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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Pleasures for today (Thursday)

    1) Not a bad sleep.

    2) Went to my ordinary dentist (Art Deco cinema town). Sons went to paddle in the river. I just about made it to the dentist, though I was at a 45 degree angle before collapsing into the chair - so tired and faint today. He was impressed by the size of the hole and the depths and angles of the roots. :-( It is still bleeding (a bit) which didn't impress him quite so much. Back in a fortnight.

    3) Hens well and we picked lots of courgettes.

    4) Did very little all day again. The driving and walking to the dentists was too much.

    5) Watched the film Pride whilst resting in bed this afternoon.

    6) Managed to tidy up a bit and make 30 fairy cakes for smaller son's birthday tomorrow - 14 !

    7) My friend has just phoned about smaller son's chef's whites and her friend has some work experience for him in a restaurant (if he will agree to that...)
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    hey, Frith, just look after you. it will heal much quicker if you do

    Pleasures for today

    1. Decided not to clean kitchen or do ironing. I am in ICT this weekend and going to France to stay with a friend on Monday. They can jolly well get on with it until i get back.... Perhaps what i do will be appreciated, if i don't do it.:p
    2. Good train ride to ICT - quiet train and i got lots done
    3. good walk by the sea when i arrived
    4. Yummy tea of salmon, new pots, carrots and green beans
    5. Who do you think you are?

    Sleep well all
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • ampersand
    ampersand Posts: 9,568 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    edited 5 August 2017 at 8:41AM
    1. & is on returning coach as we speak. Terrific, bonzer Spookies concert. Could have stayed so much longer. We all sang our way out following them doing same, into big 2-level gallery space, currently home to the 2017 biennial Ruth Borchard self-portrait competition entries. And we danced:-). Ah well... & feared no 390 bus would arrive after 2230h to trek her back>in time for Norwich bus. It's quite a hike from that V station.>coach V. station. Made it, fast canter, but have now had to sort a town of gowny cab to Trumpy PnR, not cheap at 2 bells. There's been a cockup: not &'s. On verra.

    2. Decided to find venue first, collect tkt. Slightly old stamping ground. Kings Place is in York Way, which often led back to former & Hampstead abode. Lo! & behold, grauniad/observer orifices share the space AND there's a ceramics/sculpture exhbn btwn the 2: Pangolin Gallery, vjm. Do you ever venture that way if you're@British Library?

    3. Big Smoke people-watching. Infinite in our variety are we:-)

    4. During afternoon, used Art Pass for Garden Museum@Lambeth Palace. One visit not enough. Handed in several historic pages, 1873, of joinery accounts which someone had left in caf!. Saw them on floor under a table. Fascinating to read. 'Table leg repair 4/-'. Another big a/c exceeded £52, but '£6 discount given' for '2 Indian waggons'. Sincerely hope they are reunited with owner.

    5. & has Danish surname, not obviously so. Spookymen head there after UK. Have started looking at possible trajet. & has been only once, early 70s, pre-France. Great-Uncle Axel wouldn't be alive now, but still....
    Coach clock says 0104h.

    Mhags, would love to help, but not without seeing/handling. It must have 'spoken' to you. Take it to local museum or gallery or auction house of probity. The first should give you sound, impartial advice/assessment.
    I have cleaned and restored pieces, but it's not an amateur pastime. Do describe, please :-) and say what drew you to it.

    Frith - have as much cba time as you need. Wow for younger son! (a) being 14, (b) possible chef-ing!

    Hit send from the M11&. Go on, I dare you:-)
    p.s. Annoyingly, coach driver offered to stop at Trumpy PnR as we passed((((, but & didn't then like to mess taxi co. about. Had to wait a bit at Parkside, blowy, wet, go all the way back AND pay... Ended up @ &squat about usual Spits rtn time.
    01274 760721, freephone0800 328 0006
    'People don't want much. They want: "Someone to love, somewhere to live, somewhere to work and something to hope for."
    Norman Kirk, NZLP- Prime Minister, 1972
    'It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere' François-Marie AROUET

  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,268 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    It's blooming freezing!
    It's Friday so hurrah.
    Lovely shift at work. I think because I now know it really isn't a forever job it's better.
    2 trips to Salvos.
    Posted a letter to my letter writing friend.
    Everyone is out either camping / working / gallivanting!

