redundancy payment timing
Made redundant in mid september.-to take effect on 10th november provided two months notice in addition but asked to leave immediately. paydate is 1st of month. correctly received my usual salary on 1 october and i november . now 'all ties'cut . my understanding is that redundancy payments need to be made on last day of…
TUPE and how it applies to homeworker status
I was TUPE'd to my current employer a few years ago. The contract with my previous employer stated that I was a home worker and I have been working from home ever since. It's the absolute worst time for this to happen but my current employer is hoping to save some money by shutting down the local office and relocate…
Jsa deduction even if you don’t claim it
Hello. My partner worked part time for a company that went into liquidation. She got her redundancy pay and had to wait twelve weeks to claim pilon. When she filled her form one question was whether she had worked during the period or whether she’d claimed jsa. Most of her working week is self employed so she is over the…
Redundancy and PILON received - followed by self employment but then.....
Hi all Sorry if this is a rambling post but hopefully it will make sense! I am wondering if anyone can give me any guidance at all please, or from anyone who has experienced this before. I was made redundant in April 2022 and received a tax free redundancy payment and three months PILON, on which I paid £4k tax as HR said…
Tax on tribunal payout
I wonder if anyone could help me. I was made redundant after 33 years service two years ago and have since won an employment tribunal against my former employer on the grounds of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. I originally used up the tax free amount of 30k when I was paid my redundancy and now I have a…
Redundancy paperwork - data breach?
Hello my partner revived notification on Thursday afternoon that his employer was going into liquidation, and he would be unemployed from the next day. The following day he received paperwork in the post from a firm dealing with the liquidation. Part of the paperwork, lists every employees full name, their home address and…
Forced Redundancy in Academia - Do I have a Legal Case?
In late September 2020, I have started a part time position as an Associate Lecturer at one of the prestigious Russel group universities, where I was enrolled on a sort of rolling contract, working several hours a week. So right about now would be exactly 2 calendar years since I started work there. Earlier this year,…
Tax in new role after Redunancy
Hi, I took redundancy from my job in March where I was earning £70k+. I received the pay out in April of just over £50k. I then received a second payment in May of around £1k although I am not sure what this was for. I did not work or have income for 5 months. I started a new role this month and I will receive my first pay…
NI from redundancy payment?
I have been made redundant and received my redundancy payment. No tax on the first £30000 - that is ok. Then though, tax and NI taken from the rest, employer has also made NI contribution (hefty amount) to the tax man. I did not have payment in lieu of notice, just finished my contract after 3 months notice and then paid a…
Job Dismissal - Advice
I am wondering if anyone can advise. My son has a complex learning difficulty and easily exploited by others, and has been in employment for 6 months. He has always turned up on time, and has had no issues around his work or conduct. He has reported bullying on him from colleagues, where his manager has called him 'thick'…
Employment Tribunal vs Severance Letter what is better financially?
I am considering to make a claim to an Employment Tribunal: https://yesday.github.io/blog/2022/male-shaming-in-the-modern-workplace.html I have a couple of options: * Submit a claim to the Employment Tribunal * Write a Severance Letter to my employer. What this would do is highlight the legal basis for a claim that I may…
I was contacted about a work issue
by my HR even though I was on long-term sick. I had to look at a problem and involve myself in conference calls but could not deal with it due to my illness. Is my employer in breach of the new contract they gave me when they said I would not be contacted about work and can I sue them?
Redundancy notice
Hi, I'm more then likely going to get my redundancy notice on the 2nd September. I have a question, which I don't want to ask my employers but also can't find the answer online. I started employment at the company on the 5th September 2011 and the notice will be served on the 2nd September. That's 10 complete years before…
Redundancy - Outcome day
Hi I am in a pool of two people where 1 of us will be made redundant. During the process, I was told by a senior manager "not to bother looking for a new job" because the role description matches what I do. I have also been told that my score is higher than my colleague's. However, as you can see above, the process is not…
Compulsory Redundancy and Tax Credits
Hi, im currently going through compulsory redundancy and also receive tax credits. I have another job starting the month after I finish my redundant role. I currently get working tax credits I am receiving a redundancy package my question is - Will I lose my working tax credits once I’ve received my package? I’m not sure…
Not sure if I am pushing it
but can I ask my employer to top up a Lump sum offer from my PHI insurers as part of a settlement agreement to terminate emplyment?
Question regarding disclosure of being made redundant
I was made redundant 20 months ago and I signed a settlement agreement with my employer. I have observed the terms of the agreement - I.e. not trying to go back to my previous employer, no disclosing business information, no bad mouthing my employer etc Very recently I bumped into an ex-colleague who I hadn’t seen since I…
Transfer funds from workplace DC pension into a new plan to then access under ill health
Hello, I’m 51 years old and have incurable Stage IV cancer and am seeking ways to extract some of my workplace DC pension without restricting the amount my employer or myself can continue to pay in over the next couple of years. I’ve been told I have a few years to live and I’m being well paid for potentially the next 5…
PHI Termination payments to end employment
I've been offered a 5 figure lump sum settlement over £30k and I understand this will be taxable over £30k. This is without consultation with my employer who will process the payment. Can I still ask for redundancy on top of the insurance settlement??
Before probation en and let go - any rights?
Hello all. Today I was ‘let go’ by my employer in the finance industry, although within my probation period rather than through redundancy. I was on a 6 month term, initially extended from 3 months, that was due to end in the middle of august. Before the 3 months was up, I had a short meeting with my manager and a letter…