If there isn't a hard-border what would stop Eastern European immigrants entering UK via Ireland??
Like millions of people I voted for brexit because I am fedup with mass immigration from Eastern Europe. (Less than 45% of the population of London is English) Everyone in political spheres is getting their knickers in a twist about the idea of a hard border between Britain & Europe being a bad idea somehow, But I…
Is the USD doomed to fail...?
In 1971 President Nixon devalued the USD in order to pay for the Space Race and the Vietnam War. In 2003 the USA invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussain refused to sell oil in USD. After years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the USA started money printing (QE) in 2008 (following the banking crisis). So the USD has been…
Are we about to enter an explosive phase of house price inflation?
I have come across the concept of the 18 year property price cycle in a number of media pieces recently: https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-6363767/Does-18-year-property-cycle-predict-house-price-boom.html Good explanation of the 18 year cycle from Fred Harrison here:…
The next big speculative Bull run 2020/21
We had the start of property price inflation mania within a few years of Blair coming into power back in the late 1990's, we then had a little scare 2007/2008 around the banking crisis which soon turned into a gold mine yet again for property speculators. I predict in 2020/21 we will start yet again another feisty little…
HALIFAX House prices surge nearly 6% in just one month
I just cannot wait to see the doomsters talk their way out of this one:rotfl::rotfl: I have said it repeatedly that the potential for further rises in UK property market is huge, and with the welcome immigration figures rising again. Part of me was expecting a flat lining or small fall this year with me freezing my rents…
Self-driving cars more dangerous
https://arstechnica.com/cars/2019/02/in-2017-the-feds-said-tesla-autopilot-cut-crashes-40-that-was-bogus/ "the activation of Autosteer actually increased crash rates by 59 percent." have to wait a bit longer for this one i think
Petition to keep the Swindon Honds Plant Open
Whatever your view. Sign the petition in support of those families that will lose their livelihood through no fault of their own. https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/honda-stay-in-the-uk-savehondaswindon?source=unite
Honda to close UK car plant in 2022, risking 3,500 jobs
Significantly bad news for the UK car industry alread under huge pressure. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-honda-jobs/honda-to-close-uk-car-plant-in-2022-risking-3500-jobs-sky-news-idUKKCN1Q71BO.
Why don't people cheer the brilliant elements of No-Deal crash- Such as making property affordable?
I personally can't wait for the No-Deal Crash which is now basically 100% guaranteed! :D *Property prices will hopefully crash, meaning prospective buyers like me with large cash deposits will be able to buy a property for a much cheaper price. *There will be a shortage of available staff to cover essential public-sector…
Fully automated vehicles - 'not in our lifetime'?
I had a really interesting conversation (entirely by chance) recently with quite a senior manager at a car manufacturer when I happened to be sat beside him on a flight. I asked him his thoughts on self-driving cars. Unsurprisingly he thought they were great and the way of the future. I asked him how long he thought it…
7 Labour members quit party
JEREMY Corbyn’s Labour Party harbours a culture of “bullying, bigotry and intimidation,” according to it's own MPs Chris Leslie on Sky News just now "The Labour Party is rotten to the core". Oh dear. Seems like only yesterday all we heard was "oh Jeremy Corbyn" along with endless claims he somehow won the last election…
Where in the UK are house prices going to rise most dramatically?
Which areas of the country do you think 'affordable' houses (i.e £100-£200k houses) will rise in value the fastest?
The 2018 HAMISH_MCTAVISH Predictions Thread
Sorry this one is a bit late, but still in January! Once again the big issue for this year, and the next few years, will be Brexit, nothing else of any real importance will get done. As for the predictions... 1. House prices will stagnate. Indices will range from -1 to +3%. 2. FTB numbers will stagnate or fall due to…
A hedge, just in case
Well, I am going to bite a little, today I have put the first of two properties on the market as a safety hedge bet, not that I am even more than 50% sure of a crash in the property market. They are the first two properties I ever rented out from way back in the early days of Tony Blair entering No 10, God bless his soul.…
GDP up but slowing - rate cut?
GDP was up 0.2% in 4Q last year within which December was down 0.4%. Sounds ominous, rate cut coming up do we think?
If there is a second referendum ...
.... when would it take place? Would it take weeks/ months ?
Andrew Hunt Estate Agents Crawley
Removed as posted in wrong area of forum.
Vote for Corbyns brexit option....
So basically tie the uk to a permanent customs union therefore Remain. Why doesn’t labour and Corbyn have the guts to say they want to remain instead of the endless spineless fence sitting. Of course the EU love his idea, it gives them exactly what they want!
The Banking Sector
What do people think about the prospects for the UK banking sector in general? I've noticed a few things: High Street branches are closing. More is moving online towards apps etc. Customer loyalty is not valued and is falling. More new start up banks - with newer IT systems. Existing banks with large amount of real estate…
Reliable property price history
Hello, Where can I find a reliable history of property prices preferably by Post Code or Borough? Thank you