    I'm just waiting on someone picking up the table, she took chairs yesterday. Then I can do quick dog walk before it gets dark.

    & my painting is by Brian McGuffie, someone obviously didn't check who he was as his paintings sell at auction for a lot, lot more than the $44 I paid! I wanted an Australian picture to bring home ( have lots of Scottish watercolours) that said 'Australia ' to me and this just caught my eye and will go in my dining room.
    I gave the frame a wipe with a slightly damp cloth and that took a lot of the dust off. Anyway, I like it which is what counts !

    Table manoeuvred into a teeny car and she will have to drive at an odd angle! So I'm off to walk the dog. Have a lovely day !
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    5 Chaos again. We in the boiler room placed out a special meeting notice about gloating and going off down to the woblleale emporium and really make a do of it. Seems our gloating, see pictures and trinkets earlier this week, has paid dividends. The others amongst the periphery are wanting to come as well. This is going to be some stage show. More later.

    4 Last nite watched the leather being whacked around again and there was an urban fox trancing around near the b!oundary rope.

    3 Just sort inn out day out the morrow. Flask of tom soup, ham, roll and a piece of get me all has be purchased. Tum rubbing tomorrow. More later.

    2 Nite Big train to Warster may be the one to catch and off four stops from the end. The red paint is ready for the town. More later

    Did you see that?
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    DfV - it wasn't my sister in the pre fab! She says the other lady is excellent - really get into the role. My sister tends to ask more questions, especially of people who had relatives who lived in pre fabs. (She also likes to pretend she is in my grandparents' house).

    Pleasures for today:

    1) Smaller son is now 14! I felt a bit sorry for him with my being out of action this week and thought perhaps the day was a bit low key. We went to my parents for lunch and luckily they had taken over the making of hot dogs and bought a cake. My sister and niece were also there.

    2) Hens very well and they enjoyed a fairy cake!

    3) Smaller son wanted to spend his birthday money on football boots so we went out for those.

    4) He wanted tea at McDs so off we went there and (drum roll) I ate my first solid food since Monday tea time! A cheeseburger, eaten over 20 minutes.

    5) Bigger son is out making his first million washing up at the local pub.

    6) Smaller son and I enjoyed watching Mo Farah win his world title.
  • Kittikins
    Kittikins Posts: 5,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    edited 5 August 2017 at 8:56AM
    Hello from Welsh Wales, where Miss Kittikins and I have been a'learning :)

    1. Lots and lots of rain, but it didn't dampen our spirits and I resolutely wore my fab American-won't-slip-even-whilst-walking-through-a-tornado flipflops every day :)

    2. When the sun came out, we swam and played on the beach. The beaches are soooooo beautiful!

    3. In between dodging the weather, we learned LOADS of lovely Latin and got very respectable scores on our 'equivalent to GCSE level 1' test paper at the end of the 2-week course.

    4. The course being so fabulous, we extended our stay from 1 week to 2!!!

    5. Very luxurious accommodation both weeks, a 3-bed detached house for the first week, partly spent with KW, the second in a studio bungalow, just a few minutes further down the same road, opposite the beach :)

    6. Loving Welsh-sized portions in restaurants :)

    7. Loving how cheap everything is compared to home!

    8. Can't wait to book Welsh cakes on my proper new bakestone, which will be living at KWs :)

    9. Collected lots of sea glass, which I have crafty plans for.

    10. DD and I dragged a huge piece of driftwood along the beach, which we will be presenting to KW on our return, as he loves it as much as we do.

    11. KW gave me a love spoon :):):)

    12. DD REALLY loved being at university, and how has a sweatshirt to prove it from the uni shop! :) Our teacher thought she was about to go into year 10, rather than year 8, which also pleased her immensely :)

    13. I loved learning Latin, having not done any formally since Year 8 in the mid 1980s. Am now going to try and find a GCSE evening course (hopefully the Classics Centre in Oxford can help) as I love a bit of paper!!

    14. We've tried many rather a lot of new-to-us flavours of gelato, the best being tiramisu.....

    15. I've only just started thinking about school work and as I can't sleep right now, have done a bit of list-making and finding resources.

