MoneySaving Poll: Do you pay for domestic services?
Poll started 15 Apr 2014 Is housework still a preserve of the family, or in our growing service culture, are more people spending money on help in and around the home? Do you pay for domestic help? If so, what do you pay for? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your say…
The Great Hunt: What are your MoneySaving ways to stop snoring?
What are your MoneySaving ways to stop snoring? Snoring can be troublesome for you even if you don't snore yourself! Sleep deprivation's not good if you're working, and smothering your partner with a pillow isn't an option... So we'd like your top MoneySaving tips on ways to tackle the problem. Click reply below to share…
Money Moral Dilemma: Am I paying too much for holiday car breakdown?
Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on: Am I paying too much for holiday car breakdown? My friends and I went on a group holiday. Three of my friends wanted to come home a day early so borrowed my second-hand car, which I'd only had for a month, and drove it home - one of them was insured to drive…
MoneySaving Poll: Does mental health affect your debts?
Poll started 6 May 2014 We're updating our research on links between mental health issues & debt problems. It's argued either one can cause the other. If you’ve been affected, see our Mental Health and Debt guide. Does mental health affect your debts? Please exclude mortgages and student loans from definition of "debt". I…
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I pay my friend's speeding fine?
Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on: Should I pay my friend's speeding fine? A friend of mine was giving me a lift one night, and was caught by a fixed camera and given a speeding fine. As he was going out of his way to drop me off, should I pay his fine? Click reply to have your say…
MoneySaving Poll: Is your energy company's service any good?
Poll started 22 Apr 2014 Energy firms are the current pantomime villains of the business world, with a "boo, hiss" at their very name. Yet is this deserved? How does yours treat you? Every six months we ask... Would you recommend your energy firm to others?? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Are you surprised at the…
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I pay more towards bills?
Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on: I earn more than my flatmate - should I pay more? I rent a flat with a friend. I earn nearly twice as much as she does, but we split bills and rent equally. She's never complained, but she sometimes struggles. Should I contribute a larger share to help her…
Real-life MMD: Time to sell gift for big bucks?
Money Moral Dilemma: Time to sell gift for big bucks? A friend recently bought me an old clock from a car boot sale, which is now sitting on my mantelpiece. My brother, who knows about antiques saw it and said it’s worth hundreds of pounds. Should I sell it and split the money with the friend who bought it and risk…
Should inheritance tax be scrapped?
Poll started 1 Apr 2014 The Prime Minister has said he’d like to raise the threshold at which you pay inheritance tax to £1m (currently, it’s £325,000 or £650,000 for a couple, as allowances can be transferred). Which of the options in this week's poll is CLOSEST to your view on inheritance tax? Vote in this week's poll…
MoneySaving Poll: What wouldn't you downshift on?
Poll started 8 Apr 2014 Our Downshift Challenge is all about trying dropping one brand level, as the savings can be huge. Often, you can’t notice the difference, but that’s not always the case. And if the quality’s worse, going cheaper can (on occasion) be a false economy. Which of these 18 common downshifts WOULDN'T you…
The Great 'What do you regret skimping on?' Hunt Revisited
The Great ' What do you regret skimping on?' Hunt We're all for keeping costs down where possible here at MSE, but some things really are worth paying more for (a hostel with hot water and a decent haircut are just a couple that spring to mind). We want to know what you've skimped on in the past, then wished you hadn't.…
MONEY MORAL DILEMMA. Should you continue to send birthday presents?
Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on: Should you continue to send birthday presents? Both you and your sister have 2 children each and you've always sent her kids a birthday card and a small present each year, yet for the last few years your sister has stopped sending anything to your children,…
Is it right that some must sell their homes to pay care home costs?
Poll started 25 Mar 2014 If someone needs to go into a care home, the value of their assets, including their home, is usually used to calculate what they pay. This doesn’t apply to couples when one is still living at home. There are plans that only homes worth over £123,000 will be taken into account (currently, it’s…
MONEY MORAL DILEMMA. Should Janine profit from a Freecycle telly?
Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on: Should Janine profit from a Freecycle telly? Janine needs a new telly, and is thrilled when she wangles a free fab-condition Sony from her local Freecycle (see full Freecycle guide). Yet a month later, her friend Archie offers her his old, even better,…
The Great 'biggest financial fear' Hunt Revisited
The Great 'biggest financial fear' Hunt Revisited Money has always been top of many people's worry lists, and even more so in recent years. So whether it's credit card debt, not having enough savings for when you retire or just the day-to-day struggle to live, we want to know what you fear the most when it comes to your…
Real-life MMD: Should I change my eBay feedback now the seller's replaced my item?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I change my eBay feedback now the seller's replaced my item? I bought an item via eBay, but found it was very poor quality when it arrived. Since leaving negative feedback, the seller's offered me a free, more expensive replacement if I change my negative feedback to positive. I feel my comments…
Have daily deals sites had their day?
Poll started 2 Apr 2013 Sites such as Groupon, LivingSocial and KGB Deals appeared like a rash a couple of years ago, with super-hot loss-leading deals. Yet do you now feel they’re just lukewarm? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your say…
Real-life MMD: Should I secretly switch my husband's Shreddies to save cash?
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I secretly switch my husband's Shreddies to save cash? We're trying to cut back, so have been doing Martin’s Downshift Challenge. When my husband refused to eat own-brand Shreddies because he "knew" he didn't like them, I switched the bags inside the boxes and wasn't surprised to find he didn't…
Is it acceptable to haggle in a charity shop?
Poll started 17 Feb 2014 Haggling sits up there with comparing prices, vouchers, codes and deals in the MoneySavers' shopping skills arsenal. However, is it still permissible when it's decreasing a charity's take? Is it acceptable to haggle in a charity shop? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that…
Are you a shyster site victim for EHICs, passports and other renewals?
Poll started 4 Mar 2014 Search for an EHIC, driving licence, passport or similar and you risk paying a shyster site for doing nowt. These sites appear high up on Google and dress up like legitimate sites, then charge you extra for what’s normally just easy form-filling. The Government’s announced extra cash for a crackdown…