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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,991 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture I've been Money Tipped! First Post Photogenic
    Morning - loved the tree felling video, Frith

    Pleasures since Tuesday (!!)

    1. second fast day went really well - I may do two in a row more. Even had calories left for bacon, egg and a little fried potato
    2. trip to Kent to discuss Will issues. It's sorted but is fairly unsatisfactory for all of us... I need to draft a trust document.
    3. Nice to see siblings though and had a really nice evening with my sister and her family
    4. Good trip back and picked up MiL en route. She is not in martyr mode at the moment so that's good
    5. trip to the garden centre yesterday was pleasant
    6. Garden is looking pretty good. I cheated and bought some sprouted bean plants as i hadn't got round to doing them. Love a bean wigwam...
    7. DS came home and had had a good mini break in ICT
    8. Lovely warm sunshine - I will never tire of it.

    Have a good sunday all.
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • V Had snorker fest yesterday. Best back, haricot has beans in tom sauce, toast, poached eggs, mushrooms. Tum rubbed. Tea was drunk.

    4 Watched The Fighting Kentuckian last night. Had John and Ollie in it. Mischievous. Wobbleades were sipped. Did new tasting mushrooms. Not the usual roulette. Mushrooms. Bitsers from fridge. Bit of rice, garlic, chilli. Topped with cheese. You wantsom?

    3 Watching cricket. Mmmm. Too late. Watched Engerland last eve! We will be lucky to get out of the group.

    2 Nite for tea is snorkers, pan gravy an onion, leeks, cauliflower. Minted tatties. Strawberries and ice cream.

    At the non strikers end!
  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,380 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Third Anniversary
    Hello. Sat next to my dining room window enjoying the air and the chirpy birds. Letting my dinner go down then out for a doggy walk.

    Woke up to rain this morning. How unusual.

    Nice doggy walk but felt very encumbered wearing a gilet when it's been vest tops for past couple of weeks!

    Picked friend up to go to church. A lovely service but just as I was trying to escape I was caught by several people who I've not seen since I got back and who knew a young OH very well and I just felt uncomfortable and didn't want to be there. I just stand and think I don't know what you expect me to say! They've not bothered to make any prior contact even though I've been back 7 months. Anyway...spoke to others that I wanted to on my way out the door! But the churchy part was good.

    Went for lunch with friend and both our girls. I just had a baked potato. And polished my halo whilst they ate chips!

    Home via M&S and dropping them off. Was so humid and hot by this time.

    Bit of a potter around kitchen. I want to take photos of what I like ( not much ) in current kitchen and what I dislike ( most of it). Have kitchen designer on Tuesday.

    Had made slow cooker steak pie, jersey potatoes, cauliflower, carrots and snow peas for tea.

    Friend is going to take leftover wallpaper to use at her work with kids.

    My pumpkin seedlings / plants have flowers on them. Hurrah! From our Halloween pumpkin last October.

    Old(er) lady sat next to us at church. 'Do you have children at church ?' (Was prize giving ) . DD2 said 'I'm the child.' Oh...I thought you were just friends. I think there's a compliment in there somewhere...I regard my church as my church ( been going 27 years) but forget I've been in another country . So we may look like strangers but we're really not!

    The 3rd of June was the due date for my boy many years ago...he didn't bother appearing !
  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,096 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    For yesterday
    1 We relaxed during the morning
    2 Decided to get of our bums and travel to the in laws.
    3 They enjoyed the company and we enjoyed sitting in the garden with them catching up.
    4 Didn!!!8217;t get back until 3am.

    For today
    1 Re filled all the bird feeders.
    2 Planted out the petunia flowers around the garden.
    3 Hung out a couple of animal loads of bedding to dry.
    4 HM Lasagne and veg was tea and rtc Madagascan vanilla cheesecake slice will be desert
    5 Cooking up some gifted rhubarb which will be frozen crumbles.
  • Mrs_Salad_Dodger
    Mrs_Salad_Dodger Posts: 5,134 Forumite
    Sixth Anniversary I've been Money Tipped! First Post Name Dropper
    Sunday pleasures

    Gloriously hot sunny day

    Two loads in wm - one dried, folded & put away, the other still out

    Listening to the evening chorus

    DSis is happy as she found her shampoo & conditioner among the myriad boxes & washed her hair in the kitchen sink:rotfl:

    Made a good start on re-decluttering kitchen cupboards - how sad am I :rotfl: but have 1.5 bags of stuff for cs incl. items from Germany :T

    DH is happy as he gets to play on his motorbike tomorrow (on his own :rotfl:) - I keep forgetting that it is just as difficult for him as me with my DSis staying indefinitely :o He has been :A

    No cooking tonight - DH had los, DSis had los & I finished the bread & corned beef :T - very MSE of us

    Reading your pleasures

    Be Kind. Stay Safe. Break the Chain. Save Lives. 

