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Easter Sunday 08/04/2007



  • susy_2
    AMIE399 wrote: »
    just had a coffee in the garden !!!!! in the
    summer i allways sit in the garden as the sun is rising.... ( in my dressing gown !! ) i know im a nutter !!!!! its a nice peaceful thing to do and im up anyway, my neighbours must think that i have lost the plot !!! but ive been doing it for the last 7 years... does anyone else do this ?


    Yes, I do this too. But not yet! Crikey, it's still freezing out there. I love having a coffee in the garden first thing in the morning, it seems to add hours to the day and makes a change from rushing around. Which reminds me .......... got to go to work now (should not be on here now lol, next thing is I will be cursing myself for being late). Have a great day everyone, and how many choccie eggs did you get?
  • cazziebo
    Happy Easter everyone!

    sounds sunny where most of you are but it's dulled over here. It was brighter earlier. got a busy day planned. going to visit a new baby and both dds want to come (hope they don't get any ideas - I'm much too young to be a granny!).

    going to a charity ball tonight and as social life has come to a complete halt I'm looking forward to that. Splashed out a bit but I'm not going to regret it because I've had the financial straitjacket on for so long. Got the most gorgeous dress from ebay for a fiver, so thought I could splurge on some fake tan. First time bf has seen me like that (it was the fake bake you leave on overnight) but I'm lovely and glowing this morning! Got some earrings and necklace in the debenham's sale so good to go!

    Moggins - really feel for you. been in your situation and I hated how he could walk away and leave me with the responsibility to clear up. Hard enough coping without dealing with all that c*** as well.

    Stefe - big hugs. Hope these tough times don't last much longer.

    Miss B - thanks for the tip about the marmite - the midges just feast on me and I've tried loads of stuff. I'll pick up some marmite when I'm out.

    Well - day off for me today - just painted my nails so apart from hoovering and mopping the floors I think housework is off the agenda! :rotfl:

    Have a great day everyone

  • tickb26
    moggins if he hasnt come and got all his stuff i'd put it on ebay at lest you could make some money from him.
  • mioliere
    Hi Amie - Happy Easter! Yep - I love the early mornings outside just watching the sky lighten and the sun come up. Because it's so early in the morning, you don't feel like you're wasting time and should be doing something else. Beautiful day here - a little cool breeze at the moment but the sun is beaming and it looks full of promise for the barbecue this afternoon. Everyone else is up now and we've just had breakfast. I can hear the menfolk clearing up - don't like to disturb them while they're busy so thought I'd come on here. Hope you have a lovely day today - I know I will because I'm having a day off from the cooking! Will catch up later!:easter: :EasterBun :easter_ba :icotbaske :easter_os :hello:

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • Blairweech
    Morning folks, and a Happy Easter to you all.

    I didn't go out last night, went to sleep instead :)

    Plans for the day are just generally chilling out. Continuing with the Spring clean. My April resolution is not going well - haven't listed a single item yet! Oh well, it'll get done eventually.

    Have a good one :beer:

    Thinking of you Moggins

    Thankyou to grannybroon for your kind words and advice
    We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment
  • HariboJunkie
    Morning everyone. :easter:

    Girls woke up at 7 to see if the Easter Bunny had been. I was up until 2am trying to get the printer to work to print off the Easter hunt clues.:rolleyes: Don't know why I start these things:p Eventually had to wake OH (which wasn't easy as he'd consumed rather a lot of wine):rolleyes: Turns out it was his fault the printer wasn't working so didn't feel to guilty.;)

    So we've done the hunt and the girls are chocolated out before 9am:o

    My back is in agony after all my cleaning and shifting furniture yesterday. OH is a bit cross with me for doing too much so I have to pretend I've still got a spring in my step:cool:

    Just got some washing to do now and empty DW. Going to attempt HOt Cross Buns in the BM. Then out for some egg rolling and off to beach at 2pm for a hunt the pebble. The kids dig for special pebbles to claim an egg. it's organised by the Lions and the girls love it.:j

    A bit dull this morning but the sun is breaking through. I'm almost praying for rain so OH can't light the chimnea and I can come indoors before 11pm:rolleyes:

    Roast pork, mashed spuds, savoy cabbage and neeps for easter Tea. Yum.

