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Just say NOvember!!! ( are you brave enough )...

NinjaSavingKat Posts: 3,382 Forumite
First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
edited 25 November 2012 at 9:42PM in Debt-free wannabe challenges
“Just Say NOvember; Batten Down the Hatches”.
Only for the truly dedicate and seriously ruthless!


Simply put I have scared myself into this and need some of you to hold my hand. Following a conversation with Siouxsie32 on my current thread (http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4205263&highlight= )who told me she was going to hide during November, save as many pennies as possible and “batten down the hatches” I thought I would join her which means steal her idea and propel it into heights only imaginable by the most hardened MSE’er…and turn it up a few notches to include you lot..

Now I know how popular the NSD challenge is, I myself partook and have so far reached my target although I am aiming to add another 3 at least by the end of play on Wednesday. It’s addictive! This challenge however - is a little more challenging!
We are to embrace the austerity of the days gone by, ration our food and not be wasteful.
We will “make do and mend” and we will pull together!

There are rules to abide by but only you are in charge of you. I make no assumptions and accept all shortcomings - we are here to help each other after all. Though this challenge might be especially hard for those with babies, children’s and those with a non-MSE- partner we welcome all those who wish to take part.

If you want give me your name and get a number then please do. If you just want to lurk and monitor then please do. If you want to contribute your hardships, successes and a little humor please do!!!

The reason I am doing this especially is to clear my debt - this is obvious. I want to clear a considerable amount (£4029.18) by 31/12/2012 so started by journey at the beginning of October with muchos gusto. I felt elated when I realized I was finishing the month with money LEFT in my account and not right down to my last pennies, and I want to do this again

This is not an opportunity to save all your money and spend someone else’s. This is superbly important to avoid you being a burden on friends / family etc and to ensure you all plan accordingly. We all know the 7 P’s.

There aren’t many rules though… but here goes!!!

  • This will commence at 00;01 on the 01/11/2012 and complete at 23;59 on the 30/11/2012
  • Minimum of 25 NSD. ( Please do not bid your NSD days here. Go to http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4254533&page=2 and sign on the dotted line. I already have!
  • All monetary outgoings are to be accounted for prior to the start of the month. This includes anything from direct debits and standing orders to a basic amount for dinner dates that have already been planned. You have 4 days to get this in order.
  • If no-one comes to you with a suggestion of something to do / meet up etc before the commencement of NOvember giving you adequate planning time you are to politely decline. Make your pitch for a date with them now if needs be!
  • Any food left in cupboards / freezers etc has to eaten before ANY more food is purchased. (Allowances to the above are for “base” materials - milk or vegetables. Otherwise “bulk” shopping is NOT allowed until cupboards are empty)
  • Food bill decided upon for NOvember has to be cut by £20. Mine stands at £80 for the month.
  • Batch cooking is encouraged- meals that require individual or specialised ingredients are not.
  • No foods are to be purchased at work canteens / cafes etc. If you are having a family day out packed lunches are the only lunches allowed.
  • Only supermarket own brands are allowed. Get it delivered to prevent impulse buys… the delivery charge will outweigh impulse buys and any green eyed monster issues you make incur. Use http://www.approvedfood.co.uk/ / http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/xchg/lidl_uk / etc for cheapest branded food.
  • This challenge doe NOT include rent / mortgage payments.
  • Set a petrol allowance and stick to it. Mine unfortunately has to be around £200 per month. Drive carefully - acceleration and braking harshly wastes petrol. Download the Confused.com/Motormate app and earn while you drive. I literally just got a cheque through the post for £25.
  • Public transport only where necessary are permitted. But where you can WALK instead do that. Get your winter coat on and leave earlier.
  • Ladies - No non-essential beauty items are to be purchased. Use up everything you have in the house before ANY purchases.
  • Beauty purchases are to remain under £5 for the month if you are truly out of resources. Challenge yourself - join www.bzzagent.co.uk and see what you can get for free. (Tesco sells shampoo and conditioner for 75p each by the way).
  • Gentlemen - Cut out your alcohol consumption completely. (Although this includes you ladies too). Tell your friends you are doing it for your health or something - let no-one buy you a soft drink as you will have to re-pay their kind offer with a more expensive beer purchase. Better still - stay at home! Ha!
  • Reduce smoking in this month by half. (Stop completely if you successfully got through the last months national challenge). I know this is a difficult one so I can’t be too harsh.
  • And finally be honest about everything. If something has to be bought, make up for it over the next few days. I know the food will trip me up as I love eating.. but I shall prevail..

So there it is. I just need some company while doing this. Signed up already myself on the NSD thread for 25 aiming for 7 in a row! I would also like to finish the month with £200..:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