    15. DD now thinks that KW is rather perfect for me and that she likes him too! Yay!!!

    16. KW and I loved spending more time together with DD and the odd moment on our own :)

    17. We also got to spend a lovely evening with one of my BFFs, who moved back to Swansea a few months ago. She's loved up to, as is her mummy, who's getting married in a week, so poor Miss Kitty had to listen to us all being slushy one evening ;):)

    18. Dread to think what my bank balance looks like, but have been making lots of picnics for us and buying diet coke in multipacks etc, rather than spending all our money eating out.

    19. DD and I went to see a fabulous kids' film "A dog's purpose" last Sunday, it was amazing and has already been pre-ordered on Ama&on :)

    20. So many more pleasures, I can't put them all down!
  • house_elf
    house_elf Posts: 1,073 Forumite
    Hello Peeps!

    Back from holiday. Wifi was rubbish, catching up now......

    & ....listening to Spookymen while typing ❤️

    The highlights of the last week.

    1. The weather in Greece has been sunny and warm, and we have a tan from a week in the shade! :j

    2. Seeing DD every day. She is enjoying work and has made friends with some nice girls. (No rich Greek shipping magnate :rotfl: ) Saw about 4 performances. Very good.

    3. DD and DS2 went paragliding and to a water park, so DH and I took the opportunity to go on a Daytrip to Santorini. So, beautiful. Like walking through a postcard! ( Not cheap though :eek: but it had to be done. There may not be another opportunity!).

    4. Lovely food, but because we have walked so much, and been swimming, I have lost half a stone!

    5. We have given DD our toothpaste, shower gel, deodorant, tea, coffee, etc. She will not have to buy stuff for a few weeks. Greece is very expensive!!!!!!

    6. It has been good to get away from screens and only being able to get internet on the phone intermittently. Enjoyed watching the last episode of Handmaids Tale last night. DH has caught up on GoT and DS2 has barely left his room, he is very happy to be reunited with his computer!
  • Skint_yet_Again
    Lainey, glad your poorly lab is much better, oh boy can they eat. Our little girl Bella would eat till she burst if we let her !

    Frith, glad tooth extraction went ok. Did the tooth fairy come ? ;)

    PK thinking of you and your DF x

    Pleasures for saturday
    1. so glad its the weekend :j
    2. DS did early puppy toilet shift at 2am so I slept from 10 ish till 5am - my usual work getting up time - and felt more human this morning. DS had a lie in.

    3. got lots of washing done early and dried by 11am as showers forecast

    4. went to car boot with a friend but rain stopped play. Lots of thunder but thankfully no lightening as I stood in the middle of a field with my brolly up :eek:

    5. got some RTC yellow stickered stuff in co-op, a large (feeds 4) chicken pie from £3.33 to £1.66 and spaghetti carbonara down from £2.49 to £1.24.
    0% credit card £1360 & 0% Car Loan £7500 ~ paid in full JAN 2020 = NOW DEBT FREE 🤗
    House sale OCT 2022 = NOW MORTGAGE FREE 🤗
    House purchase completed FEB 2023 🥳🍾 Left work. 🤗

    Retired at 55 & now living off the equity £10k a year (until pensions start at 60 & 67).

    Previous Savings diary

    Living off savings diary
  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,055 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    1 We travelled over to the in laws last night, and I travelled back with their car to work on over the weekend, loaded up with their lovely home-grown veg.

    2 DH was busy working on both neighbour’s cars and his mums car, the neighbour was ever so kind, not only slipped him a little bit of cash, but also passed on a whole box of tools as DH does so much work and he enjoys the idea that they will get use.

    3 I rather enjoyed having some time, I went for a local stroll and came back with 2kg of blackberry’s, and just got back as a massive thunder storm passed through.

    4 I made us all sausage and tomato sandwiches for lunch, with a massive cuppa.

    5 With so many cars being fixed, the neighbour has kindly let us use his driveway to store for the weekend, as one car is his anyway, and the MILs car will be going back on Monday night.

    A little update on DF, the hospital is having a meeting next week, they will discuss if DF is well enough to undergo massive surgery, or if it will turn to palliative care which then gives us a few weeks, I am so glad they have done all they can, it’s not a decision that I have to make.
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