Should pre-nups be encouraged?
Poll started 11 Mar 2014 A pre-nuptial agreement is a contract signed by couples before they tie the knot, outlining how financial assets should be split if the relationship breaks down. Currently, they’re not legally binding, but the Law Commission thinks they should be. Supporters argue they give clarity from the outset,…
Real-life MMD: Should I try to boost my salary at a charity?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I try to boost my salary at a charity? I've been offered a job at a charity I really care about, but it turns out the starting wage is £5,000 less than my current wage. It also involves odd working hours and a longer, more expensive commute. They really want me, I want to take the job, but I…
Real-life MMD: Should I buy up cheap stock from a friend so I can flog it myself?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I buy up cheap stock from a friend so I can flog it myself? A friend of a friend's shop is failing. She's planning to sell the stock very cheaply to make some money back. I've suggested she put the items on eBay but she's insisting on selling it for next to nothing. I'm also struggling…
Reallife MMD: Should I send wedding invites to family members who can't come?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I send wedding invites to family members who can't come? We're getting married this year, but haven't sent the invitations yet. A few of my relatives say they can't come at such short notice, but my mum insists I still send them invitations. This means doubling the number of invites, and money's…
Real-life MMD: Should I tell my husband that his new client's my horrid ex?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I tell my husband that his new client's my horrid ex? My husband needs clients for his new business. He's got a big job, but doesn't know the client is my ex, who treated me badly. Should I tell him and risk him pulling out, though we need the cash? If you haven’t already, join the forum to…
Real-life MMD: Waitress takes leftovers to give to a retirement home. Should I report
Money Moral Dilemma: Waitress takes leftovers to give to a retirement home. Should I report her? I work as a waitress at private functions. After events, loads of cakes, sandwiches, etc, are thrown away, even though they're still perfectly good. Our bosses say we're not allowed to take anything home, but one of my…
Real-life MMD: Can I ask guests to bring a bottle?
Money Moral Dilemma: Can I ask guests to bring a bottle? I need to buy supplies for my housewarming party soon, but don't know what the etiquette is for drinks. As it's my party, should I buy all the food and drink, or count on guests bringing drinks with them? Is it acceptable to ask them to bring a bottle? I'd hate to…
Real-life MMD: Should gamers pay for faster broadband?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should gamers pay for faster broadband? I live in a student house with five others, three of whom spend a lot of time gaming. We already have an expensive broadband package, but the internet still runs slowly, so the gamers have suggested we get an even more costly package. I'd welcome faster internet,…
How do you rate your bank account’s service?
Poll started 10 Feb 2014 We run this poll on big banks' current accounts every six months to see how the experience changes. We’d love your feedback. Please vote based on CUSTOMER SERVICE for your main CURRENT account over the last SIX MONTHS. Please ignore rates or any other products, or service from before six months…
House of Commons - what is going on? [Poll]
Please take the time to vote in our Poll! DOT is dedicated to increasing public engagement with the House of Commons and as such we are extremely interested in finding out from users of MSE how you get your information about the work of the House of Commons – is it through newspapers (either print or on-line), through…
Would you support a 50% tax rate – even if it didn’t raise extra cash?
Poll started 28 Jan 2014 The Labour Party says if it returns to power, it’ll reintroduce the 50% income tax rate for higher earners (those over £150,000) as it says they should bear a bigger burden. Yet it's not clear whether this will actually bring in extra revenue, as it could act as a disincentive, while some will take…
Real-life MMD: Should I share holiday disaster news story money?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I share holiday disaster news story money? Three friends and I had a holiday disaster about six years ago. A journalist friend of mine is now paying me to use the experience for a story. I'm doing all the legwork for it, but I'm using the photos my friends took. As I'm doing all the work and…
Real-life MMD: How much should my friend pay me?
Money Moral Dilemma: I used a voucher to pay for something we'll share. How much should my friend pay towards it? My friend and I have just moved into an unfurnished house. We've been buying furniture and splitting the costs. I recently used a voucher I won in a competition to part-pay for something. My friend insists she…
Real-life MMD: Party-pooping payment request - should I pay up?
Money Moral Dilemma: Party-pooping payment request - should I pay up? My son's been invited to two birthday parties and both require payment to attend. I'm not sure whether this is the latest craze, the norm or just unfortunate, but I don't know what to do. I don't want my son to be left out, but £25+, plus a present and…
Real-life MMD: Should I cough up to avoid cheap seats at the theatre?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I cough up to avoid cheap seats at the theatre? My brother and I want to see a West End show. I would rather pay full whack for top seats, but he earns less than me so doesn’t want to shell out. Our mum suggested I subsidise his ticket, but I feel like this is unfair and he’s being difficult…
Do you know what’s on your credit file?
Poll started 7 Jan 2014 Apply for a mortgage, credit card, even a mobile phone contract, and you’re credit-scored (see Boost Your Credit Score for more info). As well as your application form details, and any past dealings they’ve had with you, firms also get details from one of three credit reference agencies. But do you…
Which money issues do you hide from your partner?
Poll started 14 Jan 2014 Is it a question of sharing everything, or are finances something you keep secret Which money issues do you ‘hide’ from (or not fully disclose to) your partner? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your say below. To see…
Real-life MMD: Should my replacement on theatre trip contribute to ticket cost?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should my replacement on theatre trip contribute to ticket cost? I was unwell, so unable to make a theatre visit. I asked the friend who organisedit if she knew someone who wanted my ticket. She found a replacement, but neither she nor her friend offered money towards the ticket that I had paid for.…
What’s your favourite Christmas film?
Poll started 20 Dec 2013 It's Christmas, so for this week's poll, we're forgetting money and going for a bit of fun. We've selected some of the best loved Christmas films (ie, films involving/about Christmas, rather than those usually on over the festive period), and we'd like you to pick your favourite. Please vote for…
Real-life MMD: I saw a homeless man steal food - should I have reported it?
Money Moral Dilemma: I saw a homeless man steal food - should I have reported it? I think (though can't be sure) I saw a homeless man steal a salad from Pret A Manger. Should I have reported him? I know it's a crime to steal, but this really tested my conscience. If you haven’t already, join the forum to reply Note: Please…