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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    1. Still hot and sunny.

    2. Enjoyed a buffet seafood lunch.

    3. Watched a free blues concert in a local garden/park. It was good sitting and listening to it in lovely surroundings.

    4.A swim.

    5. Enjoying glass of wine in the balcony.
  • [Deleted User]
    1) He Who Knows who always makes me laugh and today came in from trimming his beard (on the patio for the birds!) and said he'd go and weigh himself as he's desperate to lose weight, I love him sooooo much!

    2) Another cooler night so sleep was managed.

    3) A cooler day today too and it looks like we may get some more showers throughout it which will be very useful for the gardens, particularly the lawns which this morning have a tiny glint of green here and there in amongst the hay!

    4) Dear James has officially moved in with Nell and is now part of the family, that one makes me REALLY HAPPY!

    5) More boxes were packed yesterday, more boxes will be packed today, the possessions left shrink and the box mountain grows all we need is for our buyer to sign her contract and when that happens I'll be ecstatic not just happy but at the moment I'm not holding my breath!!!
  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,279 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    'Tis Monday but didn't post my Sunday pleasures!

    Bath tap wasn't running very well so took an age to run a bath. ( however oddly today it's fine) did my ironing as it filled!

    Went to church. Last of the early services.

    Did a shop at Lidl. Was 41p over £30 so used my £5 off voucher. Got loads.

    Home. Pottered.

    Went a walk down our woods with DD2. Drove part way then walked. We were all wrapped up. We were slowly boiling alive!

    Home and then we're going to walk to my mother's but then it's started pouring so we drove. Was returning a pasting table I'd borrowed as an extra surface for garden party. Had to try very hard and bite my tongue so often I may just have bit my tongue!

    Nipped into T and met a friend on way out. Stood chatting for ages.

    By the time we got home , son was back from mountain climbing.

    Moved bookshelf out of smelly cupboard and it fitted perfectly in DD2 room ( but she has since told me that's exactly where it was has when we moved so that's why it fits perfectly) so then had to back and forth re filling it. Cupboard is empty and airing. It's not damp feeling nor signs of damp just smells "off"

    Poldark. Sigh.

    There is much to be done today just not doing it yet! Had a big chat with DD1 in the time I would normally be bathing! It's Haggis birthday so we face timed him all the way through. He was not one bit bothered! Just curled up sleeping!

    Have a good day :)
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    Too busy this weakened to even get five minutes to myself. Though at least it rained and saved the weeds. At least they survived!

    Ms LW. Beard trims. The Turkish method. Aftershave and a flame! Soon done. Please note, BoP is a professional and takes good advantage of things. Do not try this at home!

    V Now wheres was the BoP. Oh yeah, wes ready. Beach ready and rolling. Spade packed, bucket, packed. Wes ready to hit the beach and the Theatre of Fish this weak! Not only that but forty days until DC and apple of big! More this weak! For those with knowledge of decebnt foods, BoP will be appearing at Steels on Fryday evening. Three courses and some wobbleades as well!

    4 Was at the vet brekfest Saturday mornings, and it was packed. Theres a pix of BoP with his breakfast thoughts on the media soviet things! Well worth glecking at if you find the links! BoP is the one with the toms and snorkers on his plate. They were well eaten as well. Mythed by the civvie who ventured inn when there was a queue and complained. Poor pity dear, she can wait five minutes surely! Because of that, Sunday was not dippy eggs, but full on snorker fest as well. Tea was consumed and tum was rubbed! That led to a visit to the emporium and some food for Raffles! Dinner was the usual home made parsley sauce, with haddock fillets. Served with minted tatties and garden peas with carrots. Strawbs and ice cream were also wolfed down.

    3 On the flix of net thing, and don’t forget you don’t have to pay the regressive TV Tax for the service, we watched on the river, a documentary about Colin Hay. Very good. Ifs yous has the river thing, watch it!

    2 Nite it is down the gym and them prawn Chinese roulette. Tummy rubs coming up!

    Having one today! BoPsie, who cannot sleep in any weather, tried to feed Raffles on Sunday morning. He got his own instead!

    PM2DD Remember, I am only one of the estimated 80,000,000 who were there that rainy afternoon! Please note. The number goes up each year!

    Too bad then you missed out!
  • [Deleted User]
    Visit to national trust property.

    Main room felt homely as adults sitting on sofas whilst children playing board games on floor.

    At same time a professional pianist was playing. One of tunes - love is the sweetest thing - reminded me of my lovely dad who used to play it from memory.

    Buster the dog enjoyed France and was very popular. His sad eyes melt your heart.

    Nut roast for tea.
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,223 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Pleasures for today (Monday).