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  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,401 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper Mortgage-free Glee!
    Pleasures for today (Sunday)

    1) Not a bad sleep.

    2) Hen OK.

    3) Popped to see my sister and niece for a cup of tea.

    4) Took smaller son to nearest English Heritage property.

    5) House quite clean and tidy.

    6) Made some fish cakes for tea that were much nicer than they looked.

    7) Just watched 2 episodes of a Very English Scandal. What on earth were those CGI badgers?!
  • house_elf
    house_elf Posts: 1,073 Forumite

    Frith Bizarrely, the badgers were not the strangest thing about this story :rotfl:


    1. Beautiful weather.

    2. Changed curtains and mopped the floor in DS1 room. Just need to rearrange the drawers and it is finished :j

    3. Left overs for lunch and roast dinner for tea.

    4. Another successful trip to Emporium W. Got bill down to half price again using wys coupon. :cool:

    5. I have broken the washing machine. According to You Tube it is easy to fix. (Door seal popped off!). :( After much ‘Chuckle Brothering’ we had to phone a friend.......he is going to get a part thismorning which will sort it. :j

    6. Booked train trip for our hols. EBay sales will cover the cost :j
    Have a lovely day :)
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post
    1. Sunny, hot day. Wonderful.

    2. Had coffee in the garden first thing. Then did some gardeu.

    3. Went shopping for shoes for DH and some clothes for a new baby.

    4. Home and more time in the garden relaxing and more weeding. Had a chat with a neighbour.

    5. BBQ and then staying outside till about 10
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,775 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Sunday pleasures,

    Early morning wander around the garden, cloudy but already warm. Sat for a while to enjoy my cuppa and was rewarded with the sight of mummy sparrow feeding her babies under the hedge.

    Bacon butties and a catch up with all things Ambridge.

    A bit of work done in garden, the honeysuckle is starting to open and perfume the air.

    Lazy afternoon snoozing under the parasol, dragged my reluctant bones over to the yard and was rewarded with an affectionate horse girlie.

    Nothing we fancied on tv so both read our books until it had gone dark. Took little dog outside for last comfort break and was just in time to see the ISS pass overhead.
  • Complicated tariffs and fares etc. On that again, BoP reminds his readers of rule of BoP. Better inn my pocket than theirs! Got it. Use that Your Stitched site for comparisons!

    Top banana! Now the Banana Splits, great TV. Not proper Scrabble! Bacon butties and marmite soldiers dippy eggs. Proper Foods!

    V We’re not on the floss either. Back in the mill and another week on the shovels. Got to shovel hard now as it is coming time for BoP Tour. Washington and Big Apple. You know the score!

    4 Forgets to gets the tea bags inn yesterday at the emporium. Had to nip into the coop and raid BoPsie’s piggy bank. Tea is now being drunk, and we don’t dunk biscuits at the mill. That is uncouth! Talking of tea, the box of lunch today was only half packed by BoPsie! Atrocious. Usual foods of Salad, cheese, club and Bourneville. I put in the Pork Pie and Digestive that BoPsie deliberately forgot! Mind you, as she did her hair yesterday, it has gone to her head! Talking of hair, yesterday as always on Sunday, I made the usual trimmings and scrubbings. As BoPise had pinched the conditioner because BoP likes it rough! Well, when BoP trims his hair, it needs a bout of proper sorting and … Sore Ted. The usual ship lotion was used afterwards! It stung!

    3 Last night played Proper Scrabble with BoPise. She remains only one win away from the chance of two on the bounce. Nearly had a pitch invasion with Raffles, but he was a quick visit. This morning at breakfast, he needed window silling. He has not managed to get through the curtains! BoP opened it for him so he could see the street. Talking of proper foods and proper breakfast, this morning being poached egg on buttered toast, I ponder how many actually sit down for it, or do you just grab and go without a curtesy!

    2 Nite BoP is inn the gym trimming the serious puppy fat. No trip to Anderby Creek in the near future.

    Can you find it then!
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