Home working support
I have applied for the homeworking support £6 a week for 20/21 and this year. How does the payment come through is it a lump some from HMRC for last year? or on in my pay through my employer. Thanks
Eligible for vaccine but can’t book
Has anyone else tried to book a vaccine in the eligible group but the system says you’re ineligible? Tried to call 119 a number of times, the doctor to check details etc but no nearer to getting to the bottom of it!
Seiss 4- reduction in profits compared to?
Hi all Hope someone might be able to help clear up some confusion for me My husband in the period of Feb, march, April this year has earnt £6040 from self employment Last year in Feb, march, April his earnings were £5583. Because he had no work in April due to the covid outbreak In previous years, for example, 2019 in that…
Calculating the 30 % reduction in turnover for eligibility for SEISS Grant 4
To be eligible for the 80% SEISS grant rather than 30%, is it a case of having a 30% reduction in turnover in complete 2020-2021 tax year so (Apr 7th 2020-Apr 6th 2021) compared to turnover in 2019-2020 (Apr 7th 2019- Apr 6th 2020) ? If so, I'll need to calculate my 2020-2021 tax return quite soon.
Universal Credit Frozen - no communication!
I had to claim UC at the start of the first lock down. At the time I managed a property and declared this. My universal credit got cancelled in the summer as they then took into consideration the property. Later in the year I reapplied and did not declare the property as my partner took it over. Having received a few…
Working from home - tax relief
Great help and advice from MSE on this. I used the HMRC microsite yesterday and got confirmation today of my tax code change (+£312 on my personal allowance) for 21/22. I put my start date as 23/03/2020 as advised by MSE. My question is how will I see this allowance retrospectively applied to the 20/21 tax year?
Offered Job Starting 1st May + Furlough Affected by Lockdown
Offered Job Starting 1st May + Furlough Affected by Lockdown, just looking for any advice
Rules on looking around private student accommodation (England)
Uni student son tells me living in private rented student accommodation tells me that today some people came into their privately rented house to look round with a view to them renting it next year as son and housemates don't wish to continue the tenancy into the next academic year. They were given 24 hours notice by the…
Moved: Probate question
This discussion has been moved.
BBL and personal loan.
We are self employed and have a Bounce Back Loan. Does anyone know if this loan is taken into account if we were to apply for a personal loan or is our excellent credit rating now shot to pieces. Thanks
4th SIESS grant
I am self employed and have qualified for all SIESS grants up until now. I recently discovered when I received a fine notice from HMRC that my accountant forgot to press submit and my tax returns were not submitted until around the 17th of March. This means I will not qualify for the new grant which I am desperate for. Any…
Pub beer garden license- have they changed due to COVID?
I live nearby a pub with a license that states a 10pm closure of the beer garden. Last night it was gone midnight when they were closing it. Is this allowed during this period of restrictions easing? Thanks
Coronavirus support problems
This discussion was created from comments split from: Offered Job Starting 1st May + Furlough Affected by Lockdown.
Private renting advice.
Hi all, We are currently renting a house privately from a landlord, on a fixed term lease until 31 May. The landlord called us last night informing us they are intending to sell the property. We are in a position where we have a part deposit saved for a house but won't be ready to buy for at least another 3 months yet.…
Wrongly claimed
My ex partner took over my pub sole trader business on 31-12-2019 so then went self employed .He has been able to claim all the Covid payments of furlough and grants , I’m under the impression that you had to be self employed for 18 months prior to claiming .If this is correct how has he got the payments I’m hoping it’s…
SEISS 4 and other income
A friend's business has suffered as most of her clients are in hospitality industry which has been closed. However she's been doing some temporary work in another industry on an ad-hoc basis which was paid as a self employed freelancer. Can she still claim SEISS 4? Her main business will have significantly reduced profits…
Gym membership
Good afternoon I wonder if anyone can help with some advice around gym contracts. I joined a Gym last August on a 6 month contract. I paid for 3 months and then gyms closed through lockdown. Now they have opened again 8 months later I want to cancel my contract (which I only have to give one months notice for) however the…
SEISS 4 "Significant reduction in trading profits"?
Define "significant"? To apply, you’ll need to reasonably believe there is a significant reduction in your trading profits due to coronavirus between February 2021 and April 2021, and that you intend to continue to trade. Well I just added up my average profit for the last 3 months, and it came out at 65% of my average…
4th Grant SEISS eligibility
I do my wife's tax returns for her self-employed income. She works 2 days (employed) and the rest is self-employed. She qualified for the first 3 grants as her consultancy work has stopped. The 19-20 return we submitted in January 2021 showed 66/34%in favour of employed income so I understand that this is probably the…
4th SEISS grant & Tax Return for 2020-2021
The 4th SEISS grant which is not payable until April or May will not come under the accounting period, despite containing two whole months of 'profits' (not turnover) that should be included in this tax year surely? What are others going to do when they file their returns, or is it too early to say? I signed in and begun…