So - wanna join me???
:xmastree:*******All Hail the Contenders******:xmastree:
  • NSK - # 1. £0 / £80
  • Siouxsie32 - #2. £38.23 / £80
  • Heffi1 - #3. £73 / £200
  • Loopylou1 - #4
  • Abundant1972 - #5. £32.92 / £80
  • WantToBeSE - #6. £122.15 / £240
  • SexyShark - #7 - WHERE ARE YOU??
  • I Will Win - #8. £0 / £90
  • Missyv30 - #9 £41.38 / £200
  • Old Tractor - #10 - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • [STRIKE]Out of Debt At Last - #11. £118.42 / £100[/STRIKE]
  • Josiebabie - #12. £27.06 / £ 40
  • P0lly - #13. £90 / £ 180
  • Learning To Budget - #14. £223.54 / £200
  • Cranny44 - #15. £222.13 / £120
  • JamieDodger - #16. £94.69 / £240
  • FireWyrm - #17. £0 / ??? - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Kettlenic - #18. £0 / £250
  • Wanna-Be-In-Credit - #19. £163.12 / £180
  • Sholly - #20. £57.94 / £60
  • CandyCupcake - #21. £60.50 / £80
  • Debtaghh - #22. £0 / £120
  • VJ2010 - #23. £0 / £200
  • TomandJerry - #24. £0 / £50 - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Rachel021967 - #25....WHERE ARE YOU?
  • DeterminedDiva - #26 ...WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Suzitiger - #27. £21.34 / £80
  • Emzilla - #28. £0 / £80
  • HOHOHOoffwegoKaren41 - #29. £0 / £250..WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Katie_Pixie - #30. £0 / £40 - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Bright Hope for Tomorrow - #31. £0 / £100..WHERE ARE YOU?
  • ThirftyLass - #32. £240 / £220
  • BettyCrumble - #33. £0 / £180..WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Searchingme - #34. £157.19 / £250
  • Skintsue - #35. £0 / £100
  • Bored - #36. £0 / £70..WHERE ARE YOU?
  • ClaireForest -#37. £0 / £80...WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Wishing My Life Away - # 38. £87 / £105
  • GelMC - # 39. £67.03 / £100
  • Cashsaver - #40. £0 / £250...WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Kiwisaver - #41.
    $407.11 / $500
  • Buffythedebtslayer - #42
  • his_missus - #43 £248.51 / Ooops I forgot
  • Icontinuetodream- # 44.. WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Pheonix_Dragon-#45 - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • ZsaZsa - # 46 - £0 / £175 - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • Jet77 - #47 - WHERE ARE YOU?
  • WinterSunSeeker-#48 - WHERE ARE YOU?
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent".


  • wannabee_in_credit
    Gosh Kat,
    I am seriously impressed with your determination for November and I wish you all the luck in the world with it.
    I know I'd fail with this one so therefore I am not going to try... just too close to Christmas with the kids etc.
    But will watch this thread with great interest.
    Ninja Saving Turtle
  • NinjaSavingKat
    WBIC hello and thank you for the good wishes - I doubt many will join me but I thank you for your support also. Do you have a budget for pressies etc..
    “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent".
  • wannabee_in_credit
    Yes, the presents are all budgeted for and the vast majority of them are bought now, but I am still on the lookout for a few things. The 'main' present for the kids (waiting for price to come down a little more as I'm looking at second hand electronic stuff).
    I fell off the wagon big time when I got married in the summer but have managed to get back on in September and October... just wish I could teach hubby a bit more mse stuff :)
    Ninja Saving Turtle
  • NinjaSavingKat
    HA! This is what I have always thought would be hard - a non-MSE partner! its just me and my tabby cat that will hit NOvember with a big stick! Maybe send Hubby to this thread - see what he's made of...:rotfl:
    “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent".
  • wannabee_in_credit
    Well we have a rule that once the housekeeping budget, and stuff for the kids is divided up then what's left is our own. Most of mine goes on debt payments, and I watch him fritter his away on football, expensive tv and beer. Still, that's the agreement - the debt is mine so we have some separate finances. As long as the essentials are paid what's his is his to do with what he likes...
    Ninja Saving Turtle
  • NinjaSavingKat
    Ah ha I see! Well its Onwards and Upwards.. your clearly getting there with your signature...:T
    “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent".
  • Siouxsie32
    Siouxsie32 Posts: 1,987 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Cashback Cashier
    edited 28 October 2012 at 8:18PM
    Alright then partner in crime, I'm in! 25 NSDs? No beauty buys? Food budget cut by £20? No new food til the store cupboard's empty (as long as I can buy more when I only have marmite and porridge left :D).

    Glad I'm allowed to pay my rent :rotfl:

    New food budget = £80 (to feed one person)
  • Heffi1
    Heffi1 Posts: 1,291 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 28 October 2012 at 8:56PM
    OK I am here and I am in, god help me, but I really need to have a challenge to motivate me, so I am going to do my best, I think the smoking one hit home for me, as I keep going on about stopping,so I shall start by reducing the amount I smoke each day by half, who knows I might even stop altogether, but I am not claiming that one just yet...

    I have just filled the freezers and cupboards so the only food that will be bought will be bread and milk, even though I don't eat or drink it, my mum does so it has to be budgeted for each month.

    No alcohol will pass my lips,there again I haven't had a drop in ages so this should be an easy win :)

    I am single and happy, so no dates to worry about.

    I may just be able to do this one Kat.

    Good luck to everyone :)

    ooh can I have a number? If only to add to my signature and shame me into to keeping up with things ha ha

    Food budget for 4 adults [STRIKE]£300[/STRIKE] £200 :)
    :) Been here for a long time and don't often post
  • fedupandskint
    fedupandskint Posts: 10,358 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good luck with your challenge - it looks a bit too much for me to take on although I do quite a bit of it already.

    Need to focus a bit more on the food shopping to reign it in some more though

    All the best and I'll pop back and have a little look to see how you're getting on with things!
    final unsecured debt to repay currently £8333
    Proud to be Dealing With my Debt
    DFW Nerd 1154 Long Haul 155
  • Loopylou1
    Ok I'm In! :eek:

    CC1...[STRIKE]£5,491.00[/STRIKE]£5,223.98....Loan 1..[STRIKE]£3,891.00[/STRIKE]£3670.84...
    CC2...£[STRIKE]415.00[/STRIKE] £395Mgment Co: [STRIKE]£1,398.00[/STRIKE]£1082.00
    [STRIKE]£11,195.00[/STRIKE] £10,371.79
    DEC NSD:2/15.....£2 Saver = £0....Swagbucks 796/1999
    S.A.D - and proud of it!!.... Paying a debt off by Xmas: CC2 :xmastree:
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