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Easter Sunday 08/04/2007



  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Trust me tick I won't let him put a downer on things too much. Supposedly he's only going from 1pm until 5pm *CHEEKY SODS EXPECTING LIFT THERE AND BACK* but last time he went at 11am and didn't come back until the next day as got 'carried away' as he put it. So not holding my breath! I'll maybe drop him off as wanting to go to garden centre and he's too much of a snob to get the bus so will stop him spending £20 on a cab, but won't be waiting in all day like I did last time for a call to pick him up. If he's not going to take the kids out I may aswell, well if I feel well enough anyway and DS2 is well enough as he's coughing like mad at the mo, think he's got my bug :( I've been hunting for the Olbas Oil I had bought for about 10 minutes now and can't find it, where on earth have I put it!
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • tickb26
    tickb26 Posts: 618 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    well at least when mine does it he's not down the pub (he dosnt drink) he's just helping a mate or popped round to see someone and got chating he's worse than most women i know. and as for the bus i get it evey where cos i dont drive but my OH is the same as yours wont get the bus eather. thats a point i cant take LO out tomorow as have no bus.
  • stefejb
    stefejb Posts: 1,725 Forumite
    Evening all - the police didn't come in the end - apparantly it was neighbours from hell day today - so i will have to go to the station tomorrow and report it all properly. I wish they had given me that as an option this morning .. ah well
    lovely day in the garden with dgs's first proper easter egg hunt - I don't know who enjoyed it more though - dgs or grandad :) We have eaten a mountain of food and drunk vast quantities of spritzers but spread over a few hours so no one's the worse for wear. I bought a teeny weeny bbq from asda for 11 quid and used it as a patio heater - sitting out with youngest dd in the dark chatting about this and that - mostly dr who related from her sadly - and watching the embers - it doesn't get much better than this!
    middle dd has left dgs with me as she has a lot to do and I apparantly don't even though the house and garden are a tip now. sat outside planting some seeds in little paper pots that were mass produced by youngest dd at a penny a pot so still quite a productive day all in all
    have a good night
    I'm going to feed our children non-organic food and with the money saved take them to the zoo - half man half biscuit 2008
  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Neighbours from hell usually happens on Bank Holiday weekends unfortunately. Especially Easter one for some reason, when it's nice weather makes it worse supposedly as they are all out together. Sounds like you've had a great day tho stef, I am sure the grown ups always enjoy the egg hunts the most.

    As for LH yep, he's good at the vanishing to friends etc aswell, sometimes comes back the day after. Doesn't drink often but when he does the 'carried away' happens a lot. Also tends to pick the worst times, mainly when I am ill. He's been warned he best not be worse for wear or vanish on Tuesday as I am at the hospital.

    Olbas Oil found and dotted on a hanky under DS2s pillow, might help him sleep a little easier as he's all stuffy. Have put emergency bed linen next to his bed and a towel under him as he tends to be sick when he's like this and fumbling around half asleep trying to find linen and change a bed is not fun!
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I use olbas oil too, been using it for lo as he has been snuffly which hasnt helped his sleep any:eek: getting over the worst of it though.

    Dh has been annoying the hell out of me today, just cause he stayed up late to watch a film even though he knows lo is up half the night! he only goes out to work so am stuck with the sod nearly all the time!:rotfl: he doesnt drink as he says it doesnt agree with him:confused:

    Kids had great time with their granny etc, got watches as a easter prezzie and lo got a new outfit, they were rolling their eggs so that was fun for them, really windy though!

    Back on track with flylady i hope, hope im not too tired with the controlled crying:eek: dont think dh is going to help much as i told him to read the toddler taming book and every time i mention it he gets narky saying when does he have the time!! men!

    Great, a week of him like this, what fun:D

  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Kyle if flying gets too much always remember housework can wait, lack of sleep can't! The house isn't going anywhere, it can wait. As for partner, know what you mean, takes me all my time to drag him to a parenting thing we've started doing with CAHMS for the oldest. Twice he's refused to get out of bed to go, it was arranged for him not me as he's the one now spending more time with DS1, I've done the course before. Old fashioned opinions of that's a womans job. One thing I will say to do is if he's refusing to help with it, set out what you are going to do and how you are going to deal with things yourself, then explain to him what it is you're doing and that you would appreciate his support and not appreciate if he undoes any of the hard work you are putting in! I've been through several behaviours with DS1 where work I have done has been undone by DPs comments or actions, he knows now not to mess with things I am trying to do and if he's not going to say anything constructive or to help then he's to button it!

    Olbas oil when I found it for kids was over the moon, Karvol used to set his Asthma off I think so was relieved when I found that. I've just dabbed it on a tissue for me too, was awake more than asleep last night because of coughing
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • JillD_2
    JillD_2 Posts: 1,773 Forumite
    Hello and Happy Easter to everyone!
    Hugs to anyone who needs one.

    I have had just about the nicest easter Sunday ever, I think. I have now had 3 days in a row with no morning sickness :T :T bearing in mind I've been chucking several times a day for the past 10 weeks :j

    The neighbours and us did an Easter egg hunt for our combined 6 kids this morning, they had a ball. we stood around chatting outside our houses ( we live in a ittle close of 4 houses so its quite quiet) and itr was so neighboruly, it was great. After lunch the Dads went out to the big field in front of the house with all the kids to play cricket or football or some combination. I stayed at home whle DD had her nap and got a load of decluttering done.
    hen the kids came back and played in our graden for a couple of hours while we all had beer - including me, I had a nice alcohol free Becks :D and then a yummy tea cooked by hubs.

    And finally just now my husband has produced a Xmas present for me from Xmas 2005 :eek: that he just found :rotfl: Its about 10 very nice Art Pens. Am way too tired for any card making these days but wil save them for when I have more energy. (I think he may have had a mini clearout of the study and thats why they turned up).

    I am soooooo tired tonight but a really good out all day fresh air tired IYKWIM

    Jan GC: £202.65/£450 (as of 4-1-12)
    NSDs: 3
    Walk to school: 2/47
    Bloater challenge: £0/0lbs

  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Squishy wrote: »
    I've noticed that quite a few of us are having tooth problems! I'm waiting to get my wisdom teeth extracted as I'm prone to infections. I've been using corsodyl mouthwash which is available in most shops - it's great as it helps promote gum healing etc. I find it helps clear things up more quickly, anyway.

    Someone please let me know if this counts as giving medical advice and I'll delete this post!
    Corsodyl is brilliant but will stain your teeth, though not permanently. Hot salt water is also really good especially with wisdom tooth probs. I am one of the lucky ones and do not have wisdom teeth (wise enough already,eh?!) - and neither do my sons. DH has and has had problems with them so I really do count myself lucky!

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
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