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Easter Sunday 08/04/2007



  • anniebooklover
    anniebooklover Posts: 1,211 Forumite
    Good morning everyone and happy Easter

    Groatie Queen Happy Birthday. Will you be having cake and chocolate today? I haven't been able to find any diabetic chocolate eggs so no choccy for me today. :( Then again that might not be a bad thing. :rolleyes:

    Well, I have been up for ages. Been down to the docks and had a very peaceful walk around. The place was empty, the sun is shining and I got some much needed exercise and some quiet thinking time. Off to mass soon.

    DS and DD are with XDH this weekend so with the extra time off work my house is now shining. The only thing left to do is the cooker and that will get tackled today. I must be getting bored though. I made up the hampers that I have put together for my nieces birthdays (one in October and one in November) :rotfl: I also made a list of all the birthday and Christmas presents I have bought this year. I appear to be very well-organised this year and not one present has been bought at full price so this site has been a god-send to me.

    twink I only planted my tomato seeds last week. They have started sprouting now but are reaching the top of the propagator. I'm tempted to take the lid off but the carrot seeds I planted at the same time don't seem just as sturdy. Any advice?

    Lots of you seem to have a lovely day planned with families, friends, neighbours, etc. I hope you have a lovely time.
    "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
    - Proverb
  • grannybroon
    grannybroon Posts: 2,214 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good morning and a Happy Easter to you all.

    Smoky - take care of yourself.

    Amie399 - I just love starting my day in the back garden having a coffee and maybe deadheading a few plants in the pots! I call it my 15 minute dressing gown gardening.

    Groatie Queen - happy birthday.

    dlb - well done to your DS3 footie result.

    PennyP - sorry to hear you are feeling poorly today.

    stefejb - hope all goes OK with you and your family today. Not a nice situation to be in.

    Catz - ouch! Sorry to hear about your mouth. Hope things improve soon and you are back on the chocs!

    A quiet day here today I think. Had planned to start tidying the back garden but rather a stiff breeze. Will see how I feel shortly.

    Hope to catch up with you all again later.


  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all, Happy Easter Everyone

    Hugs to moggins & your family
    Dlb well done to your DS with the football, bet he's chuffed.
    Catz sorry to hear about the tooth, I didn't get any choccy so can eat some for you if you need me to :)
    Smoky, hope you manage to get some sort of break
    Catowen hope you enjoy your time away, good luck to your DS with the football
    Hugs to anyone else who needs/wants one.

    Another nice day here, but a little on the breezy side. Forecast is possible rain at tea time so letting boys eat an egg now but they have saved some for tomorrow (I'm mean and only let them open one every 2 days, they don't get a huge amount either) Dogs have been out, washings out, breakfast eaten (not quite a full english but I like Hot X Buns :) )

    As for coffee outside. When I don't have anywhere to go it's not unlikely to find me in my PJ bottoms (sometimes the top but sometimes put a lazy t shirt on instead) at lunch time. I didn't get ready until about 10am ish yesterday and had been up since before 6am. I just find them comfy. Also nice to enjoy some quiet time alone before the kids get up, unfortunately this is rare as DS1 isn't a good sleeper but when he does sleep in it's lovely.

    Plans for the day is not a lot, DP said to leave him in bed until he wakes up himself, probably about tea time as he got in from work at 5am, then he's going to work when he gets up so it's just me and the boys for today I think. Probably have a nice walk with the dogs later, might take them to where the park is (nearest a few miles away) and then kids can play too. Got some housework to do but still full of cold and my legs still painful so unsure how much I will get done.

    Oh forgot, I emptied that £2 coin tin last night, including a £20 note I put in there that was a Xmas present, £600 :D Over the moon as this will pay for the kennels, petrol, lunches and entry fees to places when we are on holiday in June!

    Hope everyone has a nice day :)
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • moggins
    moggins Posts: 5,190 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Wow, well done for saving that much Lil Me!

    I have caved in enough to help with the packing and moving boxes to the car as otherwise I could see this dragging on for another 3 days at this rate. I also explained to him why I lost my temper with him yesterday calmly enough to get my point of view over. He finally could see where I was coming from and why DD is crying so much when she doesn't know when she is going to see him again, so he is taking her for a walk round there later so she can see exactly how close he is to us.
    Organised people are just too lazy to look for things

    F U Fund currently at £250
  • Blairweech
    Blairweech Posts: 1,379 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Well done lil_me, thats brilliant!
    We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment
  • twink
    twink Posts: 3,827 Forumite
    anniebooklover i have never grown carrots from seed, you might get an answer from the greenfinger board it was dh who took an interest in gardening, glad you enjoyed your walk might have one myself later
  • dannahaz
    dannahaz Posts: 1,068 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning everyone, happy Easter!

