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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,936 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    how exciting to have a train held frith
    1) went to church yesterday, helped out at sunday school, then came home for an afternoon in the warm - some cleaning, some knitting and catching up on Endeavour
    2) sobbed my way through call the midwife. my brother died from meningitis many years ago soon after birth. often wonder what it would have been like had he survived. then cheered myself up with cabin pressure
    3) back to work today which meant lots of catching up so didn't get what i meant to do but got lots that had been delayed with various people off
    4) the snow has been rained on so a lot has gone. i will walk the dogs after this
    5) shared lunch at work - i made a bbc slow cooker recipe - split yellow pea dahl. it was scrummy. i made loads so enough for tomorrow and some to go in the freezer
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • [Deleted User]
    1) We've had an offer on the house, we won't take it as it's too low and too soon but how lovely to think someone likes it well enough to want it.

    2) Had a second person view this afternoon, he's a gardener and has an allotment over the road near ours. He liked the house too and hopefully will bring his wife for a second viewing soon. I'd like to leave my garden in capable hands.

    3) Hit a rich seam in the charity shops this morning, some books for Jamses' lads, some Brittains animals for Zebra and little O and a beautiful table lamp with a handmade paper shade that has leaves in the paper, so pretty for me!

    4) Nice cup of tea at a different garden centre while the afternoon viewing took place.

    5) Coming home this afternoon to the lights on and the wood stove lit (we set it off before we left) on a damp and rapidly chilling afternoon was just lovely.
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    I have read a lot of comments online today about Call the Midwife, DD. (I've never watched it). I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Both of my grandmas lost a baby sibling to meningitis and my dad is named after one. In fact, my former mother in law also lost her sister as a young child.

    Exciting move news, LW.

    Pleasures for today (Monday).

    1) Glad to get up after a rare terrible sleep.

    2) Took smaller son to school to put him in a good mood which will hopefully last the week!

    3) Went to the library to print out the physio exercises for my shoulder. It has played up a lot today and I haven't even tried them yet!

    4) Got plenty of stuff done - cleaned the landing (woodwork etc) and dusted the bookshelves. Hoovered, tidied, cleaned the porch out, swept the garden (between snow drifts!) and emptied the water butt with a bucket to speed the snow on its way. Washed all the gloves and trainers that were left wet and muddy after the past few days.

    5) Hens very perky! They left their big run for a walk round the allotment so I took the opportunity to clean their sleeping quarters out properly (as they had been fed in their for a few days). As soon as I got the fresh bedding, they jumped back in which made it quite difficult to throw the bedding to all the corners!

    6) Did baked mushrooms for my lunch then made Jack Monroe's peanut butter icecream - not my favourite of her recipes but I'm sure I shall eat it.

    7) Burritos for tea using LO from yesterday.

    8) Just watched 24 Hours in Police Custody with bigger son.

    9) Trying to get bigger son some work experience and I follow on FB the business of a former classmate of mine so I dropped him a line and he's going to get in touch with a few people. I hadn't seen him since 1991 so very kind of him!

    10) Going to bed just now and will listen to Just a Minute.
  • Mrs_Salad_Dodger
    Hi everyone, it is as if it never snowed:(

    Monday’s pleasures

    1. Taxi on time to take us to local airport - would usually use DLR but decided to start our mini break early:j

    2. Plane took off on time & there were complimentary snacks & soft drinks incl. coffee :j

    3. Dublin had seen plenty of snow - still piled high at the sides of the roads. Nice chatty cabbie who drove us to our hotel showed us photos of the rather impressive snowman & snowwoman his wife made:) & regaled us with tales of chaos re the snow :eek:

    4. The hotel is magnificent + our room was upgraded:T:)

    5. Actually unpacked, sorted rucksack for tomorrow - by 6 p.m. and left the hotel to find somewhere to eat & have wobbleades as per BoP:rotfl:

    6. Proper pub - no music!! DH had Guinness & I had a Cork Pale Ale. Shared a bowl of beef nachos, then DH belly pork with new potatoes & veg - I had the special - fish pie with a separate white sauce with broccoli. I know I shouldn’t complain, but there was so much fish packed so tightly it was like trying to eat a steak & they scrimped on the potato topping :( but only two bones :j DH thoroughly enjoyed his bellypork & I ate two thirds of my fish pie because I was starving ( a packet of crisps on the plane) - DH finished it off. We both agreed that we enjoy my fish pie more:rotfl:

    7. Sauntered back to the hotel & decided to treat ourselves by having a night cap in the very posh hotel bar (with very ‘posh’ prices :rotfl:) - ended up having two nightcaps & a good old chinwag. Back in our room by 9:15 & DH snoring away by 9:45 p.m.

    8. Lying in bed reading your posts.

    Nighty night.

    Be Kind. Stay Safe. Break the Chain. Save Lives. 

    2024 Savings Pot Challenge: As a monthly amount, running total = £166.85
    Jan £5; Feb £13; Mch £25; Apr £31:65; May £42.20; Jun £50.00; July £??; Aug £??; Sep £??; Oct £??; Nov £??; Dec £??.  Grand Total £??
  • house_elf
    house_elf Posts: 1,073 Forumite
    edited 6 March 2018 at 7:25AM


    1. EBayer collected lawnmower. He was very happy with his purchase, and felt confident he could fix it.

    2. Drove the 4 wheel drive to Mr A and had no probs parking or getting out of the car park. Unlike some!

    3. More bargain wine in Mr A.

    4. Trip to look at an extension built by someone who may be able to project manage our extension. Very similar to what we want. Would really like to give him the job, as such a lovely family.

