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Easter Sunday 08/04/2007



  • anniebooklover
    anniebooklover Posts: 1,211 Forumite
    twink forgot all about the greenfingered board. :doh: Just been there and picked up some hints and tips so I will be heading to the garden centre to buy some extra equipment before planting on. Thanks for the reminder.

    My couple of days of manic housework have caught up with me and now I have absolutely no energy. So, my afternoon will consist of finishing my book while having a chilled glass of wine and then cooking the chicken that I didn't get round to yesterday. After that, who knows? It certainly won't be housework though. ;) The wind has picked up here so although its sunny, its just a little too chilly to sit outside. :(
    "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
    - Proverb
  • AussieLass
    AussieLass Posts: 4,066 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Afternoon all,

    Happy Birthday Groatie Queen :beer: and Happy Easter to everyone :icotbaske

    Another sunny day here except for the bracing wind. Went to Mass this morning. The priest had a very broad accent and I'm sure he didn't say what I thought he said in some places. :D

    We then went along to the hospital to visit Aunty J. She wasn't too good today. I have a mountain of ironing to do which I'll make a start on soon. I've got a headache atm. :D That's my excuse.

    Ivyleaf Enjoy experimenting with your new BM when it arrives. They are great.
    Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. ;)

  • Bargain_Rzl
    Bargain_Rzl Posts: 6,254 Forumite
    Good afternoon everybody and a very happy Easter :easter_ba
    ivyleaf wrote: »
    No church for me this morning, as I went to the Easter Vigil last night. It went very well, except that our priest decided to sing some very "twiddly" Alleuias which we were meant to repeat, but he didn't rehearse them with us (the choir) first so they didn't go so well...he did the same last year and we warned him we'd need a rehearsal first when he wanted to sing them again. Did he remember? Of course not, bless him.::D
    That sounds familiar :o - we get this sort of thing a lot at my church because we have several different priests and they all have different variants :rolleyes: Our priest-in-charge made a right hash of the preface to the Lord's Prayer a couple of weeks ago, so that the choir and congregation had to pick a note out of thin air to begin the prayer :D

    I did the opposite from ivyleaf - no church yesterday evening (I was going to go to my local church but decided to stay home and make an apple crumble instead :D) but had a lovely service this morning. I am currently vegetating for a couple of hours before heading off to sing Evensong at a different church.

    No Easter Eggs here, but each of the choir got a teeny box of chocs from our priest :A

    Happy birthday groatie queen :bdaycake:
    catznine - yowch! Hope your mouth is better soon!
    dannahaz - I hope DSD is better soon. Re: measles - you might want to PM kiwichick as one of hers had it last year.
    AMIE399 - hope FIL's treatment kicks in soon.
    Hugs ((((moggins & DD)))) - you'll get rid of him eventually ;)
    stefejb - well done you for staying so positive, you're right of course, you shouldn't have to keep dodging him. I trust the police will stay on the case and keep you all safe.
    mumoftwo - you've reminded me talking about tulips, on Thursday evening I decided to walk from work to church (eventually ran out of time and had to get on the tube, but never mind!) and on the way I passed through the gardens at the front of St Paul's Cathedral where there are the most FABULOUS smelling tulips and daffs!

    Right, I'm going to get on with relaxing now :D I was going to do a roast for dinner, but can't be bothered :o It's nice only having myself to think about sometimes! ;)

    Love Rzl xx :wave:
    :)Operation Get in Shape :)
  • Squishy
    Squishy Posts: 721 Forumite
    I've noticed that quite a few of us are having tooth problems! I'm waiting to get my wisdom teeth extracted as I'm prone to infections. I've been using corsodyl mouthwash which is available in most shops - it's great as it helps promote gum healing etc. I find it helps clear things up more quickly, anyway.