    Wish i was with you Pink. I'm sure you'll all have a lovely day

    ((((moggins))))) ((((((smokey))))) (((((stefejb)))))

    Haribo x
  • mrs_mix
    Morning everyone
    :bdaycake:happy birthday Groatie Queen
    :easter_os :easter_ba happy easter
    didn't get here yesterday apart from a quick read so (((((big hugs))))) to those that need them
    have finally got the new computer and internet up and running
    washing on the line and more to do
    dw to go on very soon
    bm to go on
    and the kitchen to tidy
    ((((((hugs))))))) for those that need them today

    pam xx
    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • PoshPaws_3
    Morning all - and Happy Easter to the lot of you. :easter:

    Woke up at 6.30am and, having let the dogs out, got the bread machine on. Its just starting its baking cycle now and is smelling lush. :D

    DS is currently stuffing his face with chocolate :EasterBun and DP has gone back to bed. :rolleyes: Looks like a lovely day out there, so spending some time whipping the garden into shape might be an idea!

    I'm driving DS down to the New Forest on Tuesday, to spend some time with my brother's family. My parents are meeting up with him there and taking him on to their place for the rest of the week, after which we'll pick him up on Sunday, so after a bit of a drive, I'll have a quiet week! However, before then I need to muck out the car (which is full of empty carrier bags :confused: ) and check water/oil/tyre pressures etc.

    Well, these things won't get done while I'm gassing on here, so I'd better go and get started! Hope you all have a great day and hugs to those who need them.

    Happy birthday to Groatie Queen and anyone else I've missed!

    B : toast (HM bread isn't done yet)
    L : sarnies
    D : HM toad in the hole, veggies. HM rice pud with plum & apple.

    Edited to say that, so far, I have :
    - walked the dogs;
    - hung out one load of wet washing;
    - washed my trainers and hung them out to dry in the sunshine;
    - put away a mountain of dry washing (sunny weather helps conquer the washing pile!);
    - started Morgan's packing;
    - spoken on the phone to my Mum;
    - made yoghurt;
    - cooked some apples and plums;
    - dismembered the last of the lettuces and washed, refreshed and boxed up the edible bits for lunchtime salads;
    - made bread.
    DP has dusted and vacuumed the sitting and dining rooms, which look a lot better for it. :D
    :hello: I'm very well, considering the state I'm in. :hello:
    Weight loss since 2 March 10 : 13lbs
  • Happy Easter to you all!!

    Just got back from Holland, where it was lovely and sunny too, fantastic what a week away from it all can do for you.

    Obviously I have loads to do today, washing and drying being the main chores!! But at least we can hang the washing out to dry in the sun can't we?

    I want to buy some plants for the garden and do that over the next couple of days - so lots of digging to do.

    Have eaten loads of biccies and ice cream so will have to partake in a little chocolate before I start back on my diet!!

    Enjoy your Easter guys,

    take care,

    BB xx
    If you don't have something nice to say don't bother saying anything at all.
  • seraphina
    Morning and Happy Easter to all!

    Anyway, got woken up by H bearing a chocolate egg so breakfast has been very unhealthy this morning! I probably didn't deserve it as I had a bit of a go at him last night when he was helping me make caramel shortbread - I tend to see the kitchen as "my" domain and I found it difficult to cope with DH waltzing in and doing things just as good - and probably better! - than I could :o Oh well, at least I've recognised the problem, although I do feel bad for taking it out on him...

    Anyway, off to the outlaws for lunch - we're staying the night and back tomorrow. It's a glorious day here today so just deciding whether to take the bikes or take the roof of the car!

    Enjoy your day and hugs to all that need them!
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