    5. Invited to young friends for tea. Admired their newly decorated kitchen. Nice food, nice wine, nice conversation.

    Got home to no water :eek: so filled the bath with snow :j


    1. Water back, but only very low pressure.

    2. Late for work, but don!!!8217;t think anyone noticed.:o

    3. Got lots of work done.

    4. Bought 20 litres of water on the way home, as DS2 text to say no water again. DH had done the same, but water back on!

    5. Home to Coq au vin in the slow cooker, glass of red wine, and Call the Midwife.......:(

    6. Water pressure high enough to run the dish washer :j

    BoP My rant would be about walking your children to school, to reduce traffic in the mornings.........surely I am not the only person dropping their child................. on the way to work?

    Happy Tuesday :)
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    For Monday.
    1. Car started first time. First time I had used it in a week and wondered how well it would start after all the cold weather.

    2. Had a meeting in the afternoon and so had to cross sites. Arrived as it was starting so are in the meeting. Lunch was provided but could hardly move with my back and not in the best of moods.
    It was agreed in the meeting that we would have them 6 weekly instead of monthly. Starting in July so constructive criticism has done something. Things are being changed so may have time for lunch in future.

    3. Main meeting followed by a smaller meeting. Don't think this one will achieve anything. Minutes taken but manager and staff causing the problems don't think there is an issue! Some of us consistently do twice the work of others guess who feels there is no problem.

    4. Home and on leave for the rest of the week. It's a good feeling. Nothing planned but painting, cleaning the house and gardening if the back allows or reading and doing jigsaws if back in pain.

    5. Had taken a shepherd's pie from the freezer so an easy tea.
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,672 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Positive move news Lyn

    Monday pleasures,

    Sunshine and no snow, hung the spring wreath on my front door in celebration.

    Opened the windows and let the fresh air blow in, house felt stale after being closed up against the cold.

    Heard back from Uni of Cam, didn’t get an interview for research role :( disappointed but being philosophical about it as am sure something better waiting.

    Over to see princess pony, rug off and gave her good groom, she is shedding like mad and very itchy. I have a very flexible horse as she was nearly bent in half at one point getting at an itch with her teeth, equine yoga :D

    Quiet evening, Uni Challenge and then last episode of Collateral.
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    5 Now I is looking at the flurry of activity for something on Thursday. Seems Ms Millwright is active! More later I guess, meanwhile in the boiler room I have again filled my own lunch box for today and it is the same as usual. Proper foods and good for you.

    4 Did make me ponder though, in gaffers other shed, the team there have promised the world, but did not have the manpower! So I have charged them a fortune, in our back pockets not theirs, and loaned them at extreme extortionate rates, a stoker for a couple of months. They have placed a young graduate into the management of the team. If he was a male, he would be called a puppy! She is female, is it right to call her a kitten. Thoughts!
    The answer is the same, the graduate does not have experience to do this!
    Still, see above, we have charged an extortionate rate!

    3 Ponder still! No, yesterday in Moanday and BoPsie has our wheels of steel all day so she can potter about and do the likes. So it took her well over 2 hours to pick BoP up, when it should take only thirty minutes. No she was not doing her lippy in the mirror either! All day the expressway was closed because some blade of grass had blown over and the rat runs were chocker! Blade of grass happned early in the morning pre dawn and chaos ensued through the day! As said yesterday about the missing bus on the express lane! People have to travel because they cannot move! Well looks like BoP is inn a rite good rant this weak!

    By the ways, has you lot checked that you’re stitched site yet! Use rule of BoP and no greasy palms.
    Our supplier has this very day reimbursed wobbleade chits because of the meter of smart install and the inability of the person to check the fire! This will be liquidated later!

    2 Nite as you are well versed by now, BoP will be trimming his beach ready looks in the gym. Viewing is obligatory!

    Alas, your version of the Life of BoP continues apace, now back to my lunch box!
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Exciting news re house move, Mrs LW

    DD - same, re call the midwife and coming so soon after th'archers too. I am examining every little cut closely... My aunt had meningitis as a baby, she survived but is not fully developed mentally..

    Pleasures since whenever

    1. Getting study back - it's not quite finished but I am now back working in it and loving it.
    2. two concerts with DS - Stereophonics on Thursday and Elbow on Saturday. Both excellent and driving to and from concert venue was not too bad (Friday's concert was cancelled at the same venue, so we were lucky)
    3. Warmed up at last
    4. looking through DS's nursery book - "J played with the trains"; "J played with the trains with Johnny"; "J did a puzzle - it was the train one"; "J told us his news - AND HE DIDN'T MENTION TRAINS" :rotfl:
    5. Pictures with DD - "I, Tonya" - was interesting and differently shot
    6. Washing dried on the line
    7. My daffs have perked up now it is less cold
    8. Call the midwife - such an excellent programme

    Have a good day all - it's the MiL's birthday today so taking her out for dinner.
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • [Deleted User]
    1) It's warm enough outside today not to need a hat and gloves.

    2) Lovely lunch out at my favourite vegan restaurant where I had crushed avocado on super bread with rocket and carrot 'smoked salmon' which was surprisingly similar in look, taste and texture to the real thing. A piece of raw Chocolate orange cake and a very good cup of single estate coffee and I'm a happy me!

    3) Viewer of house yesterday loved the house and garden, is very interested and his house is already on the market. No offer as yet but we'll wait and see.

    4) Found more Melissa and Doug bargains in the antiques emporium where they surprisingly have a new toy shop. Got Zebra a Frog Raincoat for £3 (it's got frog eyes on top of the hood and is the most wonderfully lurid green he'll adore it. Also found a magic painting pad with a water bulb pen that is dry off and use again, magic!

    5) DD1 ordered me a new pair of Pro-Yak Trax and they arrived today while we were out to lunch, these have a strap to keep them on, sadly my last pair didn't and when I went to take them off my now dry walking boots, there they were .....not there!
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