    Someone please let me know if this counts as giving medical advice and I'll delete this post!
    catznine wrote: »
    Wish I could :EasterBun but mouth is bruised after yesterdays extraction!:sad: Tooth did not want to go easily! At least the pain from the abcess is gone!:T Have a lovely day everyone!
  • mrs_mix
    mrs_mix Posts: 1,800 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Afternoon all
    been quite busy front room is back to being clean and tidy after I wrecked it yesterday swopping computers
    kitchen is almost done just waitning for some of the floor to dry so I can move stuff around as it's an awkward shape
    got roast lamb for dinner but most of it is ready
    got a couple more loads of washing to do but it's drying nicely on the line
    no chocolate here ds1 is away until tomorrow night ds2 and I can't eat it so we give them a little bit of money to spend at the big monday bank holiday market and dd would rather have the money
    hope everyone has a good afternoon
    pam xx
    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • grannybroon
    grannybroon Posts: 2,214 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Confession to make - still in dressing gown!!!! No back garden today as really quite dull and cool here. However forecast for coming week looks promising.

    Crazychick - don't overdo it with your back.

    Kyle - do the controlled crying - yes it will be awful for the first few nights but I do so think it worth it. Good luck with the birthday cake.

    Love GB
  • meanmarie
    meanmarie Posts: 5,328 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Happy Easter everyone, and hugs for those in need.

    Having dinner with my brother, think he's planning BBQ I am bringing raspberry muffins for dessert, have just tasted one of batch and it was wonderful, so pleased with my first effort.

    Have garlic bread proving to bake to take with us, used garlic granules in ordinary bread mix, was a little dry after kneading process in bm, probably should have used more liquid than usual, seems to be rising fine.

    OH has put out his back and until we can visit spinologist on Tuesday or Wednesday he is in a lot of pain....being a man it is not allowed for him to take pain-killers etc, so he is just moaning and trying to make me feel guilty...doesn't work anymore!

    Very warm here to-day but a little overcast so I am hoping that there will be no rain until I rescue washing from the line.

    Garden to-morrow to make up for some of what OH would normally have done.

    Weight 08 February 86kg
  • MrsMW
    MrsMW Posts: 590 Forumite
    Happy Easter everyone.
    We have been in the garden all day, just pottering and sitting. I am now cooking a big roast dinner while the men chill with the papers.
    We may go to the garden centre tomorrow, depends what the weather is like.
    Enjoy the bank holiday.
  • Quasar
    Quasar Posts: 121,720 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Happy Easter! :j

    Happy birthday groatie queen :bdaycake:

    (((((((HUGS)))))))) to those who are down :(

    OK, I went for lunch at friends today. We agreed I'd go early for drinks first - there were 8 in all of us, 6 being guests. Since it was all so informal, we were all going in and out of the kitchen while lunch was being prepared, chatting and pouring drinks and whatever.

    Well, I was shocked at the waste I saw. Meat fat being cut off with about half an inch of lean meat still attached, lots of perfectly good fruit bits being thrown because the dicing had to be perfect etc. ect. I reckon I could have made an extra meal for two with what was being thrown in the bin. OK they are not poor but I don't think they are rolling in it either. They are also very proud peeps, so that launching into an OS lecture did not seem a wise thing to do.

    However, I've marked them out for gentle hints and conversation steering, if you see what I mean. Why I care I don't know, but I've come to regard waste as a capital sin, and it's not that I scrimp when it comes to spending on healthy food.

    Oh well. Me and me tofu tonight :)

    Again, a happy Easter to all - the weather here is absolutely fab! :T

    Q xxx
    Be careful who you open up to. Today it's ears, tomorrow it's mouth.
  • Essex-girl_2
    Essex-girl_2 Posts: 3,503 Forumite
    Afternoon All and Happy Easter

    Happy Birthday to Groatiequeen

    Apologies as the thanks button isnt working for me today.

    Lovely weather here today, this morning went to Jimmy's Farm which was nice but very busy. Had a lovely sausage pattie for lunch. For dinner have chicken portions with Jimmy's sausages mash and veg as I now have a working cooker!

    This afternoon spent a hour or so at the park with OH, DS and puppy. DD is off out with her mates at the moment and DS is enjoying having the trampoline to himself.

    Am just about to cook dinner and think will hoover the stairs whilst its cooking, that way I can go out tomorrow and not feel bad.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.
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