Car title
So, I was fully resigned to losing the car when I go be shortly but I've only just remembered that my father took the finance out when I got the car, it's fully paid off now but the finance agreement is in his name....am I correct in thinking this will be exempt?
Credit score
Hi everyone, My first post! I have just finally had the bankruptcy fall off my credit report after 6 years! However much to my surprise, my score hasn't gone up! Should it have? I have no bad credit, no ccjs or defaults, I do have a few rubbish credit building credit cards with just more than 50% balances on but no bad…
Bankruptcy and rent areas
If I do a personal bankruptcy can I still back pay my rent areas if I carry on living there, or is it classed as preferential treatment if my LL
Help to make decision on car
My car has been SORN since March, with no insurance or MOT since then. I’m going bankrupt within a week or so. My car is worth £1800 so could possibly loose it. Would it be ok for me to get it MOT and insured before bankruptcy? It would help with my depression to get me out of the house and enable me to start helping my…
Car loan fees
Hi all, I went BR February. I was told by OR I can keep my car finance running at 100pm £5400 outstanding (that is with the high interest) Called car company to discuss in February and they said they would seize the car. I stopped payments and left my car off the road waiting for recovery. I have chased them a few times…
Changing Gas & Elec Suppliers whilst BR
I'm due to look at changing suppliers next month (49 days before my existing contract ends). Am I likely to have problems doing this due to being newly BR (March 2020)? Currently with EDF and qualify for the warm home discount. Thanks for any advice :) .
Credit file marks
I was declared BR early feb, I personally informed allcall a couple of days later via phone. I'm still recieving credit marks on my file (Clearscore) for Feb, Mar, Apr and May.. for missed payments and now have a update to be logged next month that my account is in default. Creditor is LLOYDS.. What should I do? Thanks in…
DRO or Bankruptcy? IPA?
Hello, I'm in debt of around £4400. I'm currently on a DMP and pay £40 a month. My partner who I live with works part time and earns £830 per month. We also receive Universal Credit of around £1400 a month. The money goes into my partners bank account. I am considering applying for a DRO or bankruptcy but I am worried…
heres a question...........
If a debt is sold on does the original debt fall off the persons credit file? Can the buyer of the debt re-register it as a debt or different debt? TIA
Discharged 4 years ago. First job in 5 years. When appropriate to apply for credit card?
I was discharged from my BR in May 2016. I have been unemployed since early 2015. Starting my first full-time job next week. I am trying to rebuild my credit rating - all of it is up to date and correct, but I (obviously) still have a low score. I have not applied for any credit at all since discharge. I know that applying…
I am the first to admit I am to nervous to press the button.
I think as advised I need to post this, because I am avoiding bankruptcy, the stress is worse then the debt, I think I am just gonna go live in the woods. Statement of Affairs & Personal Balance Sheet Summary Monthly Budget SummaryAmount(£)Total monthly income816Monthly expenses (incl. HP & secured loans)757Available for…
what to do best?
For more than a year I have been doing an arranged payment with my creditors although it helps eases my financial situation but then in the long run I still owe these creditors with interests piling up. I owed £15,000 from 5 creditors. I had an advice from one agency saying I should go for bankruptcy and not qualified for…
Barclays insolvency team phone number
Hi, well I actually did get a call back from some one in the insolvency team from Barclays. She’s reinstated my internet banking and she gave me the phone number for the insolvency team for any banking queries. If anyone need it its 0345 075 7475 and select option 3 this is also the number for IVAs too. she was so helpful…
Internet banking
barclays are telling me I can’t have internet banking or the app as I’m bankrupt? I’ve asked them to get someone from the insolvency team to call me and explain everything as too much inconsistency in the info
Online banking frozen
Just tried to log in to my online banking with Barclays and it seems to have frozen me out. Says error code RG21R i am presuming that this is because they have frozen or closed the current account opened before I went bankrupt. I am trying to get through to them as I since opened a basic account post bankruptcy to check…
Bankruptcy expenditure form
Hi,I am in need of a bit of advice.I am filling in my expense forms and am wondering if my expenses are reasonable.Essential expenditure total 1,544 Rent1,350Building and Content Insurance17Pension and Life insurance17Council Tax59Gas15Electricity30TV Licence13 Phone total 43 Home Phone18.00Mobile Phone(s)25.00 Travel…
Preferential payment
Evening peps Went bankrupt in March made a preferential payment to parents (£2000) they received a letter today asking for information on the letter it says to email them, my parents are 70+ and wouldn't have a scooby about emails so can I send the or an email explaining this or will I have to sort an email out for the…
SOA advice please
Hi, Under advice I have posted my SOA after a long process and it seems to be in line with a lot of previous posters. Just wondered if it looked ok to the experts on here before I press the BUTTON...thanks Statement of Affairs and Personal Balance Sheet Household InformationNumber of adults in household........... 1Number…
Bankruptcy and working in EU
Hi, I’m a male, 35. I have managed to get myself into approx £30k debt. The debt is comprised of -Two bank loans with approx 18k owed. -credit card with 8500 owed -bank overdraft around 3000 owed. I earn approx £2000 per month after tax, I am managing to repay each month- I haven’t missed any payments but have little…
A couple of bankruptcy questions
Hello - I'm considering taking the plunge and going bankrupt. I read that my bank accounts will be frozen at some point but I'm not too sure how long for. I'm worried that I won't be able to pay my rent etc. while this process takes place (and my landlord will only accept rent via bank transfer). In addition, will I have…