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MSE Pregnancy Club 28



  • x_missymoo_x
    Glad to hear you've not had any more bleeding, gayleygoo, and that they are still keeping an eye on you. Fingers crossed the tests come back with nothing to worry about. I'm sure once that happens you'll start getting all organised!

    Our nursery is the only real thing that has been getting organised though, so don't feel too bad! I've still not got round to putting anything away yet and actually ended up buying more things yesterday! Went to Babies'R'Us and picked up some wall stickers in the sale - only 96p, I don't care if we don't use them! - an uplighter shade, a 1 tog sleeping bag and a rearview car mirror. Also had a £5 off £30 spend which expired the same day so that was good, came to just over £30. They also had curtains in there and a cot/pram/carseat spiral all of the same range of the other bits I bought (Bear's Best Friends) but I'm not sure if they're too girly. Plus the curtains don't have a blackout lining and the room is very light, so will look elsewhere I think!

    I've just planned my lessons for tomorrow, including one where I'm being observed :o Need to mark a class worth of books next but I really want to start organising, so I think I'll do half then have a go in the nursery, then do the other half of books later this evening. Wish me luck!
  • x_missymoo_x
    x_missymoo_x Posts: 484 Forumite
    edited 1 February 2015 at 2:47PM
    Good to hear from you Timeflies!! Hope life with your little one is treating you well :) Thanks for the info on clothing dilemmas, really helpful!

    Princess - you sound about as busy as me! It's hard work but great fun organising everything and buying more bits, if only it didn't involve actually having to part with money! Considering we're on an MSE forum, I think I've been completely the opposite where this baby has been concerned :o But I see most of these things as investments, as hopefully we will be able to reuse a lot of this stuff in years to come :)
    Daisy birthing sounds good, I still need to look into starting classes in my area. I have to admit, despite teaching PE exercise has been one of the last things on my mind! I do keep meaning to look for pregnancy yoga on Youtube but I've been struggling for time. My birthday is coming up soon, so perhaps I'll drop hints about some classes :)
  • sulphate
    sulphate Posts: 1,235 Forumite
    Aunty Pickle do you have an Occ Health department? You may need to have a risk assessment if your desk chair isn't suitable now, they should be able to advise.

    Trixsie hope you had a wonderful wedding day!

    Nicky I plan on asking for a sweep as soon as poss after my due date as well. Apparently sweeps start labour for around 50% of women - I didn't think the "success rate" was that high. Also really hoping to avoid induction ugh, apart from anything else wouldn't want to be "booked" in for one, psyche myself up then call on the day to find they don't have any beds.

    missymoo good luck tomorrow!

    I finished work on Thurs at 38 weeks exactly. Got sooo many presents I was very delighted and humbled! Since then I've been having period like pains on and off but seem to be more frequent as the days go on. Still convinced baby will be "late" though so I guess just false labour. I had a massage on Friday (my DH bought me a pregnancy one for Christmas) - can definitely recommend if you can afford/justify it, so relaxing and one of the last chances to have some 'me' time!

    Re pain issues, I don't/didn't have SPD as such but definitely severe ligament pain if I overdo it. I have a pregnancy support belt which I've worn most days since around 20 weeks and it works wonders.

    About what to wear in labour, I've packed a nightie and an old t shirt, hoping to spend some time in water even if don't have a full water birth. The birthing unit only have 2 birthing pools so it depends on whether or not they are available at the time, but apparently 70% of the births in the unit are in water so have a good chance.

    Sorry for lack of personals - hoping to post more now I've stopped work.
  • Princess_kate
    I've got a voucher for a pregnancy massage hubby bought me for christmas, I had one early on but am really looking forward to this one. I need to remember to book it although I might wait until my 1st day of leave, got my birthday the next week and we've book to go to this gorgeous hotel not far from us for the night. Combination of bday & mini-babymoon, can't wait.

    Had an email from mothercare, they're doing their expectant parents evenings again, running from 24/2 - 6/3. Worth it for the 10% off any last bits. Hopefully I'll have had time to go through everything by then & be able to pick up any last bits with 10% off.
  • Always_Alone
    Hi ladies, bumps and babies, hope you all had lovely relaxing weekends?

    Seems to be a lot of people having work done at the mo, hope its all going well and not causing too much disruption to you all.

    Trixie - hope you had a wonderful wedding day and are enjoying being a newly wed! Did you risk a honeymoon? Or will you take one after baby is here?

    Aunty P - So sorry to hear you're struggling :( Can you ask to be ergonmically (sp) assessed at work? I think you are entitled to an assessment to make you as comfortable as possibe. How much longer do you have left before mat leave?

