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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    Did you fix your utilities?

    If not, why not. BG lost loads last year, and they would like to rip you off again. get a fix, got it!

  • [Deleted User]
    1) Being home again after visiting a heaving blue and yellow shop but I stayed long enough to get the things I wanted!

    2) The cup of tea that He Who Knows had waiting as I came through the door.

    3) My little cat friend Gismo who lives next door coming running down the drive to meet me purring at top volume and wanting a cuddle, love her to bits!

    4) Finding matching T shirts for Zebra and Oreo in M&S with camping vans on them in the sales.

    5) We think our buyer signed contracts yesterday, still no official confirmation from our solicitor but the EA is saying so and pushing slightly for a date to complete...things progress!
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,223 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Pleasures for today (Tuesday).

    1) Not a bad sleep - until I was rudely awoken 2 hours earlier than I would have chosen by bigger son using various tools to chop up an apple. Why not just eat it?!

    2) Hens well and 4 eggs.

    3) Blood sugar diet continues including a rather tasty chicken tikka masala for tea.

    4) Went to see my school friend for a cup of tea.

    5) Watered the garden after tea and both frogs in residence again!

    6) Just got everything tidy and ready for tomorrow as I shall be doing some archaeology a.m.

    7) Watched Holby and will watch 24 Hours in A and E just now.
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,945 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    1) being able to work at home this morning. first meeting was on city campus at 2 and i thought, why not stay where the kettle is :-)
    2) snorkers for lunch (another advantage of WFH)
    3) 3 good meetings then a lift home from dd2 in hire car (volvo garage has moved, new one hasn't opened yet so stan is still ill and we have the courtesy range rover for another 2 days - about half the fuel efficiency of stan so hope stan gets better soon!)
    4) burger and salad for supper - still eating left overs from saturday's bbq :beer:
    5) then 5km walk with the boys. :j they are already asleep!
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • Mrs_Salad_Dodger
    Tuesday pleasures

    Brighter day with some sunshine & warmth & less wind:T

    Feeding the very bold squirrel :D

    A relaxing bath

    Got seen 15 mins early by nurse re blood test results :T - cholesterol reduced from 6.5 to 5.1 :T but then the not so pleasurable “still too high” plus the comment “doesn’t matter what you do you may or may not get diabetes as you are over 40” My first thought was why bother trying to lose weight, get more exercise etc if it is just a toss up :o but then common sense prevailed so I shall continue making small changes :D I have to say she was as much use as a chocolate teapot when I asked her about what changes I could make :mad:

    Not having to wait for the bus :)

    Nice chat with neighbour

    DH cooked dinner :T

    Reading your posts

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  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,685 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Tuesday pleasures,

    Had more energy than of late so bathrooms scrubbed to an inch of their tiles.

    Meeting a friend mid-morning for coffee, actually had a fruit tea plus the yummiest cheese scone, good catch up on each other’s lives.

    No lunch needed so straight over to see horse girlie, switched off brain from all worries and cares to just concentrate on her, best therapy ever.

    Watched a good programme re music of Mr P Weller, teenage memories.

    It’s dark enough to light candles in the evenings now.
  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,279 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Good morning! I must, I must , I must write my pleasures on a daily basis and normally do but have been lax past few days and then will forget!

    Monday ...started the day with my joggers on and humphed plants from one side of the garden to the other. This time next week I'm hopeful of a big hole having been started!

    Started to lift slate pieces that I will re-use in garden.

    Cleaned up and went out for catch up with friends who I used to work with ( we all got away and survived to tell the tale !) lovely to see them.

    Made French toast for tea . Used up an RTC loaf.

    For Tuesday.
    A big lie in! Aaaargh! Don't like them but had dozed off again and woke up feeling yukky and it was 11am .

    Nice dog walk with Haggis and Dd2 ...huge clouds being all moody and grey in the sky.

    Went to cinema to see Mamma Mia. Not cheap! Was slightly shocked at price ...but it is such a lovely film. Very schmaltzy but very lovely too. Much singing on way home!

    Nice email from friend in Australia who had very generously sponsored me for our forthcoming 10km .

