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O.S daily thread thur 19th April

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for Thursday 19th April 2007. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

Morning everyone
had a really bad night been up since 2.45am
and you know I'm suppossed to go to the hospital today to get an injection well I was suppossed to be there yesterday so I'm going to have to phone today and grovel
So now I'm not sure what my plans will be today as I had kepy most of it free to go there
I have to do the usual packed lunches and school run
catch you later

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all

pam xx
I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

I am one of the English sexy Shelias
I'm also a hussy


  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    Good morning Pam and everyone to follow.........

    eeewww pam im terrified of needles.. so good luck with your today !!!! are you feeling any better ?

    so sorry i still didnt get a chance to read the thread propley last night and i went to bed at about 9.15.. so if anyone was feeling poorley i hope that they are better today and extra hugs to anyone who needed them x x

    still woke up at 3am but i stayed in bed, i think i must of driffted off a couple of times, got up at 4.30... i have tried going to bed later but its still the same.... im feeling good and positive about my diet this morning.. i have been good for two days !!!!!!!!

    forgot to put the dw on last night !!!! so no clean stuff this !!!! i went to empty it before i discovered that !!!

    planted my two tomato plants outside yesterday.. hope its not to early, am going to a garden centre today as i want to try and grow some rocket.. i use so much of it and its so expensive, has anyone had any luck with growing it.. is it hard ?

    ok im off for coffee, and to do packed lunches
    have a great day
    Loraine x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    mrs_mix wrote: »
    Hi, this is the Daily Thread for Thursday 19th April 2007. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

    When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

    Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

    Morning everyone
    had a really bad night been up since 2.45am
    and you know I'm suppossed to go to the hospital today to get an injection well I was suppossed to be there yesterday so I'm going to have to phone today and grovel
    So now I'm not sure what my plans will be today as I had kepy most of it free to go there
    I have to do the usual packed lunches and school run
    catch you later

    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all

    pam xx

    Poor Mrs Mix (((hugs))) for you - what a horrible night you have had. I'm sure if you phone the hospital and explain that you've had lots of disturbed nights with very little sleep they'll understand why you got the day wrong and, also, that you need the jab asap. You could suggest that you're happy to come in and wait to be seen in between other patients who are booked in for today - it may mean a long wait which will not be the best way to spend a Thursday but, if you get your jab today, it'll be worth it. Ring them as soon as you think they are open because they may even have had a cancellation and you could end up with a proper appointment. Take plenty of reading material! Anyway, I really wish you good luck.(((hugs))) :A (((hugs))):A

    Well, my night's sleep wasn't as bad as yours. I only woke up twice and was tempted to get up at about 3.00 but went back to bed and managed to get a couple more hours. I don't wake up through illness, though - and I count myself lucky, because my sister, who's younger than me, suffers with rheumatoid arthritis and it hurts her even to lie down in bed so she sleeps in an armchair every night. She is still waiting for them to get her medication right - it must be horrible for illness to disturb your sleep. With me I think it's just that my mind doesn't go to sleep at the same time as my body! Anyway, have the best day that you possibly can and, if you can't get to the hospital today, take some of that time you've left free and put yourself first.:A :A

    I'm listing eight items on eBay today - I've loaded up the piccies onto photobucket (thanks Smoky for telling me about photobucket - brilliant!) so I hope it works!

    Dinner will be Spaghetti Carbonara with fruit and yoghurt for pud.

    I'm picking my GDD up from pre-school at 11.30 - we'll have lunch and then go out with her bike to the local country park - she's four years old and has just learned to ride without stabilisers!:eek: :eek: :j :j

    Hope the weather is good for everyone today - it looks quite promising here although it's hard to tell at the moment. Only one load for the WM - which will restart the ironing pile - it seems to have taken all week to get the last one done and now it starts all over again!:rotfl: :rotfl:

    I still have tons of paperwork to sort out into the lovely new ringbinders I bought on Monday - it's taken me all week to half-fill one of them so I must make more effort to get that done. My 'to-do' list for the week is not even a quarter done and I said it would all be done by tomorrow! Where's all the time gone? On here, I expect!

    Anyway, thinking of you Mrs Mix and hi to all who follow.:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :hello: :hello: :hello:

    Hi Amie - have just posted this then saw your post so have edited so I can say Good Morning! We're a sleepless bunch, aren't we? Why isn't there an icon for 'tired'?! It would get used a lot on here, I think!




    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • Little_Miss_Saver
    Morning All :hello:

    I am absolutley cream crackered!!. The invigilating yesterday was a nightmare, it was maths my least favourite subject and the poor kids as well as us who were invigilating could not understand the questions. (These were tests for Year 7!)

    Well today its Year 8's turn but I'm only setting up the rest of the week now. My Boss is out for a couple of days now so I'm doing the reports on my own :eek: . Just hope I can get them all done in time.

    OS I've managed to catch up on my housework and everywhere is clean & tidy. I just put washing out and done sandwiches, just need to sort me & DS out. then off to start another day.

    I'm counting down to Whit week already!!! Can't wait.