    Nicky - glad you enjoyed the hen do, you did very well to last so long esp as i'm guessing a lot of it would have been standing/walking. Ouch for the pulled muscle tho.

    Missy - wowsers, i was tired just reading your post! You are a busy bee at the mo. Hope you aren't overdoing it and looking after yourself and bump?

    GaleyGoo - So glad you haven't had any more bleeding, it can be so worrying. I'm completely unprepared too and am a little ahead of you with the possibility of an early arrival. 12 weeks is loads of time!! *She says at 32 weeks with nothing ready trying to reassure herself* :rotfl:

    Sulphate - Yay for finishing work!! Hope you have your feet up when you can and are relaxing before the fun starts! :D

    Timeflies - lovely to hear from you, hope you have settled into motherhood and its all going ok so far. Enjoy those squishes!

    Am very jealous of those of you having pregnancy massages. I would love one! Unfortunately, I have huge awful hideous scars on my shoulders which make me so self concious so i don't think i could have a massage and fully enjoy it :(

    I have finally made a start on sorting bits out, PIL got us a moses basket over the weekend and i got all of ds1's old clothes out of the garage and have sorted them out and have tiny baby/newborn all ready to wash. They are soooooo small, can't believe ds1 was such a littlelie!! :heart:

    Speaking of moses baskets, I remember reading a few pages back about what to do with sleeping arrangements for babies depending on whether they were upstairs/downstairs. With ds1, we kept the moses basket upstairs and downstairs we used the carrycot of the buggy which worked out so well if ds1 was asleep and i needed to pop out. Literally shoved the carrycot on the chassis and away i went, we'll be doing that again this time round. Toying with the idea of a new colour pack for the buggy as well, could reuse the grey we had last time and save some pennies or get a nice new one to go some way to appease me for not getting a brand new buggy.......decisions, decisions!!

    I finish work on Friday so operation get baby stuff ready will begin in ernest nxt week! Hope there's still some baby events on so i can pick up some bargains. I don't work Tues/Wed anyway so only have Thursday and about 3 hours on friday left to go! Wooooooop!! :beer:
  • janed9388
    janed9388 Posts: 301 Forumite
    Hi ladies, time to move up to the final thread at last ! I'm 25 weeks now and all is going pretty well so far, my blood pressure is playing up a bit and I had my GTT test today so am expecting the results tomorrow & have a consultant appointment on the 19th Feb for some reason or another (other than my age not really sure why !)

    As this is no2 I have most of what we need already so not much shopping to do, just a lot of de-cluttering to get our spare room / dumping ground ready to be a nursery.

    I've been keeping an eye on this thread for a while now so I haven't got much reading back to do I don't think. Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
  • Princess_kate
    The carpet has been put down in the nursery today, I've only just actually started calling it that! It looks fab, really starting to look like a room now :)

    Today is 6 months since I got my positive pregnancy test, time has flown! 9 weeks until baby is due & only 3 weeks left in work. I think this bit is really going to fly!

    My back is really aching this evening, I'd love a bath but I have no idea how I'd get out so I think I'll leave it!
  • sulphate
    sulphate Posts: 1,235 Forumite
    ***DUE DATE LIST***
    1. lotti1982- 21 January 2015 :male:
    2. Nicky Noo Na - 11 February 2015 ?
    3. sulphate - 12 February 2015 ?
    4. fuzzipeg - 14 February 2015 :male: (delivery ? 20/1/15)
    5. Estateprincess - 15 February 2015 ?
    6. Mrs_T_M - 24 February 2015 :male:
    7. Bubblepops - 21 March 2015 :female:
    8. Carrot34 - 25 March 2015 :female: :female: (Twins!)
    9. Always_alone - 27 March 2015 :male:
    10. Tilly_dreams - 28 March 2015 :female:
    11. x_missymoo_x - 7 April 2015 ?
    12. Princess kate - 8 April 2015 ?
    13. millysg1 - 8 April 2015 ?
    14. Trixsie1989 - 14 April 2015 :female:
    15. Aunty-Pickle - 15 April 2015 ?
    16. gayleygoo - 22 April 2015 ?
    17. georgie262 - 22 April 2015 :female:
    18. Phoenix01 - 25 April 2015 :female:
    19. Downhillfast's OH - 3 May 2015 ?
    20. Angelmommy - 6 May 2015 ?
    When you see this post do your pelvic floor exercises

    Hospital Bag List here
    Supplement List and Dosage here

    ***BIRTH LIST*** - Within the last month
    :female: Freshstart11 - Charlotte Sophia Grace born on 4 January 2015 (7lb 13)
    :male: shorty1978 - Stanley Christopher born on 7 January 2015 (9lb 9)
    :female: Timeflies - baby girl born 4 January 2015 (10lb 5)

    [Allow 2 weeks after EDD before transferring to this list (Max 6 weeks)]

    Island.girl - EDD 25 December 2014 ?


