locking nuts were on too tight. Too late to call anyone out (except for recovery and his ran out a week ago...) so he limped to the rental property which was just down the road and has a large flat drive (we have a quite steep drive) Thankfully we know the new tenants and they were very understanding! Should be sorted Mon morning - fingers crossed - another £300 on tyres for his car...... Expensive car month this month - my mot/ service/ tyres, now his tyres - and both car taxes were due 1st Sept (so paid for at end of Aug)
    Other spending - small top up shop including more milk and a baguette. May have a takeaway tonight - we have been working really hard on the rental all week, finishing around 8pm last night and today has been busy - both OH and I had a quick nap this afternoon and are both still tired. I was awake at 5.30 (seems to be my new wake up time half the week :() - gave in and got up just gone 6. I was invigilating the grammar school entrance test this morning at the local boys grammar- my 10yo was taking it there and my 16yo was being a VIth form helper - so it was a real family affair getting us up and out and there for 8am! Smallest one and OH also had to come along as down to one car for the weekend and DS3 has swimming lessons on a Sat morning. DD was out at a sleepover in the next town and needed collecting at 11 to come home to go to work. Then OH had to collect me, DS3 and DS1 - and DS1's friend who was also being a VIth form helper and spending the afternoon with DS1, his gf and others. Friend lives in next town (in other direction to where DD was last night :)) with lousy bus service on an evening so will probably need a lift (or a 20 min journey in a car will take 45 mins + walking time at and buses run every 90 mins in the evening from here to there) DS2 is at a party (6-8pm) to mark the test and DD may need collecting from work (35 min walk - has been raining heavily on and off all day) But takeaway will be our one for the month and is a cheapy.

    Exercise - managed average of 10k steps every week day. Not sure about today but doubt it with the nap (fitbit battery dead) Have also fitted in a few walks.

    Me time - this week - reading, a bath, just chilling - and the nap this afternoon! :D

    Meeting - big family and others party tomorrow afternoon - haven't seen some since last year! Will tick lots of people off all in one go! :D

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday :)

    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
    Repaid mtge early (orig 11/25) 01/09 £124616 01/11 £89873 01/13 £52546 01/15 £12133 07/15 £NIL
    Net sales 2024: £20
  • Swimming - if all you bought that day was teething stuff, I reckon that counts as essential medical supplies, and under the NSK/NST rules, you do not lose an NSD.
    NST March lion #8; NSD ; MFW9/3/23 Whoop Whoop!!!
  • Fmess
    Fmess Posts: 2,920 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    greent what a busy few days! I am a bit bemused though "DS2 is at a party to mark the test"? If this is a party where other people mark teachers' test papers, I need to have one of those parties every week!
    LBM = 07/09/13 Debt = £13339 (100% cleared)
    New roof and car £8557/£19003 New kitchen £396/£5039 Credit card Paid Student loan Paid
  • Evening everyone,

    Spends – had a spendy day as I went to the science museum then out for dinner

    Time – my mum took the little one this evening so I had a shower, read my book, watched two episodes of The Killing and tonight’s X-Factor

    Reading – I finished reading my second library book of the month (Nina is Not Ok). It was good although the reviews noted it as being funny when in fact I thought it contained some rather serious themes

    A short and sweet summary of my day :)
    VSPC 2019 #10 - £168.80/£100 VSPC 2020 #4 - £262.03/£200 VSPC 2021 #9 - £242.88/£200 VSPC 2022 #3 - £188.03/£200 VSPC 2023 #7 - £0/£200
  • Hello

    10th September

    6th NSD

    Made chicken casserole for tomorrow's lunch. Have to buy a bit of veg to go with it.

    Didn't do any walking but did a lot in the house including the bedroom cupboard and under the bed and I wrapped the rest of the presents that I've already bought. Will start addressing the Chrstmas cards but want to write a more personal message on them this year so will do that nearer the time.

    Had a really nice “me” day. Watched Casablanca (one of my all time favourites) and some detective programmes that I've seen a million times but it was so relaxing (the couple of glasses of wine might have helped).

    Almost finished my book.

    A few of you are having a bit of a hard time at the moment so just wanted to say that you are in my thoughts and I hope you get over your difficulties (Raphael – loosing a much loved pet is really distressing. Special thoughts to you).

    Relaxing day, everyone.
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,689 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Mortgage-free Glee! Debt-free and Proud! Rampant Recycler
    Fmess wrote: »
    greent what a busy few days! I am a bit bemused though "DS2 is at a party to mark the test"? If this is a party where other people mark teachers' test papers, I need to have one of those parties every week!

    Haha! Sadly not - it was a party to celebrate the test and all the prep put into it (well - I say all the prep - in our house that meant DS2 doing 4 practice papers since May with me marking them and going over incorrect answers - in other houses that meant a year's worth of tutoring @ £significant cost........)

    Three lots of dough proving (white bread, brown bread, white rolls) 1 lot of washing on line, 2nd just about to go in machine. Small spend of sandwich items required. Easy dinner planned tonight using up things already here (will be 2 or 3 different choices but all easy items and variations on a theme)

    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
    Repaid mtge early (orig 11/25) 01/09 £124616 01/11 £89873 01/13 £52546 01/15 £12133 07/15 £NIL
    Net sales 2024: £20
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