    Anyway have a lovely day to anyone that celebrating and hugs to those that want/need them.

    LMS xx
    Mortgage Balance 1st May 2009 £94749.00 :(
    Current End Date 1st April 2039.
    Total Overpayments to date £950.00 :j
  • Ticklemouse
    Ticklemouse Posts: 5,030 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all :wave:

    Haven't been around much lately, so hope I haven't missed any momentous news. ((hugs)) to all.

    I've been awake since just after 5. Had a really fightening nightmare which I can still remember vividly, so no chance of my going back to sleep :( Mr TM has taken the boys away ovenight so I have to house to myself - so it doesn't matter that I've been pottering so early.

    Have put the BM on and I'm toying with the idea of doing the ironing as I watch GMTV or maybe a dvd I've been meaning to watch for ages. I have 5 mystery shopping jobs to do later - must remember to take different coats and plan my route carefully as 2 jobs are in neighbouring stores and as I have to reveal myself as a mystery shopper they may phone the other one up (They are owned by the same company) Bit of a makeover needed so I'm not spotted :D

    We've accepted an offer on the house but won't be a quick move as they haven't sold yet :( Just wish this part was over so I can move on - it's getting very trying - and thus the nightmare I expect.

    So, OS jobs for today - iron, vac the house, clean the kitchen, get milk, baguettes and mince out of freezer, clean some windows ...... think that will do around 5 MS jobs :D

    B: cereals, tea
    L: Sandwiches
    D: Spag bol and garlic bread

    Anyway - will have a quick surf on here then do my ironing. Hope everyone is well and ((hugs)) to those who aren't or who have had a bad night.

    TM xxx
  • RacyRed
    RacyRed Posts: 4,930 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    :bdaycake: Happy Birthday OldMcDonald :bdaycake:

    Good Morning everyone,

    Pam, sorry you are feeling so rough, I hope things improve soon.
    Amie well done with the dieting.
    Mioliere, now that you are in the swing of it will you come and sort out my paper mountain too please? icon7.gif

    Well, the chicks now have their own nest to sleep in. But will they stay in it? Oh no... Mum puts them down and then moves a few yards off to her own nest. Then, as the dusk comes down you see her head getting higher and higher as first one then another of the not-so-little ones climbs in under her.

    Eventually she has a strop and moves over to the chicks' nest to have some kip. You guessed it. She is so frazzled poor girl! I wonder how many broods she will raise this year?

    There are now coot babes all along the canal. Can't wait to see the first batch of ducklings.

    LCC is still full of life but still just half the size of the other chicks, and 3 times as hungry :confused:

    Right, BM is on and I'm off to load the WM. Work today so not much OS. Didn't get any of the ironing done last night :o

    Bye for now :D
    My first reply was witty and intellectual but I lost it so you got this one instead :D
    Proud to be a chic shopper
  • oldMcDonald
    oldMcDonald Posts: 1,945 Forumite
    Today I'm doing nothing other than the basic swish and swipe of the kitchen and bathroom - cleaning wise, that is - as it's my birthday and I refuse to spend it doing the housework. :D

    Going to spend as much time as possible at the allotment today, gassing with the other allotment holders, drinking tea and maybe doing a little work :) It's my most favourate place in the world, so will take the kids, some books for them and a picnic and just chill.

    Have a good day and hugs and thoughts to those that need them.

    Ticklemouse, this David Tennant thing you and Snails pace seem to think is going on in your signitures - you'll have to get past me first :)
  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Good morning everyone,

    Had a horrible dream last night as well, still feeling a bit shook up about it now, but at least it was only a dream!!! Still not feeling 100%, and have no idea why - not feeling ill, just not 'happy' which is unlike me, nothing in particular has happened, so no reason to be feeling like this, so i dont know.

    mrs_mix - hope you get to the hospital today, im sure they will understand xxx

    PP - hope you are feeling better today, now the weather is so much better xxx

    ((HUGS)) to anyone who needs or would like one xxx

    Plans for today - carry on walking to school, finishe the paperwork i started the other day, some more cleaning and a bit more gardening. Also making a belly pork recipe that Gordon Ramsey made on the last series of the 'F' word, so hopefully it will turn out nicely.

    Have a lovely day everyone,
    Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    :beer: :bdaycake: HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLDMDONALD xxx:bdaycake: :beer:
  • taplady
    taplady Posts: 7,184 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Good morning!

    had a rough night myself too! had a stinking headache and felt sick for most of the night, its gone off a bit now thank goodness.

    Mrs_Mix - hope you get your needle today and feel better! xx

    AMIE - good luck with the diet!;)

    Happy Birthday oldMcDonald !

    (((hugs))) to all those who also had a bad night!

    plans for today are to potter about and do a few jobs but nothing too strenuous as I'm off to my old chap this afternoon to clean for him.

    Tap tonight, we're practising a couple of dances for a show in Ludlow which will be part of the ballet schools show.

    Off to take DS to the bus now, he's late and grumpy as usual:rolleyes:

    Take care and I'll be back later xxx
    Do what you love :happyhear
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