    Please post your birth stories here when you have time/energy

    Congrats to all babies born and all new mums! Hello to all newbies and get well to all those under the weather. Also hope all with worries get them sorted.
  • sulphate
    sulphate Posts: 1,235 Forumite
    Princess kate I still find it odd calling the room a nursery, still keep calling it baby room! I really recommend hot baths, DH bought me some bath bombs which I've been using up quickly! 3 weeks left in work, that will fly by, at least it did for me. I went to a mothercare event a few months ago, the best thing was the goody bag with a free baby grow and voucher!

    jane welcome to the thread and congrats. I don't think the list has been updated in awhile so I've reposted. Do add yourself with details etc! Hope your GTT test comes back ok, I had one too and the worst part was the horrible drink they gave me ugh.

    Always alone I still can't get used to putting my feet up! Sorry about your scars - if it helps I had my massage in a pretty dark room which might help hide them? Sounds like a good idea with using the carrycot of the buggy for downstairs sleeping. We were given a moses basket and crib but crib is actually quite big and heard rumours a lot of babies don't like them to begin with because of the space. Will keep your idea in mind!

    fuzzipeg bit late for all good wishes for your induction today. Hope you can come and update us soon.

    Just reposted list as haven't seen it in awhile - Timeflies have added you to the birth list. I've left lotti on there for now as not been 2 weeks since her due date but hopefully she will come and update us soon :)

    First thing on my list today, first day of official mat leave, after 1.5 days annual leave, was taking DH's car in for a service :rotfl: Feel like I must clean the house from top to bottom before baby gets here too!

    38+4 :eek:
  • Lotti1982
    sulphate wrote: »
    Princess kate I still find it odd calling the room a nursery, still keep calling it baby room! I really recommend hot baths, DH bought me some bath bombs which I've been using up quickly! 3 weeks left in work, that will fly by, at least it did for me. I went to a mothercare event a few months ago, the best thing was the goody bag with a free baby grow and voucher!

    jane welcome to the thread and congrats. I don't think the list has been updated in awhile so I've reposted. Do add yourself with details etc! Hope your GTT test comes back ok, I had one too and the worst part was the horrible drink they gave me ugh.

    Always alone I still can't get used to putting my feet up! Sorry about your scars - if it helps I had my massage in a pretty dark room which might help hide them? Sounds like a good idea with using the carrycot of the buggy for downstairs sleeping. We were given a moses basket and crib but crib is actually quite big and heard rumours a lot of babies don't like them to begin with because of the space. Will keep your idea in mind!

    fuzzipeg bit late for all good wishes for your induction today. Hope you can come and update us soon.

    Just reposted list as haven't seen it in awhile - Timeflies have added you to the birth list. I've left lotti on there for now as not been 2 weeks since her due date but hopefully she will come and update us soon :)

    First thing on my list today, first day of official mat leave, after 1.5 days annual leave, was taking DH's car in for a service :rotfl: Feel like I must clean the house from top to bottom before baby gets here too!

    38+4 :eek:

    Sorry I've not been in to update, last weekend turned out to be false labour and fizzled away to nothing so felt a bit downhearted and didn't feel up to writing.
    Fast forward to Sunday night went in for induction had lost some plug but not dilated at all etc after 2 sweeps. Expected a long wait. Arrived at 10pm, monitored until half 11 as baby was being a little monkey, kept sleeping then partying so much he was moving off the trace signal. Given gel at about 12 and monitored again until 12:30 decided to get some sleep.
    1:30 contractions started fairly mildly and gradually got stronger. Checked at about 3:00 and was 4cm dilated so walked over to delivery suite. Discussed pain relief found out the pool was in use and decided happy with gas and air for now, then my body decided it was time to push, and baby arrived at 4:06.

    Baby Noah made a rather fast appearance into the world after 2 1/2 hours from first contraction to baby in arms weighing 7lb 8oz.
    Planning to be debt free by 11/20. MFW Jan 2028 - [STRIKE]86700[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]83057.20[/STRIKE]
    [STRIKE]81629.13[/STRIKE] 78761.29 mortgage should end August 2045 now 04/2041
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