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Easter Sunday 08/04/2007



  • Emmy
    Emmy Posts: 1,929 Forumite

    I have to go out (carboot) but wanted to nip on ad wish everyone a happy easter x x x hugs to all x x x
    :heartpuls Number 1 Aunty Gok fan :heartpuls
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Good morning everyone,

    and Happy birthday to Groatie Queen xxx

    Well, im up early for a Sunday, but we are off to this footie tournement in a bit, so have to make up a picnic to take with us, and then we ar going up to Barnstaple for a few days, as its my sisters 40th birthday today. We are missing her birthday meal at a nice hotel, because of the football, but she is having a 'do' this evening at her house, so will be able to celebrate there with her, which will be nice.
    Hopefully DSs team will do well, make it worth missing most of our day with my sister!!! We dont see each other often, so will be nice - also going to visit some friends while we are there, and hopefully the car boot sale will be on tomorrow, as i have a boot full of stuff i want to sell!!!
    Had a lovely day yesterday, with our Easter lunch, easter egg hunts and a lovley couple of hours cuddled up on the sofa with DD, watching a dvd and eating chocolate - bliss!!! Shame DS didnt join us, but he was out enjoying the sunshine, so cant complain as he was happy.

    Right, better get moving, still loads to do (including getting the children up, but letting DS sleep as late as i can so he has energy later!!!)

    Have a lovely day today, will check in if i can access a computer whilst im away!!!
    Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Penny-Pincher!!
    Penny-Pincher!! Posts: 8,325 Forumite
    Morning Guys!

    Still not feeling too well:rolleyes: ....OH just making a fresh coffee and going to sit in the garden to drink it.

    WM is on and will be hung on the line. DW has been emptied and toilet cleaned.

    Going round friends later for a nice meal (a few going), then we are playing poker:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ....should be a laugh:rotfl:

    Right, will come back on later once ive had some breaky and coffee.

    Hugs to all and Happy Easter.

    To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it,
    requires brains!
  • Little_Miss_Saver
    Good Morning & Happy Easter Everybody :icotbaske

    I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't do much yesterday, I did my "little" shop in Aldi's as I couldn't get into Mr T's, I queued to get onto thier car park for 10mins and didn't move!!! Then I nipped into somerfields on the way home to get some mint sauce that I couldn't find in Aldi's and ended up spending another £10 on meat that had just been "yellow stickered" (I got some good bargains and should last us a couple of weeks).

    I went to the garden centre and brought some plants but that was as far as I got with that!!! So the plan for today is to do some washing and then start on the garden while my DS makes himself ill on the 12 easter eggs that he has had. (I really wish that he didn't get brought that many eggs, I'm sure he would much prefer to have the £1 that each eggs costs and put it towards a new PS game or something)

    Anyway hope you have a good day if your celebrating and hugs to those that want/need them.

    LMS xx
    Mortgage Balance 1st May 2009 £94749.00 :(
    Current End Date 1st April 2039.
    Total Overpayments to date £950.00 :j
  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 1,877 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi everyone!
    Happy Easter!!
    Did a lot of rushing around yesterday so am planning to take a step back today. Will do a bit of tidying in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. Meal wise we've dithered over boxes in Sainsburys and have plumped for Chinese as I've catered for other people for the last two days. We are joining my family later for a cuppa and a slice of cake.
    Have a lovely day
    Aiming for a life of elegant frugality wearing a new-to-me silk shirt rather than one of hair!
  • twink
    twink Posts: 3,827 Forumite
    morning all

    Happy Easter and Happy Birthday groatiequeen :j

    its cloudy here at the mo but it warmed up nicely yesterday, nothing much planned for today, have to pop into my elderly neighbour in the afternoon, she likes the company as she cant see or hear well nowadays
    the dgs are off to their other gran today to roll their easter eggs with their aunt, lo is going this year too
    i planted tomato seeds yesterday, a bit late but i usually buy the plants, the sweetpea and lettuce seeds are through

    hugs to moggins
    hugs to stefejb hope you keep feeling strong, it must be horrible for you
    dlb well done to your ds3 on the footy
    smoky hope you manage to relax today it will do you good to get away
  • joannasmum
    joannasmum Posts: 1,145 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning All

    Happy birthday Groatie Queen.

