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Easter Sunday 08/04/2007



  • stefejb
    hugs moggins - I suppose if you're helping you can make sure he doesn't take anything of yours
    lil-me - I am inspired and will from now on be far more diligent about saving those coins - so far I have .... £4
    Still waiting for the bloomin police to turn up - at this rate they will have to mingle with bbq guests. Middle dd is on her way round with dgs to let 2nd exh (do keep up) know that no matter what happens he will always be the person she considers to be her dad - bless
    Oh blimey - have just noticed that the bbq has been lit and my laundry is on airers quite close and I don't fancy smoked sheets
    I'm going to feed our children non-organic food and with the money saved take them to the zoo - half man half biscuit 2008
  • mioliere
    Catznine - hope your tooth (or rather where it was!) gets better real soon - I hate to think of an MSE not being able to enjoy chocolate at Easter!

    Moggins - keep your chin up!

    PoshPaws - if you haven't been before, you'll love the New Forest! It's very close to where I live. We try and avoid it over bank holidays because of the traffic so I hope you don't get caught in any hold-ups!

    Hope everyone is having good weather. Ours is great at the moment - still a bit of a cool breeze but the sun is shining its heart out - just the sort of weather you would order if you could, specially for Easter. Lots of washing drying on the line. Yesterday, it dried in no time. Have had some little Lindor Easter eggs and some mini-eggs so far - after breakfast, of course - and have a huge one that I'm saving for later.

    Off to the neighbours' boozy barbecue at about 3.00 p.m. probably, like last year's, until 3.00 a.m.! so am having to decide what to do for lunch. My extra visitors yesterday ate all the lovely ham and salad I made which I was hoping would do for lunch today so I'm having to do a re-think. Have got through gallons of milk as well so must nip out and replace that. Took an early morning walk - on my own, lovely and peaceful - to get the Sunday papers but have not had much chance to read them. They'll do for when I wake up in the early hours. I think probably I'm nocturnal! Trouble is, I get so very tired in the evenings when I have a bad night's sleep but, when I wake in the small wee hours, I can get loads done but it has to be quiet things. I don't think it would go down too well if I got the hoover out at 2.30 a.m.!

    Anyway, a brilliant sunny day to all! Have fun and eat tons of choccie!:easter: :EasterBun :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • lil_me
    Stef just been reading about what happened. Hope the police don't come round while you have guests, but on the other hand hope you get it sorted, good on you for refusing to have to move again, I know so many people in a similar situation who just keep running and it never stops anything just moves the problem. Oh and grab that washing in, have had that happen before when a previous neighbour started a BBQ and I didn't know, and all had to be washed again.

    Well I've still done, nothing, I must get my bum in gear today, I feel a right lazy so and so.
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • Amanda666
    lil_me - i just used a really old basic short crust pastry receipe - 8oz plain flour, 4oz marg , a pinch of salt and soem water to pull it together.
    I used the majority for a quiche and just used the excess for 12 tarts. Used a glass to cut out the rounds and lines a bun tin with them ( after greasing them). 1 teaspoon of jam and in the oven for 15 mins. Let them cool on a wire rack for about 10 mins so the jam sets.

    Hope it helps :D

    WEll - washing up done and kitchen looking better . Quiche with bacon, onion and cheese filling now in oven.

    Think I will have a cup of tea and a muffin before attacking the decking again.
  • lil_me
    So maybe 25 minutes was a tad too long then :o Will try again today :) hopefully won't make toothbreakers as my DP called them, well at least they didn't crumble when in the lunch boxes was the only thing I could say in my defence.

    Quiche sounds lovely, I wonder if I have any bacon in the freezer as I have about 30 eggs. Could just fancy quiche and salad yum!
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • Happy Easter All:easter:

    Hugs to those who need them-but choc is a good substitute;)

    Well have been spoiled by DH today. He took DD down for breakfast letting me have a lie in, then when I couldn't find him in the house he was outside washing my car (hadn't even asked:T )

    WM done and outside drying

    BM to go on while out this arvo

    Dinner at mums so no cost and no cooking by me:D

    Didn't buy DD any easter eggs cos I know she will gets loads from others- more money saving:rotfl:

    Planning to go running with sis before dinner- more training for race for life

    Then an early night as working 7am til 10pm tomorrow (tired just thinking about it)

    Hope everyone has a lovely day
    bye for now
    Monthly Grocery Challenge-April
    Budget £250
    week 1 £64.20
    week 2 £45.52
    week 3
    week 4
  • Crazychik
    Good Afternoon All


    Been out all morning, went to 2 car boots. Got some bargains for the kids, but nothing for me or OH.