    <Hugs> to everyone who needs one, especially Moggins - this too shall pass. What about arranging a day/evening for your daughter to next see her dad, as that will help remove the uncertainty for her. She will have the date to look forward to. We found it really helped DH's kids to know when they were next going to see their dad. (After a couple of weeks we had sorted out a fixed evening each week that he would go over and see them, plus they came ot us for one day each weekend. That lasted for a couple of years until his ex mnoved too far away and we had to reorganise).

    It really helped the kids feel that their dad was still an important part of their lives.

    Well done l'il me!

    OS wise, WM on and will be hung out soon, DW emptied, hot cross bun dough in the breadmaker, OH in garden planting out peas. Dinner today will be roast short saddle of lamb and roast veggies.

    Oh, has anyone else experienced anyhthing like this? My DSD's 8 month old baby has been very poorly lately. High temperature, rash, etc. They took him to hospital because the temp was so high, but the doctors didn't know what it was (although they said it WASN'T meningitis). Then the doctor told them it could be measles but he wasn't sure as he'd never actually seen measles....!

    Have a good day everyone
  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Thanks, I was thrilled, it took me 20 minutes to get into the tin as this one was a bit stiffer than others I'd bought, I was getting rather frustrated :o . Means for the second time (last year was the first) not a penny for hols will go on 'borrowed money' I didn't miss it much as was £2 coins here and there since Xmas. DP gets a lot of them when he's at work so was swapping him so that came in handy. Got some PMS to put towards it aswell, then the silver tin I have which is any smaller coins in which is about half full, so we should have a belter of a holiday this year, plus money left over for summer days out, ok it's only Blackpool but the kids love it! Oh best bit being the holiday (half board inc breakfast and evening meal) Pontins Mon-Friday has been given to us by the local carers support, we were nominated for it by staff, so aswell as it being free ish it's the first holiday I won't have to cook! Hence the 'lunches' money. I was dreading it thinking we'd be broke but the £2 tin has saved the day!

    Moggins, pleased you managed to get your point across. My partner and I have seperated several times in the past probably part to do with being so young when the kids were born, the last time was when he changed work hours, we went from not seeing each other as he worked 6 days and went to uni one, to him working 3 evenings and doing OU course so was at home all the time. We just didn't know how to spend time together anymore and got sick. He of course is the type to walk away when gets too much then realises what he's lost when it's gone. Longest he moved out for was 6 months when I was pregnant with DS2 (he wanted to move back but I wouldn't let him), but mostly it's a week to 2 weeks. He however was always the one to leave and never understood the only reason I was upset was because of what he was putting the boys through.

    The last time DS1 didn't want to see him again, he blamed me. DS1 having Autism basically has set opinions. His came from Lilo and Stitch, he said 'He's not in our Ohana any more, Ohana means family and noone gets left behind or forgotten, he left us behind, he's not in my Ohana now' and that was that. I think that is when Dad realised running back home (always goes back to Mum) that if he wanted to be part of his life he couldn't keep running away.

    It's been about a year now since he went even overnight (unknown before now) and things have changed a lot, but I do remember the kids crying, DS2 refusing to go to school, making himself sick at school then kicking off when they phoned me instead of Dad as he thought making himself sick and saying he wanted Dad they would call him. I really hope your little DD stays strong, no doubt your DS also finds it confusing aswell, and you can stay strong for them both, never forget we're all here if you need us moggins, just wish I lived closer and could do more. I agree with what Dannahaz said when it comes to when she'll see him. I always insisted on this from the start and it being stuck to. Make sure he sets it to a day and time he can make regardless and won't let her down.

    Dannahaz, I hope the little one is better soon, high temp in littlies always scares me. Measles is so rare now (thankfully) that many doctors haven't seen it, it's sometimes worth them asking other doctors to check who may have experience with it, suprised they didn't do that. Same happened when a friends daughter caught it (about the same age) and she was seen by 4 doctors.. When DS2 had chicken pox for the 3rd time, yes it is possible, we had 2 GPs check and make sure that is what they thought it was. Actually a health visitor checked second time and GP confirmed that too. I wonder why he didn't get a second opinion.
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • Amanda666
    Amanda666 Posts: 212 Forumite
    Morning all

    Re the supermarket question ...... its only the small Tesco express sites that are open today as trading law does not allow 'big' stores to open on Easter Sunday.

    Anyway, just a quick post from me , been up ages have already painted the decking once, made 12 jam tarts, 8 raspberry and choc chip cookies and the base for a quiche. Cleaned out 2 kitchen cupboard and watched 1 CSI NY.:D

    Now just have : the ironing, 2nd coat on the decking, mow the front lawn , clean up the kitchen and then sit down with my new cross stitch.:D

    Not sure where all this energy comes from but won't complain.

    ((((hugs)))) to all.

    Moggins thinking of you and enjoy the car boot tomorrow.

  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Amanda would you mind me asking what recipe you use for jam tart bases. Mine last time went hard and horrid. Unsure if it was the ingredients, cooking time, or just the useless cook :o I haven't made them since and have a stack of jam I could use for them.
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
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