    DD woke me at 6am to get me to change her nappy which was hardly wet but she went straight back to sleep. I've ended up staying awake and I'm going to watch the Grand Prix. Got some yummy sausages for breakie when the family wake up then its off to mass the kids get eggs on easter sunday. DD will be pleased.

    This afternoon were going to in-laws for dinner, need to pop in at my dads on the way past will see if got dd a easter egg, I'm not holding my breath tbh hes not the most realiable at grandparent type things.

    Have a good day everyone
    Sorting my life out one day at a time
  • stefejb
    stefejb Posts: 1,725 Forumite
    Morning all - feeling v. positive today after a bad night. my exh has been sniffing around our old address looking for his daughter who is nearly eighteen. The same thing happened a few years back when his oldest daughter was 18 and we had to move. I have umpteen injunctions and a court order banning him from any contact but they are all hopelessly out of date. Anyway the police were lovely last night and are sending a couple of officers round today to take a report. Things have certainly moved on with the police and domestic violence - 20 years ago a friend called the police because her husband had smashed all the downstairs windows and there was glass everywhere - she and the kids were sitting on the front step when they arrived and she got told off for having them up so late! Thanks to lil-me and moggins for putitng me on the flylady track I am not panicking about the state of the house this morning and will carry on preparing for our bbq this afternoon until the police get here.
    Happy Easter everyone and don't overdo the chocolate - 10yo dd has wrapped all hers in newspaper but mine looks and smells like a terry's chocolate orange - yay!
    I'm going to feed our children non-organic food and with the money saved take them to the zoo - half man half biscuit 2008
  • tickb26
    tickb26 Posts: 618 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good Morning all and a very happy easter to you.

    my LO jumped on me in bed at 6.40 this morning asking for his kinder egg i'm sure i was never like that at his age (or was i).

    have a load of washing on the line already and going to put another out soon then its get ready and off to mums with LO and OH it will be the 1st time i will see my brother since xmas and he only lives 5 mins away from me.

    well i'm off to get some breakfast cos all that talk of full english has made hungry.

    hope you all have lovely days.

    tick xoxo
  • MimiF
    MimiF Posts: 282 Forumite
    Happy Easter All!!!!

    Lovely morning here but I noticed frost on the garage roof so have been out to check on my sweet peas as I planted them out on Friday. Hope they survive. Luckily I hadn't gotten round to planting anything else.

    Twink - I haven't even done ,my toms yet as I really don't want them "producing" whilst we're on hols, so I'm trying to delay it as much as possible, it will have to be done this week though.

    AMIE - I like to have a cuppa in the garden in the morning too but in my front garden as the sun doesn't get round to the back until about 2, so I must look even stranger, sat on the step in my dressing gown. :eek: Luckily we're a friendly bunch and it's a quiet enough road on the weekend.

    Have been preparing peppers which I roasted for tomato and red pepper soup, the tomatoes are in boiling water at the mo waiting to be peeled. I hope it's okay I haven't made it before and it's for the starter for our big Easter lunch at mums. I will drop the soup round later and some little eggs to be hidden in the garden, the kids love looking for them in mum's jungle, then we'll walk round so we can enjoy some of step dads great wines!!. Brother is doing main course and mum the puddings - as the brood has gotten bigger over the years we tend to split the courses for our big meals at Christmas and Easter as poor mum ends up slaving and spending a fortune, it works pretty well.

    OS wise not a lot as we will be out most of the day, have a couple of loads of washing to go out and then will hoover and wash the floors downstairs and hoover upstairs too. Am hoping we will have visitors tommorrow - dear friends we haven't seen for over a year, they are hoping to come with their newest baby!!! If they do come we will have lunch out and a walk by the river. Might try and bake a cake for them too but we shall see.

    Okay kids have almost finished their first eggs - don't know how they can eat chocolate so early - I can only face tea at this time. Speaking of which this cup is finished and I need at least one more before I get on with my jobs!

    Have a lovely day all!!!! Hugs to all in need.

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