    Pegged some washing out on the line. Back's hurting a bit now after all the walking this morning, Im dosed up on pain killers so will go & have a lie down for a while, then tackle cleaning the windows!

    Amie hope your FIL improves. My exFIL, is not well at all. As most of you know his recent troubles & treatment, he's lost nearly 4 stone in weight in the last 2 months,and is now struggling to walk. The family are prepared "its only a matter of time now" - which is upsetting.

    Have a great day all
    Take care
    Love Emma xxx
    Hi, we’ve had to remove your signature. If you’re not sure why please read the forum rules or email the forum team if you’re still unsure
  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Hi all

    Went to asda today, 44 pounds for weeks shopping so that was great:j kids at mil's today, back after tea, so have house to myself:D

    Happy easter sunday everyone:T

    Lo didnt sleep much better last night, will do controlled crying in a couple of days, not looking forward to it but has to be done:rolleyes:

    Off to do comps now, need to win some prizes this year:D

  • Squishy
    Hello everyone,

    Easter greetings to you all! :easter_ba

    Managed to have a lie in this morning which was great, seeing as I woke up midway through the night with a terrible headache - cue the soluble tablets which work quicker! It's still lingering a bit, but at the level where I can ignore it, thankfully!

    As it's easter, it's turkey for dinner (a family tradition!) so I cooked a turkey crown last night which meant we could have turkey on toast for breakfast - yum :D Since then, I've been catching up on some cleaning, doing dishes, and the TD is on. Once it's finished the next load of washing can go on. We're not bothering with lunch as such today as we'll be having our dinner late afternoon, so once I've finished my :coffee: I think I'll make us some cheese and crackers. I'm trying to avoid the icecream in the freezer - cappucino caramel truffle - I treated myself and OH when I went shopping on friday - don't tell anyone :shhh: ;)

    Plans for the rest of the day: more washing; clearing through the bathrooms; and of course, big dinner later :p After that I may relax for the rest of the evening with a book or some sewing, depending on what I feel like.

    Have a good day everyone - *hugs* to all, take or leave as you please :)
  • ivyleaf

    I wanted to make that message a different colour but don't know how - i don't seem to have such an option. Never mind!

    No church for me this morning, as I went to the Easter Vigil last night. It went very well, except that our priest decided to sing some very "twiddly" Alleuias which we were meant to repeat, but he didn't rehearse them with us (the choir) first so they didn't go so well...he did the same last year and we warned him we'd need a rehearsal first when he wanted to sing them again. Did he remember? Of course not, bless him.::D

    I haven't managed to post for a few days, but have been reading the thread. (((((((HUGS)))))) to everyone for whom this is not a very happy Easter!

    Happy Birthday to Groatie Queen , and belated Happy Birthdays to the recent ones - sorry I can't remember all of them, but I know one was Skyblue.

    Catznine - so glad you have finally got rid of that tooth! Hope your poor mouth gets better fast. Might be worth trying some Arnica tablets when the shops are open again!

    Well I've been and gone and done it, I've ordered a breadmaker :eek: due to a recent thread (so it's all your fault, LOL!), the M-R Fastbake that's on special offer atm. I'm looking forward to having a go with it - but I haven't a clue where I'm going to put it! I agree with Thriftlady that kneading one's own dough is therapeutic, but physically can't do that. So we'll try the BM and see how it goes - will be able to make DH his fave fruity bread.

    Dinner tonight - outdoor-reared roast pork, roasties, etc. (We decided not to have lamb, as we had quite a lot of roast lamb in New Zealand.) DS originally had today off, but his boss decided it would be worth opening this afternoon (he works in a Tapas Bar atm) to see if they got many customers - if not, they'll close early, so he has no idea if he'll be here for dinner or not. Honestly, his shifts play havoc with my menu-planning, and I'm not very good at that as it is!:rolleyes:

    Apart from the cooking I'm enjoying a lazy day today - didn't get dressed until gone eleven. Still, the cat always enjoys a morning cuddle on my dressing-gowned lap, so he was happy.:p

    Hope everyone's afternoon is as good as possible!


    ivyleaf xx
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