    1) Not a bad sleep.

    2) Hens well (4 eggs) and they are getting bolder about leaving the run and coming up the allotment with me to do some gardening.

    3) Back on the Blood Sugar Diet...

    4) Did the garden - weeding, sweeping, trimming bits of the nearly 2 metre high fennel that has fallen over.

    5) Smaller son and I went for a walk and found a geocache. Also had a game of football then I did a rare 15 minutes exercise on the Wii fit.

    6) Watered the pots and thyme pot frog appeared - and a second frog jumped out from the pot of avocado trees!

    7) Phoned the insurance company and they think I will be able to buy my written off car back. Also organised a bit more of smaller son's birthday this weekend and the NCS called about bigger son starting with them next week.

    8) Have done some tidying up round the house including cleaning the bathroom.

    9) Just watched Who Do You Think You Are.
  • Mrs_Salad_Dodger
    Weekend & Monday pleasures in no particular order

    DH & DSis went shopping & stuck exactly to my shopping list :T - my list had been precisely calibrated so that I wouldn’t have to fill up my cupboards & freezers to bursting :rotfl:

    DH mending my D*yson :T

    DSis doing the washing up 2 nights in a row :T

    Not having to water the Garden due to all the rain :T - so now I want the sun & heat back :rotfl:

    Lovely thank you letters from my second cousins

    Watching Jim Cavaziel in Person of Interest - very sexy man :rotfl: & one of my all time favourite series - 5 seasons of a very clever concept.

    Hm Focaccia with mozzarella dipped in balsamic vinegar - simple but delicious.

    Fish in batter, oven chips & baked beans for dinner tonight with hm coconut & cherry loaf for afters.

    Reading your posts

    Be Kind. Stay Safe. Break the Chain. Save Lives. 

    2024 Savings Pot Challenge: As a monthly amount, running total = £228.85
    Jan £5; Feb £13; Mch £25; Apr £31:65; May £42.20; Jun £50.00; July £62.00; Aug £??; Sep £??; Oct £??; Nov £??; Dec £??.  Grand Total £??
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,945 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    1) burpees and situps on very damp grass.
    2) after all that exercise felt i deserved a cereal bar. yummy
    3) registering for kilt walk and getting my first two sponsors :-) (raising money for disabled access for our church)
    4) going to friends' for supper
    5) dd1 and dd2 arriving home safely. first time dd2 has driven an automatic
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,685 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Monday pleasures,

    Spent morning with horse girlie, she was calm and well behaved so fun was had.

    Being a fast morning I spent most of the time hungry and needing to pee :rotfl:

    At last it was lunchtime, goats cheese and red pepper frittata with salad, inhaled and enjoyed.

    Over to hospital to see DSIL, good to see her but not where she is, her recovery is slow and she is v down about it all. Hopefully we left her in better spirits and DN turned up as we were leaving.

    Watched Balls on Trump which was most interesting although could have done without seeing him in wrestling leotard, Ed that is not Donald, followed by Uni Challenge.
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    Nows I does not know how BoP missed that, but late happy Birthday Frith! Even if it was a slow running tap!

    V Was trimming in the gym inn last nite and you should see the pounds being shedded! Looking good for my appearances this weak at Steels, FryDay Night and the Theatre of Fish. Extra appearances on Thursday as it is curry nite inn town and Big Train to Warster! Extra appearances now on Sunday on the promenade as well. If yous no make it, pictures will be available next weak!

    4 I has not mentioned the Lunch Box this week yet! Today we has sour grapes, blue riband, club, tow tangerines, salad and snorker rolls. Tangerines for this weak are a tad sour! But tasty. Oh, and some tangerines in Jelly after the fiasco with the aero mouse the other weeks!

    3 Watched the speedway last night, after feeding with the prawn roulette. Bit early as the bitsers were not bitsered in a way. As fur Raffles,he has routine these days. Fed when I gets home, and then out to meet BoPsie. He has a hard life. This morning he was too sleepy for his foods, on checking. Yeah, bin fed elsewhere again!

    2 Nite for tea is fingers of fish and haricot has beans in tom sauce. Reversion foods and good for you!

    Having one today. Lass round the back had her. Well if you need to know, if he was real, she would be at his plaice? Well he has a nice car. Looks Flash, No cash, Must Dash! Got it? Not that yous here for relationship things, unless yous a software typo and do databases! Minds yous, at mill and BoPsie seems everyone has hassle! So this weak, on FryDay morning, BoP is holding council and will give short thrift on yer problems. Don’t worry, you can pm here and we will keep it public! Let BoP sorts yous load out! If yous have a burden, we can do that as well!

    Now ends you BoP dollops for today!
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