    Made a rather tasty lasagne for tea and served with potato peelings that have been lurking in the freezer and salad. Yummy.

    Not nice dog walk. A neighbouring ( round the corner) dog who is walked off lead ran to Haggis who is not always friendly. I was hanging on to him as he was barking ferociously ...his bark really is worse than his bite. So that was all a bit tense . Chap apologised , we went on our way, no one harmed other than my shoulders trying to hang on to a big, barky dog! Sigh! Anyway...the rest of the walk was uneventful, beautiful sky and cows in the fields! Loads of beautiful buddleia in bloom in lots if shades of purple.

    Much to be done today so I should get a wriggle on and start!
  • [Deleted User]
    1) Got invited out for a lovely Maisie dog walkies this morning, an hour and a half of chat and being with my friend of a canine persuasion, couldn't be a better start to any day!

    2) I picked blackberries this morning early and gave them to Maisies mumsie who actually wanted them...result.

    3) Lovely photo of my Zebra who is out with his aunty standing inside the most enormous set of sharks teeth I've ever seen, in the museum they're at, so cute (not the shark!).

    4) Lovely buzzard circling and calling over the village, I called back and so did he/she, repeat and it actually started circling lower and lower so lovely. I didn't think it was fair to keep playing though so I left him/her to it.

    5) Nice cup of coffee now I'm home again.
  • Hopeless_Case
    Hopeless_Case Posts: 949 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Rampant Recycler
    edited 1 August 2018 at 12:12PM
    Missed my daily pleasures for a few days (that sounds worse than it is :rotfl::rotfl:) as my laptop died. Fortunately we had a spare at work which is now set up :j

    Picked my first golden crookneck squash, looks amazing, hope it tastes nice!

    Realised that I'd planted a tuberous begonia upside down (I thought it was dead and went to remove the corm and there were poor white stems underneath trying to reach daylight :( ) - I put it in a plant pot (the right way up :o) and the stems are getting a bit of colour, hopefully there's still time for it to flower this summer :j:j

    The red oxalis plant in the living room is looking amazing and flowering beautifully

    Got a few days in Dorset with sisters and nieces in a couple of weeks :j

    Didn't realise the money had actually been taken for our Mallorca holiday - I thought we had to pay in the hotel and was stressing about where to find the money, but OH had paid by card so it was part of the balance transfer to a 0% card which I already knew about :j:j - not the ideal way to pay for a holiday I know but at least that partly explained the card balance :rotfl::rotfl:
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    V Nows as I muttered yesterday. BoP is holding council on FryDay morning, to relieves yous lots of all your burdens and other things! Well I has had council in the boiler room all weak! And I mean weak as well. One was told to go on holidays and is doing so! One new stoker has talked them sens out of the shovel, not that we wanted him either! Now that is how kind BoP is when he holds council! Trouble at the door, and we can sort it. Don’t worry about privacy, this is the interweb thing! Its public!

    4 Now we are clear on that! Last night watched the T20 blast and Surrey lost again against Glamorgan! Wobbleade was consumed. Nows me thinks BoPise is having flips with her fizzpops! She keeps having butterfly giddy dreams that only wummins have! She obviously … No. theres me giving out proper lunch boxes and a balanced diet, and she saves a penguin for 3!

    3 Now has I tolds you lot about me lunch box today! Penguin and a Club. Salad, snorker rolls, jelly with fruit, tangerines and lovely sour grapes! Proper and balanced for you. Tonigh again will be prawn roulette.

    2 Morrow, after the mill. BoP tour commences with a return on the Big Warster Train! Don’t miss it! Also appearing on FryDay at Steels, SatDay at the Theatre of Fish. Sunday on the promenade. Beach Ready! For those unsure as to what the Big Warster train is, it it a big train and BoP hops off four stops from Warster!

    Having one today again! Yes, to keep beach ready, BoP will be inn the wobbleade emporium tomorrow, but tonight, he will be flexing his things inn the gym.

    Now there is no need for me to give any motivational reminders, no little pep talks, photos of how beautiful it is to just be yourself. No all you need is to look. A bit of self esteem. In the mirror! Try it, it works!

    Don’t forget to book your council session. All advice is free!

    Now that is it from BoP!
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