compliment button
Has the compliment button disappeared again? or is it just me??
Mag Daily question
Has any body found a way of keeping logged in, drives me mad having to log in every day.
Healthy Diet Magazine closing
Just got this in an email. " In light of the unprecedented COVID-19 situation we have had to make some immediate and substantial changes to our business in order to survive the impact of the virus. Unfortunately, it is with sadness that we have to announce that we are closing Healthy Diet magazine with immediate effect. We…
Twitter issue - Anybody else having trouble?
Hiya I've been having a bit of an issue on Twitter for about a week and wondered if any of you have had the same issue, and if not, I thought I'd warn you about it. When I have been RT'ing, instead of the tweet showing my name and Twitter handle, it has been replacing my name with my actual email address. If I go and edit…
Queen of Surprises.co.uk query
Hi all, Please can I ask, has anyone heard of queen surprises.co.uk? They keep sending me you have won but I cannot think of anything that relates to this? Any help always gratefully received Thanks
Is the revamping of the site now fully complete?
Apologies if this question has been asked and answered before but I haven't seen anything on the subject lately. Do we know if that useful feature whereby, if you hovered the cursor over a title, it gave you a thumbnail description of what the comp was, is going to be brought back? I'm sure I can't be the only one who…
Instagram and tagging.
There seems to be more and more Instagram comps where you have to tag a friend. I have an account, but I only use it for comping. Would any of you nice compers mind if I tagged you? If so please leave your instagram handle thingy, or whatever it's called. Plus feel free to use mine - it's @robgriffiths300 Take care all -…
every few weeks i have to except cookies from lots of different sites,is this normal as i dont remember having to do this so much before
Back and everything has changed- Help please!
Hello all, used to be a regular comper but over the last few years I just haven't had the time. Now, like everybody else, I appear to have spare time.But I have come back and everything has changed! So questions: 1) I used to just click on a link and it opened as a new page. Now it just seems to link so to get back to the…
Search not working again?
I've noticed that doing an end date search for today and tomorrow has brought only a few comps up before it goes into game over. Fridays usually have many more comps ending and yet hardly any coming up again in search. Also on new listings and normal listings i can bring up only 90 odd pages in total on the comp forum.…
Love it! Fuzzy celeb
Anyone know who the new fuzzy celeb is please? I haven't got a clue/
Captcha - a victim of Coronavirus?
Good news for compers? Due to the unprecedented events around the world, Google has decided to suspend the use of captchas, as of today.
This decision has been taken to help those affected by the virus, and to help those in the medical professions, and help those who are seeking a cure, and to help individuals and…
Phone number
075478953672 had a call from this number but did not reach it in time, anybody recognise it please
Can't wait ...
... for some of you people to see the new Facebook layout :D :D :D :D :D :D
👍 comp-liment button missing ..NOW WORKING 👍
in case anyone's wondering where the comp-liment button has gone.. just spotted this...(from One-eye & Bob thanks both ) .. https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6121034/why-have-comp-liments-disappeared-from-competitions-time#latest in 'site feedback'
Re: this weeks real people
Hi everyone, hope you’re all staying as safe as can be. Just to update you all, I managed to get this weeks issue of real people but as my daughters in labour at this point I won’t get to post it just yet. As I can only stay with her whilst she’s giving birth, when they kick me out after babe is born I’ll go home, recharge…
Tampermonkey script for shinier comping
For ages now I've used a Tampermonkey script to adjust the competitions page to streamline things, just a few little quick tweaks to make life easier for myself, and with the redesign I decided to expand it out a bit. Still nothing too major, but enough I figured others might be interested. The full feature list is: * Left…
Hi everyone, I'm sure you, just like me, have loved ones, family & friends working in the NHS & appreciate all that they are doing, risking their own lives to save others, during these worrying times. At 8pm tonight the country is attempting to get everyone outside their house, staying safe of course, 2 metres apart if you…
Missing draft post
I saved a draft copy of a post I was writing, but now I can't find it. Does anybody know how to access a draft post. Any help would be appreciated.
I can't thank anybody...
I'm logged in but there's suddenly no 'comp-liment' button... anyone got any ideas? Is it a settings thing?