lSA Rates fixed 12 month
The best keep disappearing within a day - is that normal? There was one @5% then 4.8 now it's 4.76?
Hi there, I had a few questions regarding ISAs: 1. Suppose I open a Cash ISA (1) next week and put in £10,000 in it. If I have a Fixed Rate ISA that matures in June 2024 worth £21000, can I transfer that into my this Cash ISA (provided it allows transfers-in after opening it)? If so, can I still put in £10,000 into my Cash…
Is isa interest paid monthly into isa account compounded?
Hi there. My new smart cash isa with Zopa pays monthly interest into this isa account. I cannot find out anywhere if the interest earned and paid in each month is then compounded with the principal. Or is it only the principal amount which accrues interest? I do understand that any interest paid does not form part of my…
Fixed 1yr ISAs where you can pay in throughout term
Are there any current fixed rate 1 year ISAs where I can pay in throughout the year term, including transfer in a cash ISA that matures in September 2024?
ISA Query
Hi. I currently have £20,645.67 in my Virgin cash ISA. It is saying in a window on my account page that I have £20,000 of my allowance to use by 5th April? I thought 20K was the max and that the £645.67 over this would be taxable at my personal tax allowance rate if my total savings were over £1000? Anything else I need to…
ISA Additional Permitted Subscription Error
Ive inherited my dead spouses ISA allowance, known as an Additional Permitted Subscription. I requested it be transferred to my own ISA. But the value of my partners ISA dropped by £500 when the transfer was done so I had to make up the difference. I called to do so and they said I can also use my APS allowance for any…
A few basic ISA questions
Hi, sorry for the "noob" questions, but: - Can I still pay into last year's cash ISA - or only the one I open this tax year? - Can I open a stocks and shares ISA and a cash one this tax year? Thanks :)
Top Junior ISAs guide: discussion
This is the discussion area for the Top Junior ISAs Please click reply to discuss
West Brom BS 60 Day notice ISA
I have an existing ISA with Yorkshire BS so looking to transfer that, the West Brom BS has a 60 day notice ISA at 5.10% which I've not seen on Money Saving Expert or Money Facts Compare and I'm wondering if I'm missing something about why it's not there.…
ISAs maturing on different dates
I invested with UBL in April last year and then transferred in an existing ISA when it matured in May last year. I've had notification from UBL that the first lot of money is maturing and I've arranged a transfer to Moneybox. When the second lot matures next month can I transfer that to Moneybox too or do I have to…
Potential threat to annual £20k ISA limit?
https://www.resolutionfoundation.org/publications/ineffective-savings-accounts/ The Resolution Foundation published the above paper yesterday, criticising ISAs as failing in their objective to encourage saving by lower and middle earners, over the past 25 years. Proposed measures include lowering the current £20k annual…
Shawbrook 'new' Ts and Cs
Apologies if I've missed something - I've been away for a while - but Shawbrook have been mentioned on here several times as a provider who's ISAs you could contribute to throughout their term. I definitely had this confirmed by them by phone when I took out their two year fixed ISA last year. Having opened their one year…
Zopa ISA 0.50% Bonus
I have the Zopa Smart Saver cash ISA with an interest rate of 4.58% plus a 0.50% bonus until 6 April 2025. Or at least this is what Zopa were saying when I opened my account on 11 Feb 2024. The Zopa website is now saying the following: Earn a bonus rate on Access ISA pots! Open a Smart ISA before 6th May 2024 to earn an…
withdrawing some £ from a flexible cash ISA to put it in a flexible stocks and shares ISA
I have a new Chip flexible cash ISA and a Vanguard S&S flexible ISA (from past years.) Going by the above advice, I thought I could put £20K into Chip now, then at some time during the next tax year I could move some of that £20K into my Vanguard S&S (move by myself, not a formal ISA transfer.) I'm aware that…
Shawbrook cash isa question
Hello in financial year 2023 I had 15k in a variable rate cash isa (Shawbrook) I have opened Shawbrook 1 year fix cash ISA this year and have requested a transfer of the 15k into this cash isa Can I add another 20 k into the 1 year fix cash ? as new money for this year ? Many thanks
Adding irregular sums during the year with a flexible ISA?
Do all Flexible ISAs allow you to ADD money (without withdrawing) during the financial year, or do the rules vary by ISA provider or product ? E.g. £1,000 in month 1, £4,000 in month 3, £15,000 in month 11 (totalling up to £20K)? I'm unlikely to need to withdraw during the year but I don't have anywhere near £20K to start…
Paragon ISAs - moving funds internally?
Does anyone have multiple Paragon non-fixed ISAs, such as easy access or triple access accounts? Is it simple to move the funds yourself between the accounts without affecting those funds, or do you need to get Paragon to officially move it? Thinking of applying for another double / triple access account; I assume funds…
Can I transfer matured ISA to a new account, and then transfer new funds?
Hello, I wonder if someone can help me confirm something. I currently have £11k in a Fixed Term ISA. This ISA was opened in the previous tax year, and the full £11k was also paid in the previous tax year. Now this ISA has matured, and the interest rate has dropped automatically to 2.3%. It is my understanding that I can…
Cash ISA provider protection
I'm looking to stick £20k in a cash ISA and see that among the top picks on MSE are Moneybox, Chip and Zopa, none of whom are names with which I'm familiar. Does anyone know if these three are authorised by either the FCA or FSCS (or whoever)? Thanks for any assistance/info.
Consolidating cash ISAs
Must consolidated cash ISAs never exceed a combined total of £20K, or can I consolidate two or more £20K ISAs, perhaps including a new one